Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 970 The consequences of provoking Han Yang


The protector shouted sternly: Lie Shanhao, what nonsense are you talking about?

The mountain master also stepped out and stood between Han Yang and Lie Shanhao. He looked at Lie Shanhao with cold eyes and said coldly: Return to your temple immediately. You will not be allowed to leave even half a step within three years. !”

The two of them were blatantly favoring Han Yang.

Lie Shanhao was almost furious.

It was Han Yang who wanted to kill him, but it was not him who wanted to kill Han Yang. How could these bastards still restrain themselves?

Bai Qishao and Xiu Tianjian looked at Han Yang in confusion.

Any grudges or grievances can't wait until we leave Wuliang Mountain. We have to jump out now.

Han Yang looked at the mountain master and protector who stood between him and Lie Shanhao with a half-smile.

It's really interesting.

The so-called Shenzong is really a teaching without discrimination. Can it even train someone who has a life-and-death enemy like himself as a confidant?

Unfortunately, I am destined to be different from them.

Ever since Shenzong transformed into a hidden sect, cultivated side forces like the Lianxin Family in the Qingtian Realm, and prepared to subvert the Qingtian Realm, Han Yang and these people were destined not to go together.


Don’t reach out to hit the smiling person.

The mountain owner and the protector took good care of me, so I might as well give them some face.

Think of it as compensation for wooling yourself.

It's okay not to kill him. I want to know the specific coordinates of the Tianjing Realm among the many Zhongqian worlds.

This is Han Yang's bottom line.

Lie Shanhao doesn't have to kill, but Tianjingjie...he must go.

If Jue Yunzi hadn't taken action, the entire Tianwu Continent might have been torn apart by the Lieshan clan. This revenge must be avenged.

Moreover, Han Yang also wanted to find out from the Lieshan clan the secret behind the Tianwu Continent’s God List.

The coordinates of the Tianjing Realm?

Only then did the owner of Wuliang Mountain realize that Han Yang and Lie Shanhao had no personal grudges. He was going to the Tianjing Realm.

In this way, things will be solved easily.

The mountain owner smiled and relaxed the atmosphere: If Seventeen you need the coordinates of the Tianjing Realm, there is no need to go to such trouble. The Three-Star Venerable will come to Wuliang Mountain in the near future. We can get the specific coordinates of the Heavenly Crystal Realm there, and maybe we can also directly obtain a divine inscription that leads to the Heavenly Crystal Realm.

In the eyes of the mountain owner, these are all trivial matters.

With the talent displayed by the Seventeenth Saint Son Han Yang, Shenzong would definitely be happy to see it succeed.

Lie Shanhao felt his scalp numb when he heard this.

This kid doesn't have a grudge against himself, but... has a grudge against the Lieshan clan of the Tianjing Realm?

Something is wrong.

Being noticed by such a powerful and talented person is not a good thing for the Tianjing Realm.

In particular, there are some unknown secrets hidden in the Tianjing Realm. If Shenzong knows about it, it may cause a huge catastrophe.

what to do?

Lie Shanhao's mind was spinning, but he couldn't think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

As far as he knew, the holy text and the divine list were a mortal feud that could not be resolved.

Both sides are vying for dominance in the heavens and realms.

If Shenzong discovers it, not only will his plan fail, but it is also likely to bring disaster to the Tianjing Realm.

He must... be killed.

Lie Shanhao's heart surged with endless killing intent.

Only by killing this person can we avoid this possible catastrophe.

The owner of Wuliang Mountain, who was talking to Han Yang, didn't even notice that Lie Shanhao behind him had already come up with the idea of ​​dying together and was still trying to persuade Han Yang.

At this time, Han Yang suddenly turned his eyes to Lie Shanhao behind him and said with a smile: The mountain master has his orders, so I can naturally obey them, but I can wait. Some people may not be able to wait any longer...


The mountain owner looked at Han Yang in confusion.

At the next moment, a shocking roar sounded.


The black light was like a sword, as fast as a mountain top, and shot straight towards Han Yang.

Sacred Text: Sword.


You are presumptuous...

The mountain owner and the protector were startled, and each shouted.

Even they didn't expect that Lie Shanhao would be so crazy and actually use holy texts to attack the Seventeenth Holy Son in front of them?

