Chapter 1372: Chasing the Myth of Tokyo

Wuming and Midnight Shu led a group of assassins to find the opportunity to sneak into the camp of the coalition priests. They assassinated many assassins in a short period of time. After the big move, the two could even deter Tokyo Mythology away, and then they continued to assassinate them. Other players, or priests, or magicians, of course, the most important thing is to prevent other priests from approaching here to revive those who were assassinated.

The number of priests on the coalition side was originally small, and now they have been killed. This is a heavy blow to them. As time goes by, their shortcomings of lack of supply will also be exposed. As a result, their The disadvantage will be even greater.

Thinking of this, the Chinese players are excited, and they see the hope of victory.

They also know that if this goes on, they will definitely lose. People in the coalition also know that only by causing heavy damage to the pastor on the Chinese side can they have a chance to reverse the situation. However, most of the air power of the coalition is dragged, and it is impossible to get rid of it, so they can only send assassins. Assassination.

The number of assassins in the coalition forces is quite large, and they can cause a lot of trouble for Chinese players if they act together.

Soon the samādhi and the fireworks were easy to cold, they discovered this, and they gave orders to keep the cavalry in the middle, and players such as magicians and archers also assisted in the attack, and they could slightly force the assassin back.

Of course, this situation is a little unfavorable for Chinese players after the cavalry of the coalition also participates. After all, the number of land cavalry of the coalition is still more than that of the Chinese side.

“Fireworks, the people of the coalition forces are anxious, they also want to sneak attack on our priest, and the land cavalry cooperates with the assassin, our people will not last long.” Black and white chess, she frowned: “After all, our number is far less. The other party, being able to persist until now is the limit.”

“Ye Luo, Feixue, Wednesday, you guys rushed over to help, to solve some of the cavalry of the coalition army, to ease the pressure on sister Qi and them.” Firework Yi Leng issued an order.

The reason for giving orders to the three of Ye Luo, besides their extremely terrifying damage output, the most important thing is that they are the closest to the destination, and they can easily solve those people.

Think about it, Wednesday, June Feixue and Ye Luo’s damage output is very strong, the three of them can quickly reduce the pressure on Othello and others.

Of course, because the damage output of Ye Luo and Po Lang Riding Wind is very exaggerated, they are much stronger than June Feixue. Even if they are a little far away from Othello, they have to return to one, otherwise they only rely on Wednesday and June to fly. Snow is not enough to change the situation on the Othello side.

Needless to say, Ye Luo re-summoned the Dark Sacred Dragon after solving the surrounding air power of the 2 or 3 coalition forces. As a result, his flying speed was greatly increased, and then he moved towards the place where the Othello was the fastest. Go, the same goes for Wednesday and June Feixue.

Quickly arrived at the destination, the magic wands were raised one after another, the group attack skills landed, and then the high damage figures floated, many people in the coalition were killed, and many assassins were even affected. Their pressure on Othello is less.

In less than 30 seconds, the land cavalry of the coalition was reduced by 30 to 40%, and most of the remaining ones were also bloodied. They were killed by the Chinese magician. I saw that the situation on my side was completely stabilized, black and white. Chess: “Ye Luo, Feixue, the situation on our side is stable. You can go and help Sister Feng and the others. At present, we still have less air power than the other.”

Seeing that the situation here has completely stabilized, Ye Luo and the others did not delay, turned around and took a look, and then headed towards the place with the largest number of coalition forces.

“Sister Fireworks, it’s damn, Xiao Yu was killed by Tokyo Myth!” Suddenly Ichiba said vaguely, her tone was full of worry: “Tokyo Myth’s damage output is too high, and he is still chasing me, speed It’s faster than me, I’m afraid that I will be brutally attacked by him in the future.”

Misty Rain is a poisonous magician. Although the damage output is not too high, it is far less than June Feixue and Wednesday, but her profession is very disgusting. It can slow down, continue to damage, and reduce defense. Carefully Calculating her role is not small, even if it is not as good as the Eastern star.

