Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 966: The mountain owner pleases and gives you the magic medicine


Light and shadow flickered, and Han Yang appeared.

Outside the trial place, there was silence.

Including those saints and saints, none of them dared to speak easily.

The record set by Han Yang is really amazing.

Before breaking through the barrier, Han Yang was just an ordinary one among the seventeen saints and saints. After breaking through the barrier, he was the difference between gods and mortals.

No one dared to cross this distance.

Congratulations to the Seventeenth Holy Son for breaking the record!

The mountain owner smiled and stepped forward, bowing his hands to Han Yang.

Yes, as the lord of Wuliang Mountain and the master who controls this world, he saluted Han Yang.

Because he knew very well that with Han Yang's compatibility and control over the sacred text, when he left Wuliang Mountain, he would definitely be able to ascend to the rank of Three-Star Envoy, and would even be more respected than him, the mountain lord.

Young people have a bright future.

The female priest on the side hurriedly sent a message to explain: Your Highness, this is my master of Wuliang Mountain...

Even with a simple voice transmission, you can hear the voice of the female priest being very excited.

If she didn't have to serve Han Yang, she would even faint with joy.

In the first trial, he passed five levels in a row, becoming the first person in the history of Wuliang Mountain.

What is this concept?

The graceful saint who set records in the past is now one of the eight deputy heads of the Shen Sect.

And the two female officials serving the Fenghua Saint are both Shenzong elders!

As a plaything in the furnace, he ascended to the position of Shenzong elder, which shows what an important impact serving a genius can have on a female official.

Not to mention, the genius of his own master who became the first person in history.

The position of elder seems to be beckoning to her and Nvying.

At this time, the female priest and Nuying looked at Han Yang with eyes that were filled with tears.

It turns out to be the Lord of the Mountain...

Han Yang smiled and held up his hands, and his next sentence directly revealed his purpose: It seems that I accidentally broke a few records. I wonder, what is the reward?

The mountain owner was slightly startled. He didn't expect that the first person in Wuliang Mountain would ask such an insignificant question first.

That's right!

It just doesn't matter.

With Han Yang's status at this time, any reward is a small problem!

However, the Mountain Master quickly thought of the intelligence about the former’s abnormal obsession with the holy medicine. He nodded with a smile and said, “Seventeen, you are joking... With the achievements of the Holy Son, Wuliang Mountain has everything you can ask for, as long as you ask, I will do my best to get anything for you, Seventeenth Holy Son!

Hearing this, Han Yang's eyes lit up, he smiled and cupped his hands and said, Holy medicine! I need holy medicine, the more the better! Of course, it would be better if there is a magic medicine that is better than the holy medicine.

The owner of Wuliang Mountain: ...

Protector of the Trial Place: ...

Bai Qishao: ...

Lie Shanhao: ...

Everyone was speechless.

Good guy.

What's going on with this guy?

Even if you have never seen the world, you should know what is important and what is not important.

At this time, you still ask for the holy medicine?

Is it possible that Wuliang Mountain's holy medicine has some hidden effects that we don't know about?

Even the mountain owner had such thoughts in his mind.

This is the impact of status.

Previously, Han Yang was just a little holy son who had just arrived. Asking for the holy medicine would naturally be regarded as vulgar and treated as a bumpkin who had never seen the world.

But now, as the number one person in Wuliang Mountain, asking for the holy medicine becomes unfathomable.

Bai Qi immediately made up his mind to get some holy medicine and study it after returning.

Lie Shanhao also had similar thoughts.

Seeing that everyone was stunned and silent, Han Yang frowned slightly: Why, the great Wuliang Mountain can't even get some holy medicine?

Misunderstanding! The Seventeenth Holy Son misunderstood... I was just thinking that there are still a few magical medicines in the treasure house...

The mountain owner is a shrewd person, so naturally he would not say that he was surprised by Han Yang's unusual behavior, and quickly smiled to resolve the embarrassment.

Hearing this, Han Yang became even more happy: There really is a magic medicine, that's great! In this way, it's the mountain master's turn.

Elixir, precious medicine, holy medicine, and wonderful medicine are the four levels of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

In the Small Thousand World, such as the Tianwu Continent, treasure medicine is the limit, and holy medicine is almost impossible to find.

In the Middle Thousand World, holy medicines have basically reached their limit, and wonderful medicines are even rarer. They can be found but not sought.

There are actually a few magical medicines in Wuliang Mountain, which is definitely an unexpected surprise.


Seeing that Han Yang actually wanted to rush him to get the elixir immediately, the mountain owner was even more speechless.

He has never seen such a weirdo as Han Yang.


What makes geniuses different is precisely because they have some special quirks.

Now that the Seventeenth Holy Son had spoken, the mountain master did not dare to delay. He hurriedly said goodbye to Han Yang and rushed to the treasure house to find the magic medicine.

If a peerless genius like Han Yang appears under his rule, his status will inevitably rise.

He could even become a three-star or even a four-star envoy.

It's cheaper for those two little girls...

The mountain master even envied the female priest and the female hero.

If they can serve Han Yang, the future of the two women is limitless.

Just when Han Yang was about to leave, Lie Shanhao stepped forward and bowed his hand to him politely: I have met the Seventeenth Holy Son...

As a result, Han Yang ignored him at all, muttering about the holy medicine and magical medicine, and prepared to leave directly.

Lie Shanhao went crazy.

A trace of anger flashed across his face, but he didn't dare to show it.

The female priest hurriedly sent a message again to remind: Your Highness, this is the Lieshan Hao you asked us to investigate...

I thought that Han Yang would know this Lieshan Hao because of his grudges with the Lieshan clan, but it seemed that he didn't know him at all.


Hearing the name related to the Lieshan clan, Han Yang turned back and looked at Lieshanhao.

Lie Shanhao's expression was stunned, and he could only squeeze out a stiff smile.


Han Yang smiled at Lie Shanhao, stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder gently: Okay, very good, you are fine.

After saying that, he walked away without looking back.


Lie Shanhao has been fooled.

Are you fine?

Han Yang's previous action of patting him on the shoulder was clearly treating him as a junior.

Lie Shanhao was so angry that he almost went crazy.

He is a fifth-level spiritual body and a third-level martial saint.

So what if this bastard in the Martial Ancestor realm is a genius? How dare you humiliate yourself like this!

But in the end, he didn't dare to take action against Han Yang.

The protector was still watching with a smile.

If he dared to take action against Wuliangshan's first genius, the protector would definitely slap him to death.

Even the status of the Holy Son cannot protect him.

Bai Qixiao took a step forward, her cold and pretty face full of stubbornness: I am Bai Qixiao, remember this name, I will not give up easily!

The reason why a genius is a genius is that he never admits defeat!

Even if Han Yang breaks records and his achievements are unattainable, Bai Qisha will not give up easily.

After all, breaking through levels is just an aid, cultivation is the foundation!

She didn't believe that the Seventeenth Holy Son would be able to go further than her in the future of cultivation.

Han Yang paused for a moment, turned back and looked at Bai Qisu solemnly, nodded and said, Are you talking to me? Don't do this, otherwise, you will only become unfortunate.

After that, he left the place of trial and headed towards his palace.

Will it become unfortunate?

What are you talking about...

Bai Qisha couldn't understand the meaning of Han Yang's words at all. She only thought it was a humiliation, and the veins on her neck jumped with anger.

All the female officials, saints and saints, looked at Han Yang's leaving figure, secretly thinking in their hearts what they should do to have a relationship with this Qianlong.

As for those female officials who had previously laughed at the female priests and female heroes, their faces were already pale with fright, and they were frightened and uneasy.

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