Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 988 Come to see me, Liewasabi

Lieshanjiu, formerly known as Lieshanlong.

With her stupid qualifications, it was completely a coincidence that she could be a maid for such a proud girl as Liesakui.

Liesakui originally arranged a fatal mission for her, just to find a biting dog.

Unexpectedly, Lieshan Longfu was lucky enough to survive the mission.

Therefore, Lieshan Kui gave her the name Lieshan Dove to show her bravery.

To be honest, this name has some humiliating meaning no matter how you look at it.

A woman who was given the name Jiu was simply not the way she should treat a close relative.

But Lieshenjiu was not ashamed, but proud of it, and spread the news that Lieshengui had given him a name.

After going back and forth, everyone around her thought that Liesakui really regarded her as a confidant.

It's a pity that she had a cool and cold temperament like Wasabi, and he liked her quickly and hated her quickly. Within a few years, she was forgotten.

Only then would Lie Shanjiu stay in the Huai Jing Hall under the branch.

Now when the other party mentioned the name of Wasabi, the old woman immediately brought out Wasabi to show off.

Han Yang didn't pay attention to Lie Shankui's appearance, and still said calmly: You, now send a message to Lie Shan Kui, and tell her that my old friend Han Yang is visiting, and tell her to come and see me as soon as possible.

After hearing Han Yang's instructions to have Lie Shan Kui roll over to pay homage, Lie Shan Kui almost couldn't help but curse.

What dares to humiliate the proud daughter of the Lieshan clan?

But when she heard the word Han Yang, the anger she just showed suddenly turned into surprise.

Han Yang?

She had heard this name many times.

According to the maids around Lie Shankui, Lie Shankui has been cursing every day since his clone went to Tianwu Continent to perform the mission and failed.

The one who scolded him the most was the bastard named Han Yang.


Lie Shanjiu, who suddenly thought of something, once again showed an unbelievable look.

According to his master Li Shankui, Han Yang, the little warrior from the lower realm, was just a little Martial King. No, he was still a ninth-level Martial King at the beginning.

Only a few years had passed, and not only had he ascended to the upper realm, he actually came to the Sky Crystal Realm to seek revenge?

This scene is simply too magical.

Lie Shanjiu couldn't believe that this Han Yang was that Han Yang.

But Han Yang asked Lie Shankui to come and pay homage to him by name. It would be hell if he had the same name.

One by one, what kind of monsters are they!

Lie Shanjiu swallowed a mouthful of saliva with great difficulty.

At this time, Han Yang's voice gradually turned cold: Did you hear that? Now, send the message, or...die!

The cold murderous intention made Lie Shanjiu shudder.

Her body was trembling, and she glared at Han Yang with a stern look, Okay! I'll send a message to my young lady right now. Don't regret it!

In Lie Shanjiu's view, the other party was simply seeking death.

I guess Han Yang, an idiot like him, thought that the power of Lie Shankui's split soul was the realm of the deity, so he dared to come for revenge without any shame.

He has no idea how powerful Liesaku's true form is.

No matter what realm Han Yang is now, even if he becomes a ninth-level martial saint, he will definitely die in the Tianjing Realm.

Lieshanjiu took out the transmission talisman and began to quickly send a message to the maid next to Lieshankui.

She believed that since the young lady hated Han Yang so much, she must also be very eager to get news about Han Yang.

This is a great opportunity that comes to your doorstep.

Billions of miles away, in a glacier.

Eight unlucky maids lined up, shivering in the ice cave.

Even if they are all high-level martial saints and protected by sacred weapons, they cannot bear the cold of the glacier formed by the Ice Law.

Since the mission failed, Lie Shankui was punished by his ancestor.

Originally, she was asked to face the wall and think about her fault.

But Lie Shankui volunteered to enter the Ice Hell to practice in seclusion.

In her own words, it was purely because she underestimated the enemy and lacked preparation that she was plotted by Han Yang.

She must work hard to practice and hone herself in order to come to the lower world again and complete her unfinished mission.

