Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 972 A person’s destiny is his own choice

Lie Shanhao is dead.

After killing Lie Shanhao, Han Yang conveniently took away the two divine symbols owned by Lie Shanhao.

Come on, it's time to leave!

Of course it is impossible for Han Yang to stay here any longer.

Previously, he used Xiao Jiuer's promotion to attract the attention of the mountain master and the guardian, so he stayed in the trial place for more than an hour.

The wool was gathered too hard.

Directly... collect all the fifty-six divine symbols in the trial site.

If the three-star envoy who came from behind discovered it, there might be another setback.

Now, including Lie Shanhao's two, Han Yang has mastered a total of fifty-eight divine inscriptions, not at all...five as outsiders imagined.

Xiao Jiuer nodded and followed Han Yang obediently.

Your Highness!

As soon as Han Yang arrived at the main hall, they saw the female priest and Nu Ying.

At this time, the two of them have become the most glorious female officials in Wuliang Mountain. Many people, including many saints and saints, are inviting them to gatherings.

However, they were both rejected.

They know very well where the source of their glory comes from.

The only thought now is to serve his master Han Yang well.

Looking at the earnest smiles of the two female officials, Han Yang frowned slightly, pondered for a moment and then asked: Do you... have any relatives?

The two women were startled, and then they seemed to understand something.

They thought that the master wanted to take care of their relatives, so they hurriedly reported back respectfully: Since the family sent us to Wuliang Mountain, we have automatically severed all ties with the family.

Being a female officer in Wuliang Mountain seems very honorable, but in fact everyone understands that they are just a small furnace that can be played with by others.

If you encounter a kind master, you may gain unexpected glory.

But if you meet a bad person, you will definitely die without knowing how. If you die by being harvested, it will be regarded as a good death.

I understand. Since you two are people who have no worries, let me ask you, if I leave Wuliang Mountain, will you two still be willing to follow me?

Han Yang knew very well that given Shenzong's meager and evil nature in the past, after his defection came to light, the upper echelons of Shenzong would not let go of the two female officials who served him.

The female priest and the female hero looked stunned again.


What does this mean?

Han Yang said calmly: Shenzong is not suitable for me, I will leave Shenzong.

In a word, it was like a bolt from the blue.

The female priest and Nuying were completely shocked.

Leave Shenzong?

Shenzong is one of the three most powerful forces in the world, a hidden sect that no one else can ask for.

And with the talent shown by the master, as long as he continues to stay, he will definitely have an unlimited future.

After being shocked, the female priest seemed to understand something and asked cautiously: Does Your Highness think that the holy texts of Shenzong are boring?

This is the only way to explain it.

Geniuses or not, they all have the desire to make progress.

Han Yang came to Wuliang Mountain and passed nine passes in four days, all the way. Maybe he felt that the Holy Wen Dao was nothing more than that, so he felt bored and wanted to leave.

This is also in line with the genius's style of doing things.

For others, it might be unbelievable.

But if Han Yang said such words, the female priest felt that it was natural.

After passing nine levels in four days, each level broke the record. It was indeed... not interesting.

Han Yang couldn't help but smile a little.

But it's okay, so as not to waste your time.

It can also be understood that if you are willing to follow me, then leave with me...

Han Yang released his kindness.

How they choose is up to them.

I'll go with Your Highness!

The female priestess nodded without hesitation.

In a place like Wuliang Mountain, people like them, who live as neither humans nor ghosts, may be harvested and die at any time.

If Han Yang left and had another owner, the two of them would inevitably end up in that same fate.

Rather than making a furnace for others, it is better to follow and leave.

A genius like Master will have a bright future no matter where he goes.

Compared with the decisiveness of the female priest, the female hero seemed a little hesitant.

The glory during this period made her reluctant to give up.

Even if Han Yang leaves, with the experience of serving Han Yang, she will become a hot commodity that other saints and saints compete for.

After hesitating for a while, the female hero accompanied Xing Xing and said, I want to stay in Wuliang Mountain, and please don't blame me...

A person's destiny is his own choice. How can I blame you?

Han Yang smiled faintly.


With a bang, the female hero was sent flying.

Suddenly, the heroine lost all her breath, as if she was dead.

Of course she won't die. After being in a coma for a while, she will wake up naturally, her physique will change, and her strength will improve by leaps and bounds. This is a parting gift from Han Yang.

Knocking her out after being seriously injured can be regarded as an explanation to Wuliangshan, and it may not embarrass her.

Your Highness!

The female priest's eyes widened in shock.

She had smiled and said she wouldn't blame him, but then he slapped her to death, which was a bit hard for her to understand.

If you don't follow, you will be killed?

It's too cruel.

Just when the female priest was still in shock, Xiao Jiuer stretched out her little hand and held the female priest's hand tightly.

The female priest was so frightened that her legs gave out and she almost fell to the ground.

After all, he had witnessed Xiao Jiuer's cruelty with his own eyes.

Sister Priestess, don't be afraid, we will be our own from now on...

Xiao Jiuer comforted him slightly awkwardly.


The female priest sneered a few times with a stiff expression, but she didn't know how to respond.

Han Yang Chuanchuan said: Nvying is fine, she just faked her death. You arrange for a trustworthy person to collect her body afterwards. She will be resurrected in a short time.

Han Yang didn't explain much, believing that the female priest could see clearly with her intelligence.

Sure enough, after being shocked, the female priest understood the intention of her master's move.

If the master defectes, the female officer will die.

The master is saving Nv Ying’s life.

It's a pity that Nvying just made the wrong choice and didn't follow her master away, otherwise she wouldn't have suffered this fate.

With a sigh, the female priest silently followed Han Yang.

A group of people left the Seventeenth Temple and were about to find an opportunity to leave when they met the mountain master who was coming with a smile on his face.

Seventeenth Holy Son? I am just looking for you. The Three-Star Envoy has arrived at Wuliang Mountain. He wants to see you. Please come with me.

The mountain owner greeted Han Yang warmly, and while flying towards the top of the mountain, he explained with a smile: Your Majesty attaches great importance to you. He even applied for a holy text from above, which was sent hundreds of millions of miles away. …”

Han Yang had no intention of following him.

However, thinking that the three-star envoy knew his origins, and if he left, he would probably implicate the entire Qingtian Realm, he thought for a moment, nodded and followed.

Arriving at the main hall of Wuliang Mountain, the mountain master glanced at the female priest calmly.

A lowly female official is not qualified to set foot in this main hall.

Seeing this, Han Yang said calmly: I like her very much. She will follow me wherever I go.

Upon hearing this, the mountain owner's eyes immediately changed.

That's called envy.

With these few words from the Seventeenth Holy Son, this little housekeeper will surely soar into the sky in the future.

Since I haven’t seen that heroine, I guess she won’t be liked by the Seventeenth Holy Son.

Destiny is indeed different between people.

In that case, three of you, please!

The mountain master was much more polite towards the female priest, as if he regarded the female priest as a saint-level person.

The female priest's fingers were trembling slightly and she lowered her head, not daring to look in the direction of the mountain master.

She now wants to know, if the Mountain Master and the Three-Star Master knew that their master was planning to abandon Shenzong and leave, would they attack them on the spot and kill all three of them?

In the main hall.

Surrounded by golden light, when Han Yang stepped into the main hall, the Three-Star Venerable suddenly had a flash of light between his eyebrows, and the vertical eye in the center opened straight...

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