Except for Deng Xuan and Li Bahu, Fei Qian also stood blankly on the spot.

Because of the direct relationship between Xingxiu Mountain and Xingxiu Sea, he has a better understanding of the major sects in the Middle-earth Divine Continent.

There are three ninth-level martial masters of the Qingyu Temple.

Under the three palace masters are four red-clothed archbishops who are in the realm of seventh-level martial saints.

Lang Tingfeng is truly one of the four red archbishops.

Wu Ming's sword was equivalent to cutting off an arm of the Qingyu Temple!

Did I make a mistake? In fact, this is not Xingxiu Hai Xingzi, but really a member of the hidden sect?

Fei Qian also began to doubt life.

The stars in Xingxiu Sea are definitely not that powerful.

Even the youngest genius in the Xingxiu Sea, the Star-catching Sword Master, cannot be an opponent of the seventh-level Martial Saint...

Who is this person?

Han Yang stood in the void, feeling the changes in his body.

If it was in Tianwu Paradise, the injury at the fifth level of the Nine Phaseless Transformation could be recovered in a few breaths.

But outside the Tianwu Blessed Land, I'm afraid it would take a stick of incense!

It was just a stick of incense, he could afford to wait.

He suddenly looked at Xiao Jiuer with a smile and asked, Can you still fight?

Xiao Jiuer smiled sweetly and nodded vigorously.

Can fight!

The body of a zombie is immortal.

As long as there is enough death energy, her injuries can even recover faster than Han Yang!

This is one of the reasons why Han Yang brought Xiao Jiuer instead of Ji Xiangtian.

The rest of the journey is destined to be bloody.

Only if he and Xiao Jiuer recovered quickly enough, they would not be dragged down by their injuries, survive the crazy pursuit of the major sects, and move forward.

After burning the incense, Han Yang slowly opened his eyes.



The two figures suddenly disappeared on the spot.

Hundreds of miles away, somewhere in a mountain valley.

Three sixth-level martial saints from the Qingyu Temple and three sixth-level martial saints from the Sun and Moon Temple stood opposite each other, waiting slightly anxiously.

The negotiations between Lu Yun and Lang Tingfeng with the War God Sect involved the future of Tianwu Paradise and even Shenxu, and even the four sects. They did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

If the two sides reach a cooperation, the four sects can not only occupy the sacred ruins, but also connect with the hidden sects, achieving multiple things with one stone.

But if the talks collapse, the four major sects... may be in trouble.

Time flies by while waiting anxiously.

Brother An, it's been an hour. Please send a message to ask about the situation...

A martial saint from the Sun Moon God Sect couldn't help but urge him.

An Zong glanced at him indifferently and said coldly: The bishop said, let us just wait for the news. Don't make any noise!

The Sun Moon God Sect's Martial Saint's face twitched.

During this period of time, the Sun and Moon God Sect disliked everyone!

The two major cult leaders were hunted down and the four major protectors fell. Now the other sects do not regard them as allies at all, and they can humiliate them as much as they want with their words.

However, the situation is not as good as human beings, and it is impossible to have an attack.

The atmosphere at the scene became awkward.

At this moment, the sound of piercing the sky was vaguely heard from the direction of the Holy City of Tianhai Alliance.


Two words broke the news, it seems that the deal is done!

The six of them were relieved when they heard only two voices. It didn't sound like a pursuit or a counter-pursuit.

Even the three great martial saints of the Sun and Moon Sect showed joy.

If the plan to drive away the tiger and swallow the wolf is completed, Han Yang and Xingxiu Hai will definitely die.

No matter how talented and powerful Han Yang is, he cannot be the opponent of the hidden sect.

The deep grudges of the past must be repaid...with profits.



As the sound of breaking through the air got closer and closer, An Zong's expression gradually became a little strange.

It's not the exercises and rules practiced by Lord Bishop...that's...the Wuming of the God of War Sect?!


