Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 968 The three-star envoy is coming

Is this...promoting to Martial Saint?

Even if it is a condensed high-level spirit body, it is impossible to have such a vision, right?

This Seventeenth Holy Son is really not simple!


On Wuliang Mountain.

Golden lotuses spring from the ground, and merits descend from heaven.

The entire Seventeenth Temple is shrouded in auspicious clouds of merit and virtue.

There is even more purple energy coming from the east, spreading tens of thousands of miles, benefiting the people of Wuliang Mountain.

Everyone felt that they were in a peaceful state of mind and were intelligent. Many cultivation principles that had been unfathomable in the past were instantly solved and made clear as soon as they were thought about.

In Wuliang Mountain, countless martial saints also broke through at this moment.

Not only that, the outside of the Seventeenth Temple was shrouded in rays of light, emitting a bright light of martial arts.

As long as you get close, you can vaguely hear the sound of gods preaching and fairies chanting sutras.

The owner of Wuliang Mountain looked at the boundless auspicious clouds appearing above his head, and it was impossible to conceal the shock on his face.

This... this is condensing the form of the Holy Body! Unexpectedly, the Seventeenth Holy Son is actually a Holy Body, not a spiritual body!

Holy bodies are rare in the world. Even in Wuliang Mountain, only one appears in dozens of generations.

If it were just the holy body, it would not be able to make the mountain owner so excited.

But if you add Han Yang's achievements in the Holy Text, then... it's absolutely terrifying.

The Seventeenth Holy Son will...become the deputy sect leader of the Shen Sect in the future.

Bai Qishao bit her lips tightly, her eyes filled with confusion.


The winner of the competition she was trying to initiate had already been decided before it even started.

Previously, I could still deceive myself. The Seventeenth Holy Son might be extremely powerful in the Holy Text Path, but in the Cultivation Path, I could still compete with him.

But now, the other party actually... possesses the Holy Body.

In this way, he can also be unscrupulous in his cultivation, and his future is limitless.


Bai Qishao looked worried.

Women are born to worship the strong.

This is true even for a peerless genius like her.

Han Yang was reborn as the ninth generation and had seen the changes in the world. Previously, he could see Bai Qisha's feelings at a glance that he might not even understand.

In fact, deep down in her heart, she admired Han Yang.

That's why Han Yang said something a little incomprehensible when he left.

However, at this moment, seeing the auspicious clouds filling the sky, Bai Qi suddenly realized in a daze that the distance between him and the Seventeenth Holy Son was like a chasm in the sky.

It is simply impossible to have feelings that you shouldn't have.


Light and shadow flicker.

A figure appeared beside Bai Qisu.

Bai Qixu seemed not to notice.

The figure smiled gently and said: Actually, there is no need to think too much. There is no shortage of geniuses in this world. He is just one step ahead of us. One day, we can be like him and ascend to the upper world. When we reach the upper world, we Let’s compete with him again.”

Without looking back, Bai Qi immediately knew who was coming.

There is only one person in Wuliang Mountain who can maintain a normal heart under such a blow...

Xiu Tian Sword!

After a long silence, Bai Qixu said sadly: I don't want to chase him, I... want to walk side by side with him.

After hearing these words, Xiu Tianjian seemed to understand something, and he couldn't help but smile.

Believe me, one day, we can walk side by side with him!

Mountain Master, I think this matter must be reported to Shenzong... The Seventeenth Holy Son is too outstanding and cannot be cultivated by us.

The protector appeared next to the mountain master and reminded him slightly excitedly.

The mountain owner nodded and said excitedly: That's right, come with me!

Not only did he want to take credit for Han Yang, but he also wanted to help Han Yang apply for more magical medicines!

Although I don't know if the vision caused by Han Yang's promotion to Martial Saint is related to the magical medicine, but if a genius like this wants the magical medicine, just give it to him.

After a while, the two people appeared in a large hall.

The mountain owner respectfully lit three incense sticks.

Only a moment passed before the three-star envoy with the third eye raised between his brows appeared in the cigarette.


The three-star envoy's expression remained indifferent.

