Chapter 1315: Suicide Attack

When they learned that the waves and the wind had issued the [Group Strong Concealment Technique] from the Primordial God-level treasure chest, Fengxing and others were overjoyed, and Liandao would be more confident that their coalition forces would attack the Tokyo Mythology, and the East Killing Sky and Ouyang The faces of Feitian and the others were a bit ugly, because they thought that the civil war after the extreme challenge would put more pressure on Shangyinge.

In this regard, June Feixue and others were in a good mood, and they asked what they were going to do next while smiling.

“The next sneak attack requires Ye Luo and Sister Feng’s teleportation skills to end the CD. It will take nearly an hour. This long time is enough for you to do a 280 level dungeon mission.” Samadhi poetry replied: ” Besides, we don’t necessarily have to carry out a sneak attack after Sister Feng’s teleportation skills have finished the CD, so you can do a few more dungeon missions. The previous sneak attacks have obtained a lot of red light stones, which can be used for a long time.”

“Yes, this is currently the fastest way to improve our strength.” Sitting on Qin’s heart.

Nodded, they didn’t say much about breaking the waves and riding the wind. They formed a heavy-armored double class with big moves and went to do the task.

“Hey, two or three thousand people were eliminated in more than 10 minutes, and the elimination speed is too fast.” Zhiyue said while checking various lists.

“The single players were attacked by the beast tide army. These are the 260-level beast tide army. There are many flying monsters. In addition to the large number, the single players and small teams can’t resist it. They were killed several times in a row and then eliminated. It’s also normal.” Samadhi said: “This is a way for the system to quickly eliminate players. In the next two days, more people will be eliminated due to the attack of the beast tide army.”

“Yes, the monsters in the next two days will become more and more powerful, especially in the last day, it is no surprise that the beast tide army should be composed of 280-level high-level monsters. This level of monsters also poses some threats to us. I can only do my best to defend, let alone those who are alone or small teams.” Sitting on Qin Xin said, and then changed his tone: “But this should be good news for us, because the number of players participating in the extreme challenge is less. The less pressure we have, the more likely it is to stick to the end.”

When they said this, they sat on the piano and didn’t forget to attack the surrounding monster army. They are all elite air cavalry. In addition, the equipment level is very good, and it is very easy to resist the monster army’s attack.

Killing mobs can increase points, and occasionally some special equipment bursts, which also makes them not feel boring to kill mobs.

Perhaps it was the addition of a powerful Yeyutian Song. Dongfang Killing and the others also completed the 280 level dungeon mission this time, but they were 4 or 5 minutes later than Yeluo and others. From this, it can be seen. The difference in damage output between them.

Not much to say, everyone continued to do tasks to consume the red awning stone. After all, the amount of red awning stone in their hands was too much, and it would be wasted if they didn’t quickly consume it in their hearts.

Soon after 1 hour, the beast wave army passed by. At this time, they sat on Qinxin and looked at the various lists. They found that the previous beast wave army reduced the number of players participating in the competition by 10%. Among them, there are many players who have the ability to fly. The results shocked everyone.

Because many Chinese players were killed yesterday, and many of them consumed the Red Mangstone, the Chinese players also lost a lot, nearly 20% of China’s. This news made the Chinese players look dignified.

Fortunately, most of the players who lost were land players, and the elite of China players were still there, which made everyone a little more comfortable.

The Bacchus Du Kang and Longteng Tianxia and others still led a large force to come here. This team also has quite strong air power. The most important thing is the nemesis with air power-the mammoth cavalry. Team convergence will cause greater losses to the team where Tokyo Mythology is located.

After the army of beast tides, Bacchus Dukang deliberately speeded up the march, and wanted to join the elite team of Breaking Waves and Riding Wind as soon as possible.

Along the way, Bacchus Dukang and the others also encountered some teams. At this time, they did not show mercy. They attacked with thunder and killed them all. They were just small teams. With their strength, they could easily be destroyed. .

However, they have also encountered some large teams, and even encountered large teams playing against other large teams, teams with tens of thousands of people at every turn. This is also quite threatening to the Bacchus Dukang and their team. Fortunately, both sides are quite intimidating. For restraint, and the assassins led by the nameless played a role, the large forces bypassed those fighting teams.

However, at this time, the Bacchus Dukang and the others were also being pursued by some air power. Even if the unknown assassins noticed these air powers, because the air power is more mobile, it is still very easy to catch up with the Bacchus Dukang and their large forces.

The attack team was made up of various countries, including India, South Korea, and Russia. Obviously, these people united to avenge the murder of yesterday. Because there are some teams with combinatorial skills, and there are no lack of dual professions, so even Bacchus Dukang and their own mammoth cavalry have also suffered some trauma, and some people even lost a chance of resurrection because they were too late to be rescued.

