Moon Wheel Lord?

Han Yang showed a strange expression.

Is Jueyunzi so good at making friends that he can even convince an opponent who has been fighting for more than a year in a life-and-death fight?

Seeing Yuelun Zun appear, Han Yang could not understand that Jue Yunzi did not come to help alone, but brought two helpers.

The sun and the moon walk together and will never be absent.

Now that Moon Wheel Lord has appeared, Sun Wheel Lord...


There was a flash of light and shadow, and Sun Lun Zun with the huge sun flying behind him also appeared.

Seeing that Yue Lun Zun began to recover quickly from his injuries with the help of Yue Jin Lun, Sun Lun Zun had a smile of relief on his face.

At this time, Jueyunzi's voice vibrated.

Why are you so dazed? Why don't you kill the enemy quickly?!

Sun Lun Zun heyed and held Yue Lun Zun's hand.


The two wheels of the sun and moon merge into one.

This is the strongest state of the two leaders of the Sun and Moon Sect.


Yuelun Zun, whose eyes widened, vented all his anger at being hunted by Jueyunzi for more than a year on Zhuge Jinyu below.

Zhuge Jinyu was so frightened that he lost his soul and shouted sadly: Brother, save me...


Before he finished his sentence, Han Yang ignored him and slashed him with his sword.

The fierce sword light suppressed Zhuge Jinyu so much that he could not lift his head. All the retreats on all four sides were blocked by Yuelun Zun, making it impossible to escape.


Zhuge Jinyu roared in despair.


Zhuge Yangming roared angrily, trying to force Jueyunzi back.

Jue Yunzi sneered and used the black and white chess pieces to form a trap, locking Zhuge Yangming firmly.

Mysterious Man No. 3 roared, abandoned Han Yang, and killed the two leaders of the Sun Moon God Sect in an attempt to save Zhuge Jinyu.

Unfortunately, it's still too late.

The two wheels merge and become invincible vertically and horizontally.

The sun and the moon rise together, burning all the wasteland.


The sun and moon golden wheels, mixed with blazing flames, hit Zhuge Jinyu's body.

There was a loud noise, and the power of the holy weapon burst out.

Zhuge Jinyu could only watch helplessly as a bright sun rushed into his chest and a waning moon cut into his neck.

His body was blown to pieces in an instant.

Zhuge Jinyu's strength was already slightly weaker than the two major leaders, let alone Han Yang and the two major leaders now joining forces.

He was killed instantly.

At the moment Zhuge Jinyu died in battle, Mysterious Man No. 3 realized that the situation was not good, turned around and wanted to evacuate.

But at this moment, the sound of swords sounded again.

It's Han Yang again.

The formless slaying of gods and demons.

The purpose of this sword is not to kill the enemy, but to trap the enemy.


Knives collided with swords.

Han Yang was blown hundreds of feet away, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

In Ten Thousand Souls Mountain, thousands of martial saints all bent over and vomited blood as if struck by lightning, even Cao Polu's seventh-level martial saints were no exception.

Mysterious Man No. 3 is more powerful than Zhuge Jinyu.

But that's about it.

Han Yang's sword also successfully nailed Mysterious Man No. 3 into the void, losing the chance to escape.

The two major leaders of the Sun and Moon Sect arrived.

Three against one again.

At this moment, hundreds of feet away, a loud laugh shocked everyone.

I'm going to wake you up from a long sleep, mix it with my tears, and stir it into the pepper syrup. I'm afraid of the quiet spring, but you're still sad for me... Xiaoyao, I'm here to accompany you as my husband.


With an earth-shaking loud noise, the Liangyi Holy Sword suddenly exploded, wrapping Piao Miao Sanren and Mysterious Man No. 2 inside.

The terrifying impact power produced by the explosion of the sacred weapon instantly tore both of them into pieces.

We cannot share the same bed in life, and we must sleep in the same tomb in death.

The moment he saw his wife's corpse, Miao Miao Sanren was no longer prepared to survive alone.

Now, the two major leaders of Jueyunzi and the Sun Moon Sect have appeared, the Heart-Zhuan Alliance will win, and the Lianxin family will eventually be destroyed, and he no longer has any worries in his heart.

The blood rain fell, and it was no longer possible to distinguish which ones were Piaomiao San people and which ones were Xiaoyao San people.

The tragic scene shocked everyone.

Originally, when Yuelun Zun appeared and the battle turned around, everyone was shocked.

But no one thought that when victory was in sight, Piao Miao Sanren would choose to die together with the remains of his Taoist companion.