But until now, the eight maids have not dared to tell Lie Shankui that in fact, not long after she retreated, Han Yang took the entire Tianwu Continent and ascended to the upper world.

Lieshan clan even took action personally, but was intercepted midway.

They dare not say.

If Lie wasabi knew this news, he might go berserk on the spot.


In the deathly silence, the transmission note on the waist of one of the maids suddenly vibrated.

The maid frowned slightly.

Another maid next to her mocked, It's that old dog again?

That's right, in the eyes of these serious maids, Fierce Mountain Dove is just a biting dog.

They were all ashamed to be ranked alongside the Fierce Mountain Dove.

After piling up so many resources to achieve the third level of Martial Saint, without even awakening a spiritual body, this old woman is nothing but a waste.

However, because Lieshanjiu had been given the name Lieshangui, they had to endure their nausea and continue to keep in touch with Lieshanjiu.

We usually share some innocuous little information with each other.

They would never tell others about really important things, such as Liesakui's retreat in the Ice Hell.

The maid nodded and reluctantly picked up the transmission talisman.

However, after taking a look at the transmission talisman, the maid suddenly lost her composure and screamed in surprise. She even knocked a stone table not far away with her breath.

The other seven maids all had expressions on their faces and stared at her with a hint of complaint.

The little maid's eyes widened and she said quickly with a trembling voice: Isn't that right... Han... Han Yang... that Han Yang, has come to our Tianjing Realm!

Han Yang?

What Han Yang?

The maids on the side were slightly startled at first, and then their expressions changed dramatically.

Han Yang!

This name has been almost their nightmare in recent years.

After the mission to seize the sacred ruins failed, Lie Shankui's temperament changed drastically, becoming moody and punishing them at every turn.

Sometimes they would whip them and curse Han Yang angrily.

Over time, Han Yang not only became the person Lie Shankui hated the most, but also these eight maids wanted to peel off Han Yang's skin and bones.

Now when they suddenly heard that Han Yang had arrived in the Sky Crystal Realm, their first thought was that they didn't believe it.

As maids carefully cultivated by the Lieshan clan's divine list, they basically have high-level martial arts cultivation.

Naturally, we know how vast and boundless the heavens and the world are.

When Han Yang ascended to the Blue Sky Realm, he almost cut off all contact with the Tianjing Realm.

If the Lieshan clan hadn't mastered the hidden intelligence network of the Shenbang organization, we wouldn't even have known about the existence of Qingtian Realm, a middle-thousand world.

And even though he knew the location of Qingtian Realm, Lieshan clan still did not act rashly.

Because, without the help of the mid-level or above divine list, even a ninth-level martial saint would need to spend thousands of years to travel from the Tianjing Realm to the Blue Sky Realm.

Moreover, Qingtian Realm is under the control of Shengwen, a hidden sect of Shengwen.

They simply did not dare and could not use the power of the Divine List at will.

Therefore, going back and forth to find Han Yang to seize the Shenxu was delayed.

Now Lieshan's only hope is that the remnants of the Shenbang organization that still existed in Tianwu Continent can grow up again, thus connecting the two worlds.

But how long this time will take, whether it is thousands of years or tens of thousands of years, no one can say for sure.

As a result, information was received now that Han Yang appeared in the Tianjing Realm. This... is too incredible.

How could a little Martial Emperor fly across a distance that would take Martial Saints thousands of years to fly out of thin air?

The little maid placed the transmission talisman in front of her, suppressing the doubts in her heart and said: Sisters, you guys, Lie Shanjiu specially added Han Yang's appearance pattern, it does look like Han Yang from Tianwu Continent!

The eight maids who stretched their necks looked at each other in confusion as they looked at the telegraph.

It really is.

In this case, the news must be told to the lady as soon as possible.

But... who is going?

They can already know how furious Lie Shankui will be once he learns the news about Han Yang.

I'm afraid she won't stay in the ice hell for a moment longer...

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