However, just when they were about to stop it, something changed again.



Two ink divine words suddenly erupted, and immediately after, two figures rushed towards them like arrows from a string.

It turned out to be the two serving ladies who were following Lie Shanhao.

Huh? Why do you also have sacred texts?

The unprepared mountain master and protector had no time to activate their respective divine inscriptions, and were blown away.

The power of divine writing is undoubtedly revealed.

The two female officers were obviously only in the first-level spiritual body and the ninth-level martial saint realm, but they were able to use divine inscriptions to knock away two people with higher realms and stronger strength.

Without the protection of the two of them, the divine sword released by Lie Shanhao swept towards Han Yang in an instant.

In Lie Shanhao's eyes, there was a crazy and bloodthirsty killing intent.



There was immense resentment in his heart.

Because of this kid, he had to take the risk of exposing his identity and take action forcefully.

Even if Han Yang could be killed, he would never be able to escape Shenzong's pursuit and he would definitely die.

The originally bright future was ruined by the sudden appearance of the Seventeenth Holy Son Han Yang in just a few days.

If you don't kill Han Yang, it's hard to get rid of the hatred in your heart.


The moment his divine sword slashed at Han Yang at lightning speed, Han Yang smiled coldly and activated five divine symbols in his hand.

These five divine words, connected in pairs, form a perfect shield with the word Thunder.


The divine sword hit the thunder shield and was easily blocked.


Lie Shanhao looked shocked.

The opponent has just been promoted to Martial Saint, how can he block his divine attack?

The next moment, his figure turned into a stream of light, filled with evil energy, and rushed towards Han Yang.

Since the divine writings are not good, then... just use the spiritual body to crush them.

With his strength as a third-level martial saint and a sixth-level spiritual body, he can definitely kill Han Yang.

Get away!

Han Yang stood coldly and proudly, not moving yet, but at this moment, a figure that no one expected made a move with a sweet cry.

Bai Qishao.

This proud woman who had made it to the eighth level and possessed the realm of fourth-level martial saint and seventh-level spirit body actually cut off Lie Shanhao's path with a single slash.

Bai Qishao! What does it have to do with you? You... are looking for death!

Lie Shanhao was completely angered.

Even cats and dogs dared to attack him. If he hadn't wanted to hide the God List, he could have killed this self-proclaimed genius woman with just a raise of his hand.

Attack the mountain lord, the next one offends the upper one, how can you say it has nothing to do with me?!

Bai Qishao just found a high-sounding reason for herself.

She didn't want people to think that she was helping Han Yang.



After being delayed by Bai Qishu, the mountain owner and the protector had already activated their divine inscriptions and killed Lie Shanhao's two female subordinates.

If it were a saint son or a saint, they would still be afraid of him.

Two small furnace cauldrons dared to attack them, they were really looking for death.

After the murder, the mountain master's face was extremely ugly, and he said coldly to Lie Shanhao: Are you claiming to be a cultivator and waiting for the punishment of the three-star envoy, or should I kill you for disobedience?

Lie Shanhao's face turned cold and he spat fiercely at Han Yang: Boy, if there is no woman to protect you, you will definitely die today. If you want to kill me, do you dare to fight me?!

He was still provoking Han Yang.

As long as Han Yang couldn't bear to be provoked and stubbornly chose to take action, the mountain owner and the protector could not stop him and did not dare to stop him.

The mountain owner really wanted to slap Lie Shanhao to death.

Just when he was about to say something to dissuade Han Yang, he saw a smile on Han Yang's lips.


The mountain owner couldn't help but be startled.

Han Yang is actually smiling?

Shouldn't I be furious?

Could it be...

The mountain owner suddenly remembered something and hurriedly turned back to look in the direction of the Seventeenth Temple.

Sure enough, the dark clouds there had dispersed.

Han Yang's little zombie follower has been promoted and has become a ninth-level martial saint with the body of a fifth-level zombie.

not good!

By the time the mountain owner realized something was wrong and wanted to speak again, it was already too late.


A child's roar suddenly sounded.

A petite red figure suddenly appeared behind Lie Shanhao.

Xiao Jiuer, show up...

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