Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 907: One head is used on the loan

The methods practiced in the Ten Thousand Souls Holy Land are in the same vein as those of the Lianxin family.

The difference is that they don't seize the genius' body and occupy the genius' body, but transform the genius into a soul puppet that can grow!

The person who is being refined into a puppet must be willing and have no resistance in order to succeed.

Nan Rou, as well as the boys and girls who had their legs broken and collapsed in front of the desk, were all geniuses who were selected as soul puppets.

Beating Nan Rou was just killing the chicken to scare the monkeys.

Let these boys and girls understand that they have no future, no hope, and no other choice but to be puppets.

This method in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls is inhumane and inhumane.

Not only does it want to turn people into puppets, it also wants to extinguish all hope in their hearts and fall into the bottomless abyss.

Hearing the word family, Nan Rou's eyes couldn't help but widen, filled with resentment and hatred.

The young master who was sitting and drinking tea laughed as if he had seen something interesting: Little girl! I just like this fiery look in my eyes! When I refine you into a soul puppet, I hope you And you have such a look in your eyes! Come on, give me...keep fighting!


The magic whip was struck again, and the luster in Nanrou's eyes slowly dimmed.

The Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls is the cancer of Fengyu Shangzhou.

Because of the support of the Lianxin family, no one dared to offend him in the entire Shangzhou.

They really have no hope.

Nanrou lowered her head and shed tears of regret. If she had known this earlier, she would never have exposed her martial arts talent.

Unfortunately, everything is too late!



At this moment, two thunders sounded in the void.

The next moment, two figures in red, one large and one small, appeared above the mountain gate of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls.

This scene shocked everyone present.

At the foot of Wanhun Mountain, there is a troop disarmament platform!

Anyone who wants to climb the Ten Thousand Souls Mountain must take off his weapons to show respect for the Ten Thousand Souls Holy Land.

Not only did these two people not put down their weapons, they even climbed up to the mountain gate and trampled under their feet the four-character plaque of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls.

It is equivalent to trampling on the face of the entire Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls.

Damn it, where did this barbarian come from? Dongmei!

The young master sitting at the table put down his teacup heavily, his eyes filled with ferocious murderous intent!


Behind him, a woman standing like a maid suddenly flew out. The sword in her hand was like a swimming dragon, slashing at the two people who appeared in the void.

Martial Ancestor Ninth Level.

This little maid-like woman surprisingly possesses the ninth level of Martial Ancestor cultivation.

The big and small red figures trampling on the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls are naturally Han Yang and Xiao Jiuer.

Xiao Jiuer took a step forward and shouted in a crisp voice: Chen Yu of the God of War Sect, kick the hall and break down the mountain gate! Get out of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls and die!

The sound exploded like thunder and spread throughout the Ten Thousand Souls Mountain.


The sword in Dongmei's hand stopped ten feet away from Xiao Jiuer and Han Yang.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move any further.

Blood seeped out from Dongmei's palm, and the muscles were broken piece by piece.

But she didn't seem to notice. She still drew her sword with all her strength, pursed her lips, and wanted to kill the invading enemy.

There is no better way than to use a mantis' arm as a chariot.

In front of Han Yang and Xiao Jiuer, this ninth-level Martial Ancestor was as humble as an ant.

At this time, the young master sitting at the table was completely angered by Xiao Jiuer's words.

Haha... I really opened my eyes. What kind of bullshit dares to come to my Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls to cause trouble... Go and kill them!




Three figures flew out from behind the young master again.

The other three maids standing on both sides of him were one of them a ninth-level Martial Ancestor, and two of them had reached...a first-level Martial Saint!

The three of them joined forces and the momentum was quite terrifying.



The attacks of the three people still stopped within ten feet!

It was as if the ten-foot range was an insurmountable chasm.

No matter how hard they tried, they could not break through this chasm.

At this moment, the expression on the young master's face suddenly changed.

