Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 978 The Iron Wall Army is willing to die with the General King

how so……

The young lady who had not cried when she was near death now burst into tears.

She originally thought that even if the Liao monarchs and ministers wronged her husband, at least the people would understand.

But the scene before her eyes made her heart despair.

Han Yang also raised his eyebrows slightly: Female Sacrifice!

The female priest's eyes were cold and she suddenly fell from the air.

On the long street.

The eunuch escorting the prison car was quite dissatisfied when he saw Fu Pocheng looking as dead as ice.

This is not okay.

The king said that Fu Pocheng would be punished.

If there is no reaction at all, what kind of punishment is it?

The great eunuch rolled his eyes and sent a message to Fu Pocheng in a sinister tone: General King... I'm afraid you don't know yet. Just today, our family received a message from Du Antang and our ancestors. Your My wife and children have both been killed. Tsk, tsk, how pitiful you are, because you went the wrong way alone, and the whole family was affected.

In fact, he didn't receive news from Du Antang and Hong Qianqiu at all, but it was just to stimulate Fu Pocheng.


After Fu Pocheng heard these words, a hint of anger appeared in his dead eyes, and he glared at the eunuch fiercely.

Shameless! You tortured Zhongliang and wronged me, forget it, but you actually implicated innocent people and harmed my relatives, I...

Before he finished speaking, the great eunuch laughed loudly: That's it. Are you angry? Are you resentful? Roar, scream! Let the people of the capital see your true face as a general...

However, just as the great eunuch shouted proudly, a special team suddenly appeared in front of the long street.

This team is all made up of octogenarians. Many of them are missing arms, legs and eyes, and they don’t have a complete appearance.

However, there is a spirit in these people.

Heading straight into the smoke, awe-inspiring and unyielding. the General King!

The leader, a one-armed old man, fell to his knees with a thud and held a stick of incense respectfully in front of his chest.

Send to the General King!

The rest of the people also knelt down and paid homage.

The smile on the big eunuch's face instantly froze, and his eyes looking at these old people became extremely vicious.

The people around him also subconsciously stopped insulting and throwing debris.

They also recognized the identities of these elderly people.

Iron Wall Army!

It turned out to be the Iron Wall Army. I thought they were dead, but I didn't expect...

Back then, it was General Wang who led the Iron Wall Army, which blocked the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms, saved the capital, and continued the good fortune of the Liao Kingdom for three hundred years. We...

The appearance of these veterans of the Iron Wall Army reminded the people of the capital of the scene three hundred years ago, when the capital of the Liao Kingdom was besieged by the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms, and the city was almost destroyed and the country was destroyed.

The tragic scene that day almost happened yesterday.

But the general king who was guarding the capital at that time, for some reason, became a traitor who was to be cut to death with a thousand swords.

For a while, the people were a little confused.

Is the General King really planning to rebel?

At the beginning, the entire Liao Kingdom was in the hands of the General King. After the War to Protect the Country, the reputation of the Liao Kingdom was even more powerful. At that time, he did not rebel, but now?

Noticing the changes in emotions on the people's faces, the eunuch became angry.

General Wang Fu broke the city, he must be a traitor!

Otherwise, how could the Liao Kingdom legitimately seek refuge with the Qianshan Sect after his death?

Come here! Tie up these old guys who are involved in the rebellion!

They're just a bunch of old men, just find an excuse to kill them.

When all these old people are dead, not many people in the capital of Liao Kingdom will remember the past three hundred years ago.

The soldiers of the Imperial Guard escorting the prison van looked at each other, and no one dared to step forward to take action.

Even though these old people are missing arms and legs, and all of them have disabilities, the Iron Wall Army had a great reputation in the past.

The copper wall and the iron wall used flesh and blood to block the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms.

Among them, there are many feats of killing the martial kings of the Three Kingdoms in the Yuan Dan realm.

How could they, the new recruits, dare to raise their butcher's knives against these distinguished veterans.

If you really dare to take action, you will definitely be scolded to death by the ancestors of each family after you return home!

Seeing that the imperial guards did not take action, the great eunuch cursed coldly:

A bunch of trash!

After that, he waved his hand, and dozens of eunuchs and eunuchs rushed towards the Iron Wall Army veteran.

A eunuch is a dog raised by the king. He will bite whoever the master tells him to bite.

The veterans of the Iron Wall Army still knelt down and knelt down to Fu Pocheng, motionless, as if they were about to attack before they saw the butcher's knife.


At the moment when the General King was framed as a traitor, they didn't want to live anymore.

It’s okay not to wait for such a country.


Don't live under the same sky with those treacherous people.

When Fu Pocheng saw this scene, he couldn't help but his eyes turned red.

Let's go, you all go!

He really couldn't bear to see these old subordinates die with him.

Unfortunately, no one got up.

From the moment they knelt down with cigarettes in hand, these veterans had no intention of living.


Seeing those eunuchs raising their butcher knives fiercely, a figure fell from the sky and hit the ground with a bang, breaking the formation on the street.

The bluestones that paved the street were directly cracked and shattered.

The terrifying airflow instantly knocked those Yuandan realm eunuchs off their feet and fell down.

Even the great eunuch staggered due to the blow and turned pale.

You...who are you? How dare you rob a prison car!

The big eunuch subconsciously slapped a big hat on him.

This is also an old tradition among eunuchs.

It doesn’t matter what you do, just put one charge on you first and see if you accept it or not.

The female priest ignored the chief eunuch and pointed toward the prison car.

When the great eunuch saw this scene, Jie Jie laughed strangely: It's really ridiculous. This is a secret treasure from the Shangzong. It is in the realm of suppressing kings and is invincible. Even high-level martial kings can't break free... How dare you touch it with your hands... …bump……

At the end of the sentence, the eunuch's voice seemed to be stuck.


In his eyes, the shackles that could seal any Martial King turned out to be like paper, being broken into pieces by the finger of the woman in front of him.

The surrounding guards originally wanted to step forward, but when they saw this scene, they all opened their mouths in shock.


Fu Pocheng looked blankly at this unknown and beautiful woman in front of him, and didn't understand why she would risk the world to come here to save him.


At this moment, a familiar call sounded from the side.

Fu Pocheng looked up and found that it was his wife, holding her young daughter in her arms, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

You only know how to cherish after you lose it.

At the beginning, he imprisoned himself to cultivate himself, thinking that the king was just deceived by a traitor and would definitely give him justice.

At this time, when he saw his wife and daughter resurrected from the dead, he realized how wrong he was.

When the great eunuch saw this scene, he was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. He roared angrily: Okay! I dare to rob the law field and rebel against you. Come here and kill all these remnants of rebellion!




Following his order, dozens of Martial Kings suddenly appeared, blocking the long street.

Fu Po was a high-ranking official in the city, and the leader of the Liao Kingdom had long expected that someone would come to rob the execution ground, so he arranged in advance for the Royal Horse Supervisor and all the military kings to set up an ambush nearby.

With the support of these King Wus, the great eunuch became more rigid. He pointed at the female priest and shouted angrily: Who are you? Tell me honestly. Don't... eh?

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the mysterious strong woman who had previously descended from the sky to suppress all directions, stood behind a handsome man in white like a maid.

Her well-behaved appearance was unimaginable. It was this woman who smashed the prison car and suppressed all directions, causing him, a high-ranking martial king, to retreat seven or eight steps...

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