Nine Revolutions of the Stars Technique

Chapter 994 The furnace can also kill people

Lie Shanjing, you actually escaped?

Lie Shanjing's sudden escape from the battle not only dumbfounded the martial saints at Huai Jing Hall, but even the two powerful men from Senluo Sect and Qingyan Island in the distance were a little confused.

Although Lie Shanjing was promoted to ninth-level martial saint after refining a holy weapon as his foundation, his strength was slightly inferior to the two of them.

But the ninth-level Martial Saint is the ninth-level Martial Saint!

Even though the cauldron showed the terrifying strength of a seventh-level martial saint and a third-level spiritual body, Lieshan Jing was still capable of fighting.

After all, the furnace tripod is a furnace tripod and is not good at fighting.

Lie Shanjing's behavior of running away without a fight, in the eyes of Mu Baishuang and Lian Sheng, simply made them confused. You looked at me and I looked at you, looking at each other.

Could it be that he is afraid of Mr. Han's background?

That's the only way to explain it.

After all, a cauldron with the seventh level of martial saint and the third level of spiritual body is enough to scare away a group of people.

At least Mu Baishuang and Lian Sheng don't dare to have the slightest contempt for Mr. Han now.

It is impossible for an ordinary person to be able to afford a furnace cauldron of this level.

It's just that it would be a bit embarrassing for Lieshanjing to run away like this.

After all, he is also the master of a hall, and at least he is a ninth-level martial saint...

Just when the two were confused, the battle broke out.

The female priest blasted out with a palm, as if the end was coming.

Hundreds of martial saints from Huai Jing Hall took action frantically, trying to block the female priest's fatal blow.

Amid the roaring thunder, the battle was quickly decided.

Although Huai Jingtang blocked the terrifying attack of the female priest, it suffered heavy losses.

All the martial saints below the sixth level died in battle in an instant.

Most of the seventh-level Martial Saints were also killed or injured.

Eighth level...

Although no one died, some were injured and vomited blood.

Although Huai Jingtang was defeated miserably by this blow, it undoubtedly proved the judgment of Mu Baishuang and the others... Furnace warriors are not known for their combat prowess.

The female priest is a seventh-level martial saint and a third-level spiritual body, which is equivalent to a ninth-level martial saint who refines a holy weapon.

As a result, not even an eighth-level Martial Saint was killed.

Just this, can it scare away Lie Shanjing?

The female priest's attempt failed, which made Lie Shanjing's escape behavior even more ridiculous.

Hall Master!

All the martial saints in Huai Jing Hall let out miserable cries of grief.

They were really frustrated.

If Lie Shanjing didn't escape and besieged them together, they... could win.

Although the opponent has a high level, his strength is actually average.

However, the female priest missed her attack, and Lie Shanjing still did not give up the idea of ​​​​escape. Instead, she ran away faster.

The female priest's face turned red and she almost didn't dare to look in Han Yang's direction.

Shameful, so shameful.

The seventh-level martial saint and the third-level spirit body are equivalent to the tenth level and equivalent to the ninth-level martial saint who refines a holy weapon.

As a result, not even an eighth-level Martial Saint was killed.

You all die.

The female priest was really furious this time.

The master, Han Yang, gave her instructions on how to practice combat skills for a month while she was on her way.

I can't embarrass my master anymore.

With a cold shout, the priestess struck again.


The sound of swords sounded.

The four elephants curse and seal the sword, and the white tiger kills.

This time, the female priest directly abandoned the martial arts she had practiced in Wuliang Mountain and chose to use the Four Symbols Curse Seal Sword taught by Han Yang.

The moment the sound of the sword sounded, the female priest felt something different.

All her strength seemed to be released with this knife.

The power of the furnace, which was originally gentle, seemed to have become violent.

The cauldron is like water, it can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it.

At this time, the power of the female priest's cauldron was like setting off a stormy sea.


She is just a strong person on the outside but a strong person on the inside.

Kill her!

Although the leader of Huaijing Hall ran away, the martial saints gained confidence because of the previous move.

In their view, a furnace tripod is a furnace tripod.

No matter how high the realm is, he is just a useless person who can only sleep with men.


