Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 889 Han Yang’s Martial Saint’s Death


What are you doing!

The two guardians, Jiu Ri and Hong Yue, never expected that such a thing would happen.

Although these thirteen people are not the first-series geniuses, they are also the absolute confidants of the Sun Moon God Sect. Otherwise, it would be impossible to be sent to a good place like Shenxu.

The two of them had no defense against the thirteen people before.

Boom boom boom!

Thirteen fierce attacks all landed on the Nine-Day Protector's body.

The nine-day protector had just tried his best to help them overcome the disaster. He was in the most exhausted and weakest state. He could only barely block seven or eight attacks, and was immediately hit by the rest.




In an instant, the master of the Sun Moon God Cult was injured all over his body.

Every seventh-level martial saint was once the top genius in the first sequence, or even the leader of an era.

When the Nine-Day Protector was young, he was also the first person in the first sequence of his generation.

He possesses a first-level spirit body.

This level of spiritual body has become the basis for his life-saving.

If he didn't have the protection of a first-level spirit body and the cultivation of a seventh-level martial saint, I'm afraid that just this one blow would be enough for him to die in the siege.

A third-level spirit body combined with the cultivation of a third-level martial saint is even more powerful than many fifth- and sixth-level martial saints.

With deliberate calculation and unintentional calculation, he almost killed the Nine-Day Protector with a sneak attack.

The seriously injured Nine-Day Protector was furious: You ungrateful bastards, I...


Before he could curse, three of the three double third-level geniuses brazenly launched themselves into self-destruction.

But this time, the target they attacked was not the Nine-Day Protector, but the Red Moon.

Another surprise.

Although Protector Hongyue had been prepared to take precautions, he was still injured by the self-explosion and was involuntarily pushed back more than ten feet.

Damn bastard...

Before she could launch a counterattack, the other ten people spontaneously blew themselves up in a frenzy.



Boom boom...

The Red Moon Protector could not have imagined that these people would be so crazy, and they were seriously injured by the explosion.

In the blink of an eye, the Sun-Moon God Sect, which had been so happy and prepared to welcome its glorious future, ended up with the tragic end of having all its geniuses dead and two seventh-level martial saints seriously injured and on the verge of death.

This scene shocked everyone.

The floating star chess master, black star sword master, and star picking sword master were stunned and stood on the spot.

The genius of the Sun Moon God Sect did not hesitate to self-destruct and seriously injure the two guardians?

This is simply more absurd than the two major leaders of the Sun and Moon Sect betraying the Sun and Moon Sect.

Those thirteen geniuses, who possess third-level spiritual bodies and can become ninth-level martial saints, how could they choose to self-destruct without fear of death?

Even the three of them were shocked on the spot and forgot to take advantage of the opportunity to take action.

An Hongyu's eyes were dull, his brain was swollen, and he couldn't even react to what happened.

how so?

Not to mention the peerless geniuses of the third-order spirits, even the first-order spirits and those in the first sequence cannot casually self-destruct, not to mention that they are still hurting their own people.

The thirteen geniuses of the Sun Moon God Sect are crazy.



Before she could react, something happened again.

The nineteen geniuses of Qingyu Temple all exploded one after another at the same time for some unknown reason.

This time, they didn't even conduct a test attack, they just exploded on the spot.



Boom boom...

An Hongyu is very powerful and even has a first-level spirit body, but the nineteen double third-level geniuses self-destructed, and the destructive power produced was terrifying.

Not to mention, these people seem to have practiced evil techniques specifically designed to enhance the power of self-destruction.

In an instant, he used the forbidden technique to burn his own flesh and blood essence, raising his strength to its peak state, and exploded one by one at its peak state.

An Hongyu, who was caught off guard, was blown up to the point of dying, leaving no trace of skin around his body.


Letting out a desperate roar, An Hongyu, one of the four cardinals of the Qingyu Temple... fell!

She was actually killed by one of her own people.

The scene that happened next to An Hongyu was like blowing a battle horn! .

Boom boom boom!

Fifteen people in Moluo Domain self-destructed.

Boom boom boom!