Even the Martial Saint can't break through the opponent's territory, so wouldn't the opponent...

Where did it come from?

Before he could figure out who the enemy was, he saw the figure in red and glanced in his direction.

Just this one glance made him feel like he was falling into an abyss, so heavy that he couldn't breathe.


Above the void, Han Yang flicked his fingers.


The head of the imposing Master from the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls below exploded.

Blood splashed on the faces of those around him.

The strong man waving his whip and the surrounding warriors from the Holy Land of All Souls all looked at the headless corpse with dull expressions on their faces, unable to regain their consciousness for a long time.

They simply couldn't believe that the Holy Lord's direct grandson was actually killed with one finger at the foot of the Holy Land Mountain.

Ha, hahahaha...

At this moment, a crazy laugh came from the stone pillar.

Nanrou looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, with tears in her laughter, and the tears were even mixed with a trace of blood.

With her unbridled laughter, she vented all her previous helplessness, grief and anger.

The reincarnation of heaven brings unhappy retribution!

That beast is actually... dead?

Awakened by Nanrou's laughter, the warriors from the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls started shouting.

Young Master is dead!

Go and inform the Holy Lord!

Warning! A powerful enemy is coming!

Just as these people were shouting, a cold snort came from the void.


Bang bang bang bang!

The sound of explosions sounded one after another.

All the warriors of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls who were shouting and yelling were all blown away by these two words.

For a moment, the whole place was silent, leaving only Nanrou's ferocious and cheerful laughter ringing in the air.

Slowly, the laughter seemed to have infected the boys and girls whose legs had been amputated, and they all laughed too.

This is probably the most ferocious, joyful, and weird laughter ever.


A thunder bell rang.

After a moment, a figure in green flew out from inside the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls.

Who dares to kill anyone in front of the gate of my Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls...


A flash of sword light flashed straight towards the figure in green clothing.

Two haloes of law erupted from the figure in green, and it turned out to be a second-level martial saint.

But under this knife, he is no different from an ant.

The light of the sword passed by, and the head flew up.

The person is still flying in the air, and his head has been smashed from the air.

It wasn't until this moment that the final sound of what he shouted reached the foot of the mountain.

Below, the warriors of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls, who had been frightened into silence, were now even more nervous.

The person who came here was one of the Supreme Elders of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls, and he was inexplicably killed with a knife.

Han Yang's sword had surpassed their understanding of martial arts.


At this moment, another figure flew out of a hall somewhere in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls.

It's the Second Holy Master!

If the old man takes action personally, he will definitely be able to...

Before he finished speaking, another sword light lit up.


The second Holy Lord of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls, before he could even utter a word, he was cut into two pieces with a knife, and his death was even worse than that of the previous one.


There was deathly silence in front of the mountain gate of the Holy Land of All Souls.

All the warriors seemed to have their throats strangled and did not dare to make a sound.

At this moment, even a fool can understand that the two people who came to the mountain gate to cause trouble today are extremely powerful...

Boom, boom boom boom!

The sound of breaking through the air kept coming to mind.

A total of ninety-nine martial saints appeared in the void on all sides.

An old man with white beard and hair stood among the ninety-nine martial saints, standing out like a chicken among the flock, looking at Han Yang with cold eyes.

This person is none other than the Holy Lord of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls, Lu Xinghun!

Who are you, your Excellency? You actually dare to go on a killing spree in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls! Do you know that the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls belongs to the Lianxin family...

Before he finished his sentence, he was coldly interrupted by Han Yang.

I am here just to borrow something from everyone in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Souls.

After hearing this, Lu Xinghun was not angry, but felt relieved.

It’s good to be able to talk.

As for borrowing things...that doesn't matter.

As long as he can send this person away, he will immediately report to the Lianxin Family. Even if this person escapes to the ends of the earth, he will kill him!

Tell me, what do you want to borrow? For the sake of my fellow martial arts practitioners, I might be able to help you!

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