Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 936 The storm is coming


Sun Lun Zun ejected with a pop, his brows furrowed and his face turned pale.

Every ninth-level martial saint in the Qingtian Realm was killed in a bloody storm, and rarely lost his composure.

But this time, his emotions were a little out of control.

Jueyunzi came too fast.

Based on Yuelun Zun's injuries, it will take at least a month to recover before he can withstand the next battle.

But Jueyunzi found them in less than ten days.

This means that regardless of the victory or defeat in this battle, Yue Lun Zun... will die.

Due to the injury, Yuelun Zun's face was already pale, but he couldn't see much change.

In the face of life and death, she became much more calm.

She helped Sun Lun Zun stand up, looked at Jue Yunzi with cold eyes, and even raised a smile on her lips, saying: Even if I die, I can cut off one of your arms and prevent you from recovering for three thousand years. You, Believe it or not?

This is the magnanimity of a ninth-level martial saint.

The tiger will not fall until it dies.

Even if he will die in battle today, Yuelun Zun still has absolute confidence in his own strength.

Is it? lol……

The tall figure slowly turned around and looked down at the two of them.

This Patriarch Jueyun has a burly appearance and a dignified appearance, but there is obviously a trace of disdain on his face at this moment.

At this time, he was holding a sword in his left hand and a knife in his right hand. Behind his back, there were two chess pieces, one black and one white.

With the three holy weapons in his hands, how could he be afraid of Yuelun Zun, a little girl who was unarmed?

That's right, compared to Jueyunzi's age, Yuelun Zun is just a little girl.

Sun Lun Zun's momentum increased, and he used the Sun Gold Wheel to protect Yue Lun Zun, and fierce fighting intent began to boil in his eyes.

He didn't beg for mercy, and he didn't make any threats.

Because those are of no use at all.

Jueyunzi wants to kill someone, and no one can stop him.

Today, there is only a fight to the death.

At the critical moment, Jue Yunzi in the void suddenly laughed in a nonchalant manner: I suddenly don't want to fight. Do you... want to live?

As soon as these words came out, Sun Lun Zun and Yue Lun Zun both looked startled.

After chasing the two people for more than a year, when it really came to a critical moment, the other party actually let go?

Did he really not want to kill the two of them, or... what Yue Lun Zun said just now made him have concerns and resort to the same method?

Before Yue Lun Zun could speak, Sun Lun Zun had already taken the lead and asked, What are the conditions?

Yuelunzun sighed and suppressed the words he was about to refuse.

This is the tacit understanding between the two.

He knew that she was not afraid of death and would definitely refuse.

She knew that the reason why he was talking was to keep herself alive at all costs.

Jueyunzi felt in a daze, and suddenly felt envious of the two people below.

His Taoist companion died early, and he was alone for half his life.

After being hunted for more than a year, he was often fed dog food in different ways.

After shaking hands and being hit by a knife, Jue Yunzi resisted the urge to chop up the crazy and resentful couple.

It's very simple. Come with me and kill a few people. After that, the grievances between Xingxiu Hai and the Sun and Moon God Sect will be wiped out.

Demonic realm.

Moying, I advise you to calm down. The God of War Sect is most likely one of the hidden sects and is not something we can provoke.

In a large hall.

Liu Wensheng, who had just escaped Han Taibai's pursuit and returned to the Moluo Domain not long ago, bumped into the second domain lord Demon Shadow returning from the Holy Relics battlefield.

Mo Mo Wuya, the first day of Mo Luo Domain, is the direct descendant of the Lord of Demon Shadow Domain.

After receiving the news of Mo Wuya's death, Mo Ying was furious and immediately returned from the Holy Relics battlefield to avenge Mo Wuya with his own hands.

Hearing Liu Wensheng's dissuasion, Moying sneered and said, You're a loser. You've watched people leave freely under your nose. Are you qualified to persuade me to calm down?

Liu Wensheng, whose face turned dark, said angrily: You don't know how much Han Taibai's awe-inspiring righteousness has restrained our Demonic Realm skills... Also, if you kill Han Yang, kill Han Yang, go and provoke him What does the God of War Sect do?

He doesn't care about Mo Ying avenging Mo Wuya.

But he must not be implicated by the demonic shadow and offend the hidden sect Zhanshen Sect.

