Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 941 The confusion between life and death

As a sacred weapon, the special magical power attached to the Moon Golden Wheel is automatic defense.

The Sun and Moon God Sect used this characteristic to trap the Star Reaching Sword Master with the help of the Moon Golden Wheel, thereby killing Han Yang.

The additional magical power of the Liangyi Holy Sword is never leave.

Yin and Yang are two instruments.

Male and female are two rites.

Men and women are two persons.

Husband and wife love each other...

Even if they ascended, the Piaomiao Sanren couple would never be separated, because their swords would find each other.

Since the death of my old wife, the female sword of the Liangyi Holy Sword has been silent, no longer as agile as it once was, as if it has lost its spirituality.

But at this time, the female sword that belonged to the old wife actually flew towards the mysterious ninth-level martial saint who appeared from the Lianxin family? !


That familiar jumping and trembling, that familiar flying up and down.

Pian Miao Sanren almost without thinking, tremblingly shouted out a name: Xiaoyao? Is that you...

Tears flowed before words were spoken.

Thousands of years of body and death, two vast worlds, unforgettable without thinking, only a thousand lines of tears.

The moment he called out his old wife's name, Piaomiao Sanren already burst into tears.

With tears in his eyes, he looked at the mysterious figure wrapped in a black robe and hidden under a mask, and said tremblingly: Xiaoyao... is it you? Are you not dead? Tell me, are you not dead?

Before he finished speaking, Piao Miao Sanren couldn't help but walk towards the mysterious man No. 2.

With that dejected look, he was still a ninth-level martial saint who looked like a god. It was clear that he was just an ordinary old man who missed his dead wife.

Piaomiao Sanren's gaffe shocked everyone.

Qingyu Temple.

Demonic realm.

They all looked at the old man with tears in his eyes in shock.


A free and undisciplined person? !

Piaomiao Sanren's Taoist companion who has been dead for many years?

Is this old man... crazy?

Could it be...

The second hall master's body was shaken, and a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

He thought of a possibility... the art of seizing a body.

Could it be that the Taoist companion of Miao Miao Sanren, Xiaoyao Sanren, did not die at all, but was... taken away by the Lianxin family?

Logically speaking, this is impossible!

The Lianxin family's method of seizing a body has a fatal flaw.

That is, in the process of seizing the body, you must fight with the soul of the original owner. Only by defeating the soul of the original owner can you successfully seize the body.

But in this case, the soul of the person who took the body will inevitably be damaged.

If the soul is injured, it almost eliminates the possibility of this person being promoted to the ninth level of Martial Saint.

Thousands of years ago, when Xiaoyaosanren fallen, he was only a seventh-level martial saint. However, the cultivation level displayed by the mysterious man No. 2 reached the ninth level.

Could it be that the Lianxin family has mastered a way to advance to the ninth level without damaging the soul after seizing the body?

If this is true, then the Heart Refining Family... will surely perish.

The eyes of the second master of the Qingyu Temple flickered, and he was ready to join forces with the Heart Killing Alliance to destroy the Lianxin family.

The shadow where the demon is hiding is also trembling slightly.

His eyes were fixed on Mysterious Man No. 2.

That person... could he really be a free traveler?

Piaomiao Sanren called out affectionately, but Mysterious Man No. 2 showed no response, as if he didn't hear him.

Even the Liangyi female sword dancing around him seemed as if he had never seen it before.

Seeing this scene, Zhuge Jinyu's face became extremely ugly.

The more Piao Miao San's love is as deep as the sea, the more it appears that they in the Lianxin family are evil, cruel and cruel, and even destroy human relations.

Old stuff.

If I had known this, I should have killed this Piaomiao Sanren or turned him into a puppet.


With a roar, Zhuge Jinyu will take the lead in killing the Piao Miao San people.

We can't let him continue.

At this moment, there was a loud shout in the air.

My son Lian Hu! Is it you!

The eyes of the Black Mountain Prison Master were about to burst, and blood even flowed from the corners of his eyes.

After being reminded by Piaomiao Sanren, he finally understood why he felt so familiar when facing the mysterious person No. 1 who appeared.

The mysterious man No. 1 who was fighting against him was his own son... Peng Lianhu.

Cough cough cough cough...

Zhuge Longming coughed violently and roared: Go ahead, kill them all!

