Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 892 The Heavenly Warrior who offends me will be punished

Brother Han, where are we...going?

After two years, Xiao Jiuer seemed a little excited and a little confused to be with Han Yang again.

At this time, Han Yang had used the Phaseless Mask to restore the appearance of the God of War in his previous life, and even his aura had completely changed. Hearing this, he smiled and said, Some people are still coveting Tianwu, and I am going to give them a surprise.


Xiao Jiuer didn't understand what Han Yang meant, but didn't think much about it.

To her, as long as she could stay with Han Yang, nothing else mattered.

The two flew together.

After being promoted to the eighth level of Martial Ancestor, Han Yang's speed increased greatly.

It only took two days to reach the border of Manzhou.

At this moment, a Royal Sky Boat appeared not far ahead, coming towards this direction at lightning speed.

The symbol on the flying boat is the Sun and Moon God Sect!


Han Yang's figure trembled and he suddenly appeared in front of Yukong Feizhou.

Be bold!

You dare to intercept my god's flying boat, I'm tired of living!

kill him!

The warriors of the Sun and Moon God Sect on the flying boat had no idea what was happening in Tianwu Paradise, and they were still eager to share the benefits.

Seeing someone blocking him, someone immediately took action forcefully.

A first-level martial saint slashed out with one sword, and the waning moon rose into the sky.


The moment he took action, the sound of swords sounded.

A sword light hundreds of feet long penetrated the heaven and earth.

Compared with the strength of this sword, the sword struck by the Martial Saint of the Sun and Moon God Sect was like a firefly.

Intermediate Martial Saint!

not good!

There was chaos on the flying boat.

In Xiaomanzhou, the Martial Ancestor was already a peak powerhouse, and now there was an intermediate Martial Saint appearing in the world, which shocked them greatly.

Be bold!

A figure flew out of the flying boat and slashed at the sword light.

The bright sun rises into the sky!

It was a fourth-level martial saint.

But when he actually slashed out with his sword and faced the edge of the sword, he realized how powerful the opponent was.


The sword light directly tore through his sword light like it was destroying everything.


The sword light penetrated his body and cut him into the void.

At this time, the warriors on the flying boat were completely panicked.


We are the Sun and Moon God Sect...

More than a dozen first-, second- and third-level martial saints fled in all directions.

As for those Martial Ancestors and Martial Lords, they didn't even have a chance to escape. They were suppressed by the momentum and crawled on the flying boat.


The sword light fell, and the entire flying boat turned into ashes.


The fleeing martial saints let out desperate roars, and like drowning children, they rolled back to where the sword light fell.




More than a dozen martial saints, unable to fight back, were all killed by the sword light.

After killing everyone, Han Yang put away his sword and continued moving forward with Xiao Jiuer.

Hundreds of miles passed.

Once again, a flying boat appeared.

This time, the flying boat came from the Demono Realm.



The people on the flying boat roared in despair and all perished.

The third ship!

The fourth ship!

Han Yang killed all the way and even defeated the Yukong flying boat.

In less than seven days, thirteen imperial flying boats were destroyed, countless Martial Lords and Martial Ancestors were killed, and hundreds of Martial Saints were killed!

Tianhai Alliance is the most special of the seven holy sects in Manzhou.

The Tianhai Alliance is not so much a Holy Land sect as it is an alliance organized by chambers of commerce.

Compared to sects such as Xingxiu Mountain, Putuo Temple, and Jingshi Valley, Tianhai League can be regarded as uncontested.

Their only interest is doing business!

Even such a major event as the birth of the blessed land did not cause any disputes among them.

Rather than occupying Tianwu Paradise, Tianhai Alliance wants to do business.

Putuo Temple, Xumi Sect, Jingshi Valley Sect and Xingxiu Mountain fought to the death for the blessed land. Jingshi Valley even wiped out the sect because of this, and the Tianhai Alliance never participated.

In their view, there was absolutely no need to fight.

If people from the Tianhai Alliance want to practice in Tianwu Paradise, they can wait until the dispute in Tianwu Paradise ends and buy some places to practice there.

In the eyes of the merchants of Tianhai League, money can make the world go round!

The things that money can solve are all small things!

There is no need to fight and kill at all.

However, the subsequent development of the matter was beyond the expectations of everyone in the Tianhai Alliance.

The five major sects of the Middle-earth Divine Continent unexpectedly sent strong Martial Saints to the Tianwu Paradise, completely changing the battle situation in the Tianwu Paradise.

In the following month, more and more flying boats continued to fly to Tianwu Paradise via the territory of Tianhai Alliance.

On the flying boat, there are often dozens of Martial Saints, hundreds of Martial Ancestors, and thousands of Martial Lords.

To the Tianhai Alliance, these powerful men are no different than prehistoric giant crocodiles.

Therefore, during this month, everyone in the Tianhai Alliance lived in trepidation.

He was afraid that if he offended these powerful men, his sect would be destroyed.

Even if it is to die, the prosperous Tianhai Alliance is still used as a supply base by the five major sects.

Royal flying boats continue to land in the Tianhai League's territory to purchase various supplies.

Although Tianhai League made a small fortune, Tianhai League couldn't let these people get out early.

On this day, two figures, one large and one small, appeared outside the Holy City of Tianhai League.

I haven't invited you to eat for a long time. What do you want to eat?

It will be all right!

Candied haws?


The big one and the small one are naturally Han Yang and Xiao Jiuer.

Xiao Jiuer is tender-skinned after all.

Although she really likes the feeling of holding Han Yang's big hand and going shopping together, she is not as thick-skinned as Ji Xiangtian, and she doesn't know how to act coquettishly. She can only say anything is fine and ok.

If this were a lucky day, he would definitely say with a shy face: I like everything the owner buys for me.

Han Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head to clear away the random thoughts in his mind.

If it weren't for Ji Xiangtian who still had to go through the tribulation, he might really have chosen to take that girl with him.

The two of them were talking and laughing as they walked towards the city gate.

Xiao Jiuer was eating candied haws, and the smile on his face became more natural.


At this moment, a general wearing armor rolled out of the city and hit them in front of them, sending up dust all over the sky.

Mad! It's his honor that I have taken a liking to your lieutenant. How dare you, a little martial lord, stop me!

A young man dressed in Moluoyu costumes walked out of the city gate proudly.

Seeing the Moluo Realm logo on the young man's clothes, the people at the city gate dispersed in a hurry, not even daring to stay and watch the excitement.

During this period, the powerful men from the five major sects of the Middle-earth Divine Continent allowed the people of the Tianhai League to see what the real devil was.


The general's face was covered in blood, but he spat hard and laughed with disdain: I thought the strong men in the Demon Realm had any power, but it turns out they are just like ruffians.

As soon as these words came out, the anger on the face of the young man from the Moluo Realm disappeared instantly. Instead, he pointed at the general and laughed: Hahaha... good! Very good! The Tianhai Alliance is really going to rebel, and they dare to insult the Moluo Realm!

This is obviously a rip-off.

The general realized that he had said the wrong thing in a moment of anger, and his face turned pale.


At this moment, a sword light lit up.

Along with the sword light, there was also an angry shout.

You don't know how to live or die! If you dare to insult the Supreme Sect of Shenzhou, you will die!

The person who came was unexpectedly a deputy leader of the Tianhai Alliance, a ninth-level Martial Lord!

Regardless of the reason, he will kill his subordinates to flatter the enemy...

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