Mo Ying glanced at Liu Wensheng with disdain: You are stupid and you still don't admit it! Can't you see it? Those rotten scholars from Tiandao Academy have already joined forces with the God of War Sect! Otherwise, as Han Taibai's identity, how could he replace the God of War? The sect protects a mere Manzhou?

Liu Wensheng's pupils shrank.

He had not thought about this inference.

When Han Taibai stopped him and Zhuge Jinyu, he claimed that Tianwu Blessed Land belonged to Tiandao Academy.

But not long after, the God of War Sect Wuming appeared in the Tianhai Alliance, killing all parties, and announced that the God of War Sect would take control of Manzhou.

I originally thought that Tiandao Academy was competing with the God of War Sect for control, but now it seems that the two sects may have joined forces.

This is...

So, you want to cooperate with the Lianxin Family to suppress the God of War Sect, and then use the momentum of victory to force the Tiandao Academy to withdraw from the Tianwu Paradise?

Liu Wensheng vaguely understood Moying's true intention.

Mo Ying chuckled: It's not too stupid.

Liu Wensheng's brows twitched, too lazy to argue with this irritable guy.

After pondering for a moment, Liu Wensheng only nodded and said: In that case, I will return to Manzhou and entangle Han Taibai to prevent him from taking the opportunity to interfere in the affairs of Wanhun Mountain.

The demonic figure nodded, and his figure flashed and disappeared suddenly.

Looking at the Mo Luoyu where the atmosphere was obviously a little depressed, Liu Wensheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

What an eventful year it has been.

First there is Han Yang, and then there is the hidden sect Zhanshen Sect, and the Qingtian Realm... is afraid that there will be chaos.

It is easy to kill Chen Yu and destroy the Heart-Zhuan Alliance.

But after Chen Yu's death, will the War God Sect give up?

I just hope that Moying will not be so stupid as to reveal his identity as the second domain master of the Moluo Domain in Ten Thousand Souls Mountain and block the bullet for the Lianxin Family in vain.

Let the Lianxin family bear the wrath of the hidden sect.

Ten Thousand Souls Mountain.

The fighting was over, and the blood and stains had been cleaned away, as if nothing had happened.

Only the rubble and craters left by the sword bombardment showed that a bloody battle had taken place here.

Those sects and families that followed the trend and abandoned the soul puppets were basically purged.

After the enemy was gone, Wanhun Mountain seemed to have returned to peace.

The whole day went by without any disturbance.

But those with a discerning eye know that the calm at this time is just the rare tranquility before the storm. The final storm will eventually destroy everything.

The rain is coming...the wind is blowing all over the building!

Hundreds of miles away from Ten Thousand Souls Mountain, Lu Qingfeng and Ling Feibai were looking at the towering mountain with complicated expressions.

Today is the last day stipulated in the Ten Sins Prosecution.

In another hour, the Heart Killing Alliance will send troops directly to attack the Lianxin Family.

But everyone knows very well that the Lianxin family cannot wait until the moment when the Heart-Zhuan League sends troops.

If the Heart-killing Alliance were to march towards the Middle-earth Divine Continent, the Lianxin family would lose all the face it had accumulated over tens of thousands of years.

Before sending troops, the Lianxin Family will definitely send strong men to destroy the Heart-Zhuan Alliance.

In the battle in Tianshang City not long ago, both the Heart-Zhuan Alliance and the Lianxin Family each dispatched a ninth-level Martial Saint. Now, the final battle is approaching, and it will only become more brutal.

There will be a battle between ninth-level martial saints at Ten Thousand Souls Mountain.

At this time, the area around Ten Thousand Souls Mountain was surrounded by warriors who came to watch the battle.

There are those who come from the Upper Continent through wind and rain, and there are also top experts from other Upper Continents, and even from the Middle-earth Divine Continent.

Most of them are martial saints, and there are quite a few middle- and high-level martial saints.

It's a pity that this most powerful battle that took place in Wind and Rain Shangzhou has nothing to do with their Wind and Rain Shangzhou.

Except for the Wanli Sect, all the ten major sects in Fengyu Shangzhou were absent. They were rejected by the God of War Sect and could only be spectators.

I have to say that one misstep can lead to eternal regret.

Their initial hesitation and worry cost them an opportunity to leave their mark on the world forever.

Friend Lu Dao, I haven't seen you for a long time!

Just when the remorseful Lu Qingfeng was lost in thought, two figures appeared in front of him and Ling Feibai...

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