Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 983 The body of the furnace causes disputes




The voice of the female priest was like an echo, stirring in the sky above the capital.

The next moment, something happened that stunned everyone.

The three martial saints who were fighting madly felt as if they were hit by lightning. In an instant, they felt like they had been hit by a hammer. Their seven orifices were bleeding and they fell miserably from the air.

If it were not for the protection of the Martial Ancestor who was traveling with them, the three of them would probably have become the only Martial Saints in the Tianjing Realm who were thrown to death.

After the sound waves stopped, Lie Shanming and the other two looked at the woman dressed as a maid in the sky above the palace with horrified eyes.

Third level?

At least above the second level!

What I am practicing is actually the Furnace Cauldron Technique...

The female priest shouted angrily and shocked the three of them, which actually did not make them feel afraid.

After all, they are only first-level martial saints.

Although they are regarded as gods by the warriors of the vassal states, they themselves understand that above them, there are second-level, third-level, and even stronger martial saints.

But the information revealed by the female priest in this roar made the three of them pale in horror.

Second level, or third level Martial Saint?

This is not surprising. What is surprising is that the other party is actually practicing... the Furnace Cauldron Technique?

Even if they were as powerful as Senluo Sect and Qingyan Island, they would not dare to use the Martial Saint as a cauldron.

Not to mention, this Martial Saint was allowed to practice the furnace-specific techniques that were not self-serving but beneficial to others.

A second- and third-level martial saint who practices the furnace cauldron technique, what kind of cultivation level will her master have, and what kind of background will she have?

Lie Shanming, who had always been sure of victory and did not take Ku Gu and Qiu Tai Sui seriously, realized for the first time that things might be a little out of control.

Neither Qianshan Sect nor Huai Jingtang seemed to have discovered the true identities of these three mysterious strong men.


Without hesitation, Dry Bones turned around and left.

This is the territory of the Qianshan Sect, so let the Qianshan Sect be miserable.

However, this time, taking the Liao War as the starting point, the plan of the two sects to jointly attack the Lieshan clan may be about to undergo major changes.

A second- or third-level Martial Saint who practices the Furnace Cultivation Technique, this is enough to change everyone's judgment on the current situation.

Just when Kugu and Qiutai Sui wanted to escape, the voice of the female priest sounded again.

Anyone who dares to make noise in the sky above the capital and disturb my master's dream will die!

She was obviously practicing the furnace cauldron technique, but at this moment, the female priest was extremely powerful.

In her eyes, let alone the small Qianshan Sect, Baigu Mountain, and Taisui Pagoda, even the Lieshan Sect, Senluo Sect, and Qingyan Island were just rural barbarians.

If it weren't for the birth of a genius like Lie Shanhao in the Tianjing Realm, the little Tianjing Realm wouldn't even have a chance to enter the Eye of Shenzong.

From a mental point of view, the female priest looks down on everyone in the Tianjing world.

Withered Bones sneered twice and ran away without looking back.

Qiu Taisui followed closely behind.

Lie Shanming was left with a confused look on his face.

The third-level martial saint of Huai Jingtang is about to arrive. If he dares to leave at this time, he will definitely be liquidated afterwards.

But if you don't escape...this furnace seems to be a bit powerful and terrifying.

With a roar, three of their Martial Saints were injured.

Her master will definitely become stronger.

Just when Lie Shanming was feeling uneasy and in a dilemma, the female priest dropped her head and returned to the palace.


Seeing this unnatural scene, Lie Shanming not only did not relax at all, but became even more nervous.

This means that this person and the master behind her do not take Qianshan Sect seriously at all.

Their target is Huai Jingtang, a branch of the Lieshan clan...or is it the main family of the Lieshan clan?

This discovery made Lie Shanming's hair stand on end.

Who are these three people who dare to challenge the Lieshan clan's authority in the Tianjing world?


The warriors in the Liao capital were all dumbfounded at this moment.

I thought that they respectfully addressed the female saint as some compliment to the female priest.

But at this time, the female priest showed terrifying strength beyond their imagination.

The three Martial Saints were beaten to such a degree that the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering. It was as if the end of the world was coming. She roared and fell from the sky to the ground.

Martial Saint!

This woman is definitely a genuine high-level martial saint.

But her identity is just a maid.

The little maid is so powerful, then her master...

The warriors of the Liao Kingdom realized belatedly that the small grudge between the king and the general Wang Fu Po City was nothing more than a small spark worth mentioning.

The Qianshan Sect, and even the Huai Jing Hall behind the Qianshan Sect, are the real conflagration.


No one wants to leave at this moment.

If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening!

Now all the warriors want to observe this battle that is destined to be recorded in history.

Hundreds of miles away.

Withered Bones and Qiu Taisui stopped in embarrassment.

It's too awful.

Until now, their eardrums are still buzzing, their brains are buzzing, and their souls seem to be constantly agitating.

That woman is more terrifying than imagined.

However, at this time, they no longer cared about their injuries, and they all hurriedly took out the transmission talismans and reported back the information to their respective masters.

This time, after hundreds of years of arduous negotiations, Senluo Sect and Qingyan Island finally reached a cooperation agreement and jointly attacked Lieshan Clan.

After the incident in the capital of Liao Kingdom, it was immediately designated as a flash point by Senluo Sect and Qingyan Island.

The White Bone Mountain and Tai Sui Pagoda have also become pawns, the first pawns to cause chaos.

As a result, the chess piece was beaten into disgrace before it could play any role.

If this major incident goes wrong because of the mistakes of the two of them, it will be a disaster.


There was a flash of light and shadow, and two phantoms appeared next to Dry Bones and Qiu Taisui respectively.

Both of them changed their expressions.

The method of soul separation and reappearance!

This is a contact method that is extremely harmful to the deity and should not be used unless absolutely necessary.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the news from his side spread, the two sects would be so impatient.

You said... that woman is practicing the furnace cauldron technique?

The shadow of a woman appeared on the left, asking urgently.

Qiu Taisui nodded hurriedly and replied: That's right. The technique she practices is definitely the furnace method, and the aura is very pure!

There was still half a sentence he didn't dare to say.

Even though he was still several miles away from the female sacrificer, he could already smell the sweet scent of the furnace that belonged to the female sacrificer.

If he could have a break with this woman, he felt that he could even break through two levels in a row and achieve the third level of Martial Saint.

The shadow of a man on the right raised his eyebrows and asked: Could it be Lieshan clan who is spreading suspicion in the old formation? Back then, I, the Supreme Elder of Senluo Sect, died in an unknown manner...

Senluo Sect and Qingyan Island suffered a lot from Lieshan clan.

In the eyes of the two sects, the Lieshan clan was extremely strange.

He obviously doesn't look strong, as if he can be destroyed easily.

But I don’t know why, every time the two sects want to destroy the Lieshan clan, the strong ones in the sect either disappear mysteriously or suddenly fall.

It was as if there was some mysterious force protecting the Lieshan clan.

The mysterious appearance of the cauldron made both of them wonder if it came from the mysterious force hidden in the dark?

If it is really the Lieshan clan's own trick, there is no need to kill the Qianshan Sect... I think it is very likely that the mysterious force has broken up with the Lieshan clan.

It's very possible... Since then, our plan...

Let Deputy Sect Master Lian and Deputy Island Master Mu go to the Liao Kingdom to meet the owner of the furnace in person. If possible, join forces with him to destroy the Lieshan clan.

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