Now everyone realized that something big had happened!

The two people who originally went to negotiate did not come back. Instead, two guys from the War God Sect came towards them.

A sense of crisis arose.


The three great martial saints of the Sun Moon God Sect turned around and ran away without hesitation.

However, their speed cannot be compared with Han Yang and Xiao Jiuer.

Before the three of them could fly far, a petite red shadow caught up with them.


Two small fists blasted towards two of them respectively.

The souls of the two martial saints emerged and they hurriedly slashed with their swords.



Bai Shengsheng's small fist shattered the weapons of the two men in an instant, and hit their chests with an unstoppable attitude.

The sound of bones breaking resounded through the void.

The two screamed and fell from the sky.

How could this happen? It shouldn't be like this!

They were both in disbelief.

During the daytime battle, they were three against one, and they could obviously fight with this little zombie. How come it had only been half a day, and the little zombie had become so powerful?

The third Martial Saint did not dare to look back at all and ran for his life. As a result, a pair of red embroidered shoes broke through the void and hit the sword that was blocking his chest.


The sword broke and he was kicked down.

Instant kill!

A solid instant kill.

The three sixth-level martial saints are not Xiao Jiuer's enemies together.

With the body of a third-level zombie and the realm of a fourth-level martial saint, Xiao Jiuer can compete with a seventh-level martial saint without a spiritual body.

These sixth-level martial saints, even if they have spiritual bodies, are only one level at most and are no match for Xiao Jiuer.

Showing weakness during the day was just cooperating with Han Yang's acting.



After the three people fell from the void, they sadly found that they landed in the place where they stood before escaping.

This precise throwing technique made the three people's hair stand on end, leaving no room for chance.

What's even more embarrassing is that An Zong and the other three members of the Qingyu Temple remained motionless, as if they had already expected that they would not be able to escape from each other's grasp.

Six sixth-level martial saints stood at Han Yang's feet tremblingly, losing the courage to even look up.

Nameless and little zombies will appear here, so there is only one possibility...

The seventh-level Martial Saint, Red Archbishop Lang Tingfeng, has been killed!

Then why run away?

Kneel down!

A cold voice came from the void.

The expressions on the faces of An Zong and the other six people froze at the same time.

Kneel down?

He and others are sixth-level martial saints, and two of them have spiritual bodies. How can they... kneel down to others.

Han Yang looked down at the six people below with an indifferent expression.

He had no sympathy for these miscellaneous people who invaded Tianwu Paradise.

No matter what reason they have, if they invade Tianwu Paradise, they are enemies!

Do whatever it takes to deal with your enemies!

Kneel down, or die! You can choose one.

Han Yang's voice was like a devil's whisper, making the six of them shudder and their bodies tremble.

Even when facing the leader and palace master in the past, there was never such a huge sense of oppression.

If you don’t kneel, you will die!

Such thoughts came to their minds at the same time.

But if you kneel down and your martial arts heart is broken, what's the point of living.

Their desire for martial arts does not allow them to kneel down!


At this moment, Xiao Jiuer suddenly stretched out Bai Shengsheng's little hand and grabbed one of them.

The man hurriedly wanted to resist, but the gap in realm was there.

The indestructible claws of the zombies instantly penetrated his body of law.


A small hand passed through the chest, holding a heart tightly in his hand.

No...I kneel, I...


Xiao Jiuer exerted a slight force on her palms, and her heart burst!

The little zombie glanced at the other five people with fierce eyes.



The two martial saints of the Sun Moon God Sect who had just suffered a loss immediately knelt down.

Since the fall of the four guardians, the Sun and Moon God Sect has lost its majesty, so just kneel down.

When An Zong saw this scene, he couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

When Wu Ming asked them to kneel down, he must interrogate them and humiliate them severely. These weaklings were actually stupid enough to kneel down for him?


Han Yang's emotionless gaze fell on An Zong...

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