The faces of the old master and others were full of despair.

Li Hongyun alone could make them breathless.

There is another being who is suspected to be above the Martial Saint, who can definitely destroy everyone with one blow.

At this moment, there was deathly silence between heaven and earth.

In the midst of such oppressive silence, a shrill wail broke the silence.

No, no, no... Your Majesty, I haven't lost yet, give me another chance...

The one who screamed was Li Hongyun!

Only then did everyone realize that as the three golden halos exploded, Li Hongyun seemed to have lost some kind of protection. Above Li Hongyun's head, clouds of calamity began to gather.

Sixth level spirit body? !

Also because he lost the protection of the golden halo, Li Hongyun's true state was revealed.

There is nothing wrong with being a third-level martial saint, but his spiritual body level is actually...a terrifying sixth level.


In the Qingtian Realm, even fourth-order spiritual bodies are not allowed to exist, let alone sixth-order spiritual bodies.

After losing the protection of the golden halo, thunder disaster will come in an instant.

Kill this spiritual body that should not exist!

The three-star envoy in the golden light did not pay attention to the wailing Li Hongyun, but looked at Han Yang indifferently: Who are you?

Han Yang said nothing, just looked up and down at the features of the person in front of him.

Golden armor, three eyes!

He is obviously a human being, yet he has such a strange phenomenon.

This hidden sect seems to be more mysterious than I imagined.

Seeing that Han Yang did not answer, the three-star envoy was not angry, but said calmly: Your qualifications make me happy, and I will give you a sacred text to give you the qualifications to go to Wuliang Mountain and participate in the sect trial! The winner can be Enter my hidden sect.

After saying that, he pointed out his finger and pointed it at the center of Han Yang's eyebrows.


The sound of swords sounded.

Han Yang snorted coldly, and suddenly raised the ninth rotation of Wuxiang to the sixth rotation, and executed the most powerful sword!

But the figure of the three-star envoy seemed to be illusory, penetrating through the Buddha-killing knife and pointing at the center of Han Yang's eyebrows.


A shift rune appeared between Han Yang's eyebrows!

After leaving the runes, the figure of the Three-Star Envoy gradually faded and finally disappeared.

This scene left Jue Yunzi and others dumbfounded.

So... the powerful man from the Hidden World Sect showed up because he was interested in Han Yang's qualifications and wanted to attract Han Yang to join the Hidden World Sect?

Everyone looked at Li Hongyun in surprise.

Since you want to win over Han Yang, isn't it too stupid for this hidden sect to go around the world and fight and kill, and finally trap himself in it?


far away……

Thunder disaster is coming.

Li Hongyun roared in despair.

Sixth-level spiritual bodies are not tolerated by the Qingtian Realm.

After losing the protection of the seal, it was impossible for him to survive.

At this time, Han Yang's brows frowned slightly.

He found that he couldn't control the divine symbol between his eyebrows.

It stands to reason that with his Sixth Generation God of War's understanding of divine texts, it is impossible for this situation to occur.

There is only one possibility for being unable to control this divine inscription... the person who made this divine inscription is of a much higher level than he is now.

It's not even a little bit higher, but it's being crushed in all directions! under.

Only in this case will he be unable to control the rune made by the other party.

Xiao Jiu'er!

Han Yang had a thought in his mind and shouted down.


Xiao Jiuer arrived at Han Yang's side in an instant and looked at him worriedly.

Han Yang held down Xiao Jiuer's shoulders, then raised his head to look at Jueyunzi, cupped his hands and said, Please go to Tianwu Paradise...

Jue Yunzi also realized that Han Yang was afraid of leaving this world and going to Wuliang Mountain, so he immediately nodded in agreement.

Then, Han Yang looked at Fuxing Chess Master again.

It's a pity.

It would be better if the Star Reaching Sword Master was here.

With his control over the eyebrow runes, he can still take away one person. The realm of the Floating Star Chess Saint is a little higher.

Everyone, see you again when we are destined!

The runes between the eyebrows emitted streaks of golden light, shrouding Han Yang and Xiao Jiuer.


The next moment, the golden light transformed from the runes soared into the sky, escaped into the void, and disappeared.