Twenty-one people from Tiandao Academy blew themselves up.

Boom boom boom!

Eighteen members of the Lianxin family blew themselves up.

Nearly a hundred double and third-level geniuses came forward one after another, and in an instant they chose to find their own seventh-level martial saint, causing both sides to lose.

Zhuge Wufeng is on the verge of death!

The fire demon Luo Hai is on the verge of death!

Liao Shu was seriously injured, the Fifth Mountain Chief was seriously injured, and the Sixth Mountain Chief was seriously injured!

The more sects with double and third-level geniuses, the more miserable the seventh-level martial saints will be bombed.

Only Tiandao Academy suffered the least damage because there were three seventh-level martial saints who shared the attacks of the geniuses.

The rules are broken!

The void trembles!

Thick smoke fills the air!

Before the exit of Shenxu, it turned into hell almost instantly.

All the martial saints from the five major sects, no, including Xingxiu Hai, and the six major sects were dumbfounded.

Even Zhuge Wufeng and others, who were half-dead by the explosion, could not recover for a long time.


They couldn't understand why a dual-level third-level genius with a bright future would do this?



Just when everyone was shocked and at a loss, the sound of a knife sounded in the void.

The next moment, a figure emerged from the light at the exit of Shenxu.

The knife in his hand went straight towards the nine-day protector who was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

The Formless God and Buddha Beheads!

Han Yang!

Everyone recognized the knife immediately.

Once upon a time, Han Yang used this sword to kill the Martial Saint with a ninth-level Martial Master cultivation level, and became famous all over the world.

Now, Han Yang slashed out again.

The difference is that at this time, Han Yang has the second-level Holy Land of Heaven, plus the eighth level of Martial Ancestor, and even the sixth of the Nine Formless Transformations.


Han Yang struck out with the pinnacle sword of his life.

Between the sky and the earth, everything was white, and only this blade was shining.


The nine-day protector, who was still in shock, finally woke up, but unfortunately it was still too late.

He was seriously injured.

Wherever he could defend himself at this moment, Han Yang's sword light quickly flew towards him.


The blood shines and the head flies up.

The nine-day protector, who was seriously injured and on the verge of death, failed to block the sword.

Beside, Protector Hongyue's eyes were filled with horror, but she couldn't think of a counterattack, so she turned around and ran away.

Having withstood the self-destruction attacks of thirteen double third-level geniuses, her current state was even worse than that of the Nine-Day Protector.


She is fast, and Han Yang is even faster.


The sound of the sword sounded again.


The heads also flew high in the air.

Red Moon Protector, die!

It was not until this moment that the seventh-level martial saints who were seriously injured by the explosion woke up from the shock.


No one dared to stay and fight back against Han Yang.

Not to mention whether they could kill Han Yang because they were seriously injured and on the verge of death. There must be people from Xingxiu Sea watching in the hiding place.

The three mountain chiefs of Tiandao Academy fled the fastest, followed closely by Zhuge Wufeng.

At this moment, there was another loud laugh.

Old Zhuge, where do you want to escape?


A bright sword light fell from the sky and went straight to Zhuge Wufeng's head.

black Star!

Zhuge Wufeng's eyes were about to burst.

He didn't even have the chance to launch a desperate blow from the forbidden technique.


The sword light fell.

Zhuge Wufeng, die!

Three nerds, please stay too!

Six white chess pieces descended and instantly blocked the path of Liao Shu and the others.


Liao Shu and the others went crazy, unleashing their strongest attack and instantly tearing open the seals of six chess pieces.

But at this moment, a clanging sound sounded.


The moon-gold wheel roared towards the three people.




The three of them attacked frantically, but were still trapped by the Moon Gold Wheel and could not escape for the time being.

This is the power of the sacred weapon.

Fire Demon Luo Hai's whole body was burning with black flames, and he fled forward in despair.


The sound of swords sounded.

The Star Reaching Sword Master takes action.


The sword light was shattered by the fire demon Luo Hai's punch, but his escape movement also stopped for a moment.

You can all die!

Han Yang's cold voice sounded behind him...

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