Following his order, the two mysterious figures pounced on Miao Miao San and Heishan Prison Master respectively.


The Black Mountain Prison Master had a violent temper and could not bear such torture.

He controlled the water and fire stick and sent out the strongest blow, but this blow was not to kill the mysterious man, but to shatter the black robe on the mysterious man's body and the mask covering his face.


Like a black butterfly, the black robe exploded into countless pieces and flew away.


The facial mask also began to crack.

As the fragments fell, the true face of the person under the mask was finally revealed.

Peng Lianhu.

The son of the Black Mountain Prison Lord.


The Black Mountain Prison Lord roared with rage.

The voice was filled with endless rage and unbearable grief.

Lianxin Family! I'll fuck you...the eighteenth generation of our ancestors.

He is like a madman.

The son could not live in peace even after he died. Someone took his body and took control of the body to fight with his father.

Such pain was unbearable for ordinary people and almost tore the heart of the Black Mountain Prison Master.


The Black Mountain Prisoner almost gave up all his defenses and charged at them crazily.

He wants to smash his son's body with his own hands!

Even if he smashed his son's body with his own hands, he would never let these people do all the evil in his son's face.

There was deathly silence up and down the Ten Thousand Souls Mountain.

There was unbearable color in everyone's eyes.

It's too awful.

After a thousand years of revenge, today, I have to kill my beloved son with my own hands. What a human tragedy.

Originally, many people were just watching the fun.

Whether it is the Heart Refining Family or the Heart Killing Alliance, it actually has nothing to do with them. Who wins and who loses, who lives and who dies is a lively event for the warriors present.

They simply came to watch the battle between ninth-level martial saints.

But at this time, in their hearts, a violent emotion rose involuntarily.

The Lianxin family deserves to die.

To seize someone else's body and then use this body to fight with your loved ones?

This is no longer called evil.

This family should not exist in the world at all.

Kill them!

For some reason, Ling Feibai felt that this scene was so dazzling that it hurt her so much that she could hardly breathe.

She didn't even know what she was grieving.

All she knew was that the Lianxin family must be destroyed.

Luan Yiming, and Li Hongyun, the disciple next to Luan Yiming who had red eyes flashing, all looked at Ling Feibai with strange expressions.

This little girl is so bold.

Aren't you afraid of revenge from the Lianxin Family?

Lu Qingyun hurriedly blocked Ling Feibai's mouth and yelled angrily: What are you shouting about! Now that the victory of the Lianxin Family has been determined, do you want to plunge our Tianbei Courtyard into death?

Ling Feibai's eyes were scarlet and he stared at Lu Qingyun stubbornly.


Lu Qingyun was furious.

However, before he could curse again, he heard another voice beside him.

Kill them!

He was a young genius from the second sect of Fengyu Shangzhou. He was waving his arms with a red face.

The sound was like a fire being lit.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

Kill them!

Kill them!

In an instant, countless people on all sides of Wanhun Mountain could not help but raise their arms and shout.

It's an absolutely incredible scene.

It is clear that the Lianxin Family has the absolute upper hand and may destroy the Heart-Zhuan Alliance at any time, and then take revenge on all those who dare to offend the Lianxin Family.

But even so, there are still people shouting loudly to kill the four ninth-level martial saints from the Lianxin family.

At first, it was only the young and passionate young warriors who were shouting. Later, even many sect leaders and elders started to raise their arms and roar.

They had to shout, and they couldn't stop shouting.

The tragedy that happened to the Black Mountain Prison Master and Miao Miao Sanren could happen to them at any time.

For a time, the entire Ten Thousand Souls Mountain was filled with the sounds of attacking the Lianxin Family.

After this battle, regardless of victory or defeat, the reputation of the Lianxin family has become tainted.

This family is about to experience a flood of anger that will destroy them.

Cough cough cough...

Zhuge Longming's face became increasingly ugly, and his coughing reached the point where he could hardly breathe: Quick, kill, kill them all, kill them all immediately.

If Chen Yu doesn't die, he will kill the Heart Alliance

If it is not destroyed, the Zhuge family will have trouble sleeping and eating.


In the void, there was another thunderous explosion.

The third mysterious man in black robes appeared. The black sword in his hand was extremely sharp. The shadow of the sword flashed and it went straight to Han Yang's heart...

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