Many male warriors cannot understand the choices made by Piao Miao Sanren.

He is a ninth-level Martial Saint, a god-like figure worshiped by thousands of people.

How can one commit suicide? !

But almost all the female warriors present had red eyes.

It is said that husband and wife are like birds in the same forest, and they fly apart when disaster strikes.

Not to mention the long lifespan of a martial arts couple with almost no love.

Piaomiao Sanren's choice touched the heartstrings of all the female warriors, making them hate the Lianxin family even more for tearing them apart and causing tragedy in the world.

Hahaha... Piaomiao, you are a man! I wrongly blamed you before!

The Black Mountain Prison Master laughed wildly and launched the forbidden technique desperately.

His own son can only be destroyed in his own hands.


The huge force raised by the Wind and Fire Stick smashed the head of Mysterious Man No. 2 into pieces with one blow.

The sword in the opponent's hand also penetrated his chest.

But the Black Mountain Prison Master seemed unaware and continued to wield the wind and fire stick, smashing him wildly.



Boom boom...

After successive attacks, Peng Lianhu was completely wiped out.

Ha ha ha ha……

The Black Mountain Prison Master leaned on his stick and panted for a while. He was clearly laughing, but the tears were like raindrops, soaking his chest, mixing with the blood and flowing down...


Zhuge Yangming couldn't bear it anymore.

When he saw the sudden arrival of the two leaders of the Sun Moon God Sect, he knew that the Lianxin Family had no chance.

He never expected that Jue Yunzi, with his arrogant character, would uncharacteristically choose to join forces with the Sun Moon God Sect?

What's even more outrageous is that the two leaders actually agree?

Although the agency's calculations were too clever, the changes were faster than planned.

The so-called plan depends on people, and the success depends on heaven. This is nothing better than this.


Just when Zhuge Yangming desperately wanted to escape, the sound of a sword was heard from behind.

Since you are the culprit, I can't let you go and leave your life behind.

Han Yang slashed out with all his strength, cutting off the escape route Zhuge Yangming had just opened.


Zhuge Yangming just backhanded his sword and knocked Han Yang away hard.

But his figure suddenly stagnated at this moment, revealing flaws.


A bolt of lightning-like sword light passed through and pierced Zhuge Yangming's chest, causing his whole body to tremble like an electric shock.


Zhuge Yangming roared in pain, his eyes full of angry murderous intent.

Jueyun, Chen Yu! You... all deserve to die.

While roaring, his left hand suddenly touched his chest.

This trash, he wants to...expose the holy text...

When Li Hongyun in the distance saw Zhuge Yangming making this move, he couldn't help but snorted coldly, and a coldness rose in his eyes.

Luan Yiming also had a displeased look on his face.

But at the next moment, both of their faces suddenly changed and they looked to the other side.

Above the void.

Just when Zhuge Yangming's palm touched the amulet on his chest, Han Yang suddenly pointed forward with a finger.

The next moment, a black rune suddenly appeared.

A huge devil character stretches across the void.

The magic words composed of countless mysterious runes eroded into Zhuge Yangming's body in an instant.


Zhuge Yangming's body began to deform and twist, exuding strong demonic energy.

These demonic energies corroded his body like sulfuric acid.

In just a moment, his flesh and blood meridians were corroded away, revealing dense white bones.

Divine writing backlash?

Han Yang cleverly used the divine word Devil he obtained earlier to backfire on Zhuge Yangming.

Zhuge Yangming didn't even have a chance to activate the talisman on his chest before it was completely corroded by the divine inscriptions.

A powerful ninth-level martial saint, only slightly inferior to Jue Yunzi, died quietly.

This scene was even more horrifying than when Jue Yunzi appeared with the two leaders.

Even Jue Yunzi and the two major leaders of the Sun and Moon Sect looked at Han Yang with a slightly shocked expression.

Even with their extensive knowledge, the three of them did not recognize what the rune pointed out by Chen Yu was.

Being able to kill a ninth-level Martial Saint easily, isn't it more terrifying than a holy weapon?

Han Yang calmly waved his hand and put the amulet remaining in Zhuge Yangming's body into his palm.

In the talisman, there is indeed a divine rune: Broken!

The word Devil was consumed in the divine text, and the word Destroy was obtained.

One for one, no loss.

Explosive Divine Talisman

Wen, although it is just a one-time method, being able to hunt down a powerful ninth-level martial saint can be regarded as a crucial trump card for Han Yang...

[The author has something to say]

Chapter 5, 13,000 words, please give me a reward and support. .

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