The mountain owner hurriedly explained in detail what Han Yang had done after arriving at Wuliang Mountain in an excited tone.

Including consecutive record breaking, as well as various strange phenomena caused by promotion to the Martial Saint Hall.

Oh? He can actually do this?

The three-star envoy finally showed a shocked look. After pondering for a moment, he said coldly: So, I must meet him in person!

With Han Yang's talent, his future achievements will surely be higher than his.

In fact, as long as Han Yang passes the trial and leaves Wuliang Mountain, he will be on an equal footing with him and become a three-star envoy.

The mountain master hesitated for a moment, then scratched his head and said: The Seventeenth Holy Son seems to have an extraordinary obsession with holy medicines and wonderful medicines. If your envoy comes, he can bring some wonderful medicines...

This is to reveal certain information about Han Yang so that the three-star envoy can make friends with Han Yang.

The three-star envoy nodded with satisfaction: You are very good. I will remember this favor!

After that, the figure in the cigarette disappeared.

Obviously he couldn't wait to come to Wuliang Mountain.

The protector could not hide his shock: It seems that the Seventeenth Holy Son is more important than we expected. The three-star envoy actually gave up his mission and came directly...

Every three-star envoy is guarding one side, controlling several worlds, and will not tamper easily.

In the eyes of this three-star envoy, meeting Han Yang seemed to be more important than the task assigned by Shenzong.

This shows Han Yang's status at this time.

The mountain master said with a smile: I remember that you still have a high-grade elixir, right? Why not give it to the Seventeenth Holy Son too.

The protector smiled and nodded.

Naturally, he would not miss this opportunity to make acquaintance with the future envoy, or even the future deputy sect master.

Now, the Seventeenth Holy Son might still be interested in the elixir. When he improves his cultivation and leaves Wuliang Mountain, the elixir will no longer be a scarce resource.

By then, it wouldn't be unusual to even give it to him.

Just when the two of them were in a good mood and thinking about their future, a female official rushed into the hall.

Mountain Master, Protector! His Highness the Seventeenth Holy Son, is about to start the second trial of breaking through!

One sentence shocked the two of them.

The trial has just been completed. In less than a day, I have just been promoted to Martial Saint and I have to go through it again?

This one is really...

The mountain owner originally wanted to criticize a few words, but when he thought of the future that Han Yang had, he couldn't say any words of blame after all.

Let's go... let's go and see together...

When the mountain owner and the protector arrived at the trial site, there was already a whole circle of people surrounding them.

This time, thirteen saints and three saints, one or more, all gathered outside the light gate of the trial place, eagerly staring at the nine-petal lotus that appeared on the light gate!

The sixth lotus petal has bloomed...'s still Qiye...

The Mountain Master and the Protector looked at each other, both shocked by what they saw in their eyes.

This speed is too fast.

The female officer came to report before he could pass the test, but in less than a stick of incense, Han Yang actually passed the test.

Both of them couldn't help but have an absurd thought at the same time: Could it be that this Seventeenth Holy Son is planning to complete the trial today and pass nine levels in a row?

Thinking of this, the two of them felt their heartbeats accelerate.

It shouldn't be possible...the last level is to connect to the will of the upper world through the sacred text, accept the baptism of the will of the upper world, and perfect the soul. No matter how genius you are, you can't pass it in one go in a short time!

Although everyone hopes that the Seventeenth Holy Son can perform miracles, the mountain master is still relatively calm.

Geniuses such as Bai Qishao and Xiu Tianjian have been stuck at the last level for nearly a thousand years.

The two even promoted their spiritual bodies to the eighth level during this period, but they were still unable to resist the baptism of the will of the upper world.

The Seventeenth Holy Son is only at the first level of the Martial Saint and the second level of the Holy Body. No matter how magical the Holy Body is, it should not be that easy to pass.

Although he said this, everyone's eyes were filled with a bit of expectation.

Except Lie Shanhao!

In the distance, Lie Shanhao's expression was gloomy and his eyes were vicious, wishing that Han Yang would die under the baptism of the will of the upper world.

Because he already had a premonition that this seventeenth holy son with outstanding talents must have evil intentions when he investigated him as soon as he came...

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