For a moment, the fighting spirit of a group of seventh- and eighth-level martial saints in Huai Jing Hall surged. It was surprising that Lie Shanjing's escape did not affect their fighting spirit.


The attack power of both sides collided again.

At the moment of the collision, the expressions of all the seventh and eighth level martial saints in Huaijing Hall suddenly changed.

An unimaginable violent force was released from the blade of the female priest.

One moment she was a little sheep-like female sacrifice, and this moment she completely became a tigress.

With a tiger roar, the white tiger's killing sword light drowned all the martial saints.

When the sword light dissipated, there was no one left in the void.

All the seventh and eighth level martial saints in Huai Jing Hall were killed by this sword.

There was deathly silence between heaven and earth.

Everyone looked at the woman above the void in shock, trembling all over.

So strong!

When did a furnace become so powerful?

The female priest was also slightly dazed.

Is this the magic of being a master?

In the previous first move, out of habit and trust issues, the female priest subconsciously used Wuliangshan Martial Arts.

After all, she had received education from Wuliangshan for so many years and knew how powerful Shenzong was.

It wasn't until he missed the first move and was so embarrassed and angry that he used the Four Symbols Curse Seal Knife that Han Yang had recently taught him for the second move.

With one blow of the sword, the judgment is made.

Compared to Wuliangshan Martial Arts, the techniques taught by the master Han Yang were like miracles.

It made her cauldron explode with such terrifying fighting power.

This is already the case. If you can cultivate into the furnace and cauldron fighting body mentioned by the master, how powerful will you be?

For a time, the female priest was full of longing for the future.

The eyes he looked at Han Yang were also crystal clear, full of admiration.

Han Yang couldn't laugh or cry, and he had no choice but to remind him: Don't be in a daze. Didn't you see the leader running away?


The female priest was startled and suddenly remembered that the master of Huai Jing Hall actually abandoned all the martial saints before the battle broke out and ran for his life alone.


She subconsciously performed the Magic Cloud Step taught by Han Yang.


The next moment, the female priest was horrified to find that her speed had reached an incredible level.

Even... can catch up with Lieshan Jing who escaped hundreds of miles away.


She laughed loudly and smiled, tears streaming down her face.

As a destined cauldron, she felt for the first time that her destiny could be in her own hands.

It was the owner Han Yang who gave her new life.

Give me...die!

The female priest, whose fighting spirit broke out, soon caught up with Lie Shanjing and started fighting crazily.

Lie Shanjing has no intention of fighting to the death and is restrained everywhere.

It wasn't until he realized that he had no way to retreat that he had to use all his strength to fight to the death.

But at this time, the female priest has already gained confidence.

Moreover, after killing many martial saints in Huai Jing Hall with the Four Symbols Cursed Seal Blade, the female priest clearly felt that there was a terrifying power sealed in the blade.

This is the power of the curse seal that the master mentioned.


With a loud shout, the female priest used the Four Elephants Curse Seal Knife again, killing the white tiger.

There was no way, in just one month, she only learned this one sword, and she only learned a little bit about it.

Still, it's enough to deal with Lieshanjing.

After all, Lieshanjing is just a side branch of the Lieshan clan, and is not even equipped with the God List fragments!


Bloody light exploded.

Lie Shanjing, who had gradually gained the upper hand, was seriously injured by a knife.

Han Yang! You are really Han Yang!

At this moment, Lie Shanjing finally knew that he had seen the right person. Mr. Han was the Tianwu Continent who defeated Lie Shankui's soul-split incarnation... Han Yang.

At the beginning, he also used this cursed sword to defeat Lie Shankui.

At the thought of this, Lie Shanjing was filled with fear and could no longer muster any fighting spirit.

Swish, swish, swish!

After three more blows, he was instantly cut into a human pig.

The female priest easily sealed it and then threw it at Han Yang's feet.

The life and death of such a big shot at the hall master level can only be determined by the master.

At this time, the female priest's worship of her master Han Yang reached a peak.

The master is definitely a genuine god.

Save yourself, let yourself, the god in heaven, even the furnace and cauldron be reborn...

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