These sneak attack teams seem to be crazy, and they rushed to the China team suicidely. Under the cover of combo skills, they also threatened the China team. Especially after someone performed big moves, this made Bacchus Dukang, Long Teng Tianxia and others. Also quite helpless.

At this time, although the transmission skills of Ye Luo and Po Lang Riding the Wind have ended, the air force that sneaked into the large unit was very mobile. In addition, they were originally suicide attacks. , It’s just to save a few deaths from their own people, and it doesn’t help, not to mention that they have more important things to do.

That’s right, compared to dealing with these sneak attackers, Ye Luo and the others have to deal with the coalition of Tokyo Mythology. If they can defeat this coalition, then there will be almost no power to contend with it.

Of course, she couldn’t send it to Dukang, the god of wine, to help. This made the waves and ride the wind very angry, and she eagerly hoped to launch a sneak attack to vent her anger.

“Fireworks, our teleportation skills have ended the CD, and we have obtained the [Group Concealment Technique]. After so long, you should also develop tactics. Can we launch a sneak attack?” Finished again After the dungeon mission, he asked, breaking the waves and riding the wind.

“The tactics have been formulated, but this time is not suitable for this tactic.” Fireworks Yi said coldly, seeing the questioning look of the waves and the wind, she continued: “Because of you and Ye Luo’s big move and [Destroying the World] Kuang Lei] and other skills do not end the CD. As we said before, the [Group Concealment Technique] can only be used once, so it must cause the most damage to the enemy, and the effect will be best after your ultimate CD ends. ”

Although she was quite urgent in her heart, she knew that the fireworks were easy to be cold, and she muttered a few times. She did not entangle this issue anymore and said: “Since a large-scale sneak attack is not possible, let’s take a small-scale sneak attack. In addition, I knew that we would leave some teleportation points here and then go to support Uncle Bacchus and the others. They were constantly attacked.”

“It’s useless to leave the point of returning to the city, because Tokyo Mythology and their team are constantly moving, so using this trick to deal with them has no effect.” Samadhi replied: “That is to say, you only need to teleport to Uncle Bacchus. They will have to wait another hour to launch a sneak attack.”

Through yesterday’s battle, I also knew that Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Ye Luo had the [Transport Pearl]. In order to prevent them from attacking them with yesterday’s tactics, Tokyo Shinhwa and others discussed moving large forces, which would also avoid several surprise attacks.

Before breaking the waves and riding the wind, she continued: “Furthermore, Uncle Bacchus is not incapable of dealing with the sneak attacks, but their desperate tactics make people very helpless. Even if you and Ye Luo are teleported, they will not be of much help. But let our people die less, it has no effect on the overall situation.”

“Yes, most of the sneak attacks on Uncle Bacchus are air power, and they are highly mobile, and most of them, after they have used ults, invincible methods, or even broke into the crowd in an invincible state under the light of the holy world, they launched an attack. Even if you are in the past, there is nothing you can do about it. After all, you can’t help them in the invincible state.” Sitting on Qin Xin took the words: “If they hadn’t used this tactic, let alone the mammoth cavalry can easily intercept them. , Xiaofeng Canyue and others can also easily intercept them.”

First, he took the high-level stealth medicine to approach the big team of China, and then rushed into the Chinese team with the invincible state and opened the big move. It is hard to defend against, and because the attack power is very high after the big move is used, it is precisely because of this that China has Many players were killed, and even the priests had no time to rescue them.

The worst case was that several dual professions that used big moves rushed into the priest’s camp. There were countless casualties at a time. If it weren’t for Long Teng Tianxia and others to rush to stop in time, I am afraid that none of the priests present would have been spared.

Knowing this, Polang Riding the Wind murmured: “These people are really crazy. They actually committed suicide attacks in order to retaliate against us. They are the country’s most powerful air power. Their sacrifice in this way has a great impact on the overall strength of their country. , I think they really don’t want to get a better ranking.”

“How can they get a good ranking with China? It is worth it to retaliate against us for causing us heavy damage. What’s more, they just lose one chance of resurrection. They still have so many chances to resurrect, and they don’t care.” Samadhi poems Said with a wry smile.

“I always feel that things are a bit abnormal. These people completely gave up the opportunity to get a good ranking and attacked us.” June Feixue said, she looked at the samādhi, “Could it be Tokyo Mythology that bought them, or promised them? What’s the advantage, that’s why they worked so hard?”

“Well, it’s possible.” Samadhi nodded.

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