Jueyunzi and Old Master all had slightly complicated expressions.

Before the battle began, they did not expect that it would end like this.

Killing and killing, he actually killed the leader of the alliance.

The mysterious three-eyed strongman also made Jueyunzi worry about Han Yang's journey to break the world.

Such a strong person can kill everything.

If Han Yang were not careful, he would probably be liquidated on the spot!

It can be seen from the attitude of the three-eyed strongman towards Li Hongyun that this hidden sect is by no means a good place.

He is very cruel to his subordinates, abandoning them as soon as possible without any mercy.

Of course, if Han Yang knew what Jue Yunzi was thinking at this moment, he would probably laugh out loud.

To him, what the three-star envoy did was simply coming to deliver pillows when he was dozing off.

Han Yang was worried that he could not break through the realm in the Qingtian Realm and be promoted to Martial Saint. The Three Star Lord gave him this opportunity. Han Yang would be damned if he didn't seize it.

The previous action of slashing the Three-Star Lord with a knife was probably an act.

Otherwise, using the voice of heaven to influence the rules of heaven and earth may not prevent divine texts from entering the body.

To put it bluntly, Han Yang...he was just going along with the flow and just taking advantage of the situation.

Kill them all, don't let them escape!

After sighing with emotion, Jueyunzi swayed and chased Zhuge Longming.

Although Han Yang left, people like Zhuge Longming must die!

Zhuge Longming saw the opportunity quickly, and the Three-Star Lord had already fled before he arrived.

Ren Qingyu and Luo Potian were half a beat slower.

When they were about to escape, the old master and several Fuxingqi saints had already surrounded them.

The sound of fighting begins again!

Three days later, the battle at the Qingyu Temple that shocked the Qingtian world ended.

During this battle, the two main hall masters of Qingyu Temple fell. Qingyu, the director of the main hall, abandoned the second Nine Heavens Qingyu and turned into blue light and fled without a trace.

The three major domain lords of the Moluo Domain were all killed. The first domain lord, Luo Potian, died under the siege of Old Master and Han Taibai.

The four powerful warriors from the Lianxin family fell and were completely defeated!

Another day later, Xingxiu Sea, Tiandao Academy, Sun and Moon Sect, and the Heart-Zhu Alliance sent troops to the Heart Refining Family.

After three days and three nights of battle, the Lianxin family was destroyed.

In this battle, the Lianxin family reappeared with six ninth-level martial saints seizing their bodies, which shocked the whole world.

Fortunately, this sinful family that was parasitic on all the warriors in the Middle-earth Divine Continent was completely destroyed by the Heart-killing Alliance and has no longer existed in the world.

Only Zhuge Longming, one of the three great saints of the Lianxin family, escaped and disappeared.

At this point, the Ten Sins War ended with the complete victory of the Heart-Zhuan Alliance and the destruction of the Lianxin Family.

After this battle, the name of Chen Yu from the God of War Sect was resounding throughout the world, and no one knew about it.

There are even rumors that Chen Yu, the so-called God of War Sect, is the incarnation of Han Yang, the star of Xingxiu Sea.

Of course, such rumors are often dismissed as fallacies.

Han Yang had only ascended to the upper realm for less than two years, so how could he have the ability to defeat the ninth-level Martial Saint?

All the warriors in the Middle-earth Divine Continent believe that it is just a lie made up by Xingxiu Hai to put money on his face...

Xilu Shenzhou.

In a barren mountain, Zhuge Longming and Ren Qingyu, who had slipped through the net of the Lianxin Family and the Qingyu Temple, were anxiously waiting for something.

Zhuge Longming asked slightly uneasily: When will the people from the Three Temples arrive? They won't change their minds temporarily, right?

Ren Qingyu said with a smile: Brother Zhuge, don't worry. In exchange for the body-seizing technique of the Lianxin family and the promotion of the body-seizing expert to the ninth level of martial arts, the Three Divine Temples will never give up this opportunity.

Zhuge Longming nodded with relief.

No secret method is as important as revenge.

He only has one idea now, which is to use the power of the Three Temples and the Western Continent to destroy the Heart-Zhuan Alliance and avenge the Lianxin Family...

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