Misty One Leaf is a necromancer. Her damage output is not bad, and it can cause a lot of trouble to the enemy. If she is killed and eliminated, it will be a big blow to the China team.

However, while Miyuki said this, Tokyo Shinhwa suddenly displayed a displacement skill and approached her. As you can imagine, Miyachi was killed without insisting on 10 seconds.

Although he was killed, Miyuki Ichiba cast [Necromancy Curse] on Tokyo Mythology before he was killed. His overall attributes have been reduced a lot, and he continues to lose blood. Although he cannot be killed, it is still Makes him quite a headache.

After losing two masters one after another, and they were still from the Misty Pavilion, the expressions of June Feixue and others became solemn.

“Sister Fireworks, the damage output of this person in Tokyo Mythology is too high, not even worse than Sister Feng. The most troublesome thing is that his mobility is very light. If he is allowed to continue like this, our losses will be great.” June Feixue Said: “Although we have the advantage now, the advantage is not obvious, and we may even be at a disadvantage at any time. Therefore, we must solve the Tokyo myth and at least reduce his threat.”

“Let me go, now he has been hit by the [Death Curse], his overall strength is greatly reduced, and his flying speed is also the same, I can kill him, and at the worst, I can drive him away.” Yiye, Misty Rain was killed, she was extremely angry.

“Sister Feng, you just need to output as much as you want. Yue’er and I will go to deal with him, and let Xiaofeng Canyue next to Tokyo Mythology help. There should be no problem.” Fireworks Yi said coldly.

The fireworks are so cold that Zhiyue’s intention to follow is very simple, that is, she wants her to kill the Tokyo Mythology after performing her ultimate move.

“Well, okay.” Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and she said as she attacked: “Be careful, the guy in Tokyo Mythology has a high damage output, and there are big tricks. Don’t be overshadowed by him. The number of people on our side was originally It’s a lot less.”

There was no reply. The firework Yi Cold rode on the frost dragon and took the oriental star to the Tokyo myth. Xiaofeng Wanyue, who was not too far from the Tokyo myth, also rushed to the target after receiving the order.

Fireworks are easy to be cold, Oriental stars and Xiaofeng Wanyue, the three of them are the kind of occupation that can kill people but also disgusting. They slow down, reduce defenses, or control. Facing them is a Tokyo myth. The strength is very strong, but it is difficult to take advantage of it, not to mention that there is still a Zhiyue in their team.

Soon Tokyo Mythology discovered that he was being targeted. He also saw how fireworks are easy to get cold, and Eastern stars are so powerful. Although he is confident that it is not difficult to kill them after using big moves or invincible methods, but seeing them around Zhiyue and Xiaofeng Canyue realized that the situation is not that simple.

Maybe that can kill the two women who are easy to cold with fireworks, but the price paid is too great. His goal is not to reduce the number of Chinese players, but to retain his own strength as much as possible, and persist until the ultimate challenge. Champion.

What’s more, now the Tokyo myth is still cursed. In this case, his strength is greatly reduced. If he fights with fireworks and others, he will have some chances to be killed.

Thinking of this, he escaped as quickly as possible, and while escaping, he did not forget to let the Black Dragon Sky Slash and the surrounding coalition players stop him, and did not give them a chance at all.

Seeing the Tokyo Myth actually fled without a fight, Zhiyue was indignant: “Damn it, it’s too shameful that the best Japanese master flees without a fight.”

“His tactics are wise, otherwise he is very likely to be forced by us to make a big move or directly driven away by us.” Dongfang Star said, and then she looked at Heilong Tianzhan and others: “Although the Tokyo myth cannot be killed. , But being able to kill Heilong Tianzhan and others is a gain, and the Tokyo Myth is forced away. There are almost no Chinese players in the place where he goes, so there is no need to worry about him causing us any trouble in a short time. ”

Tokyo Mythology is also a smart person. If he flees to a place where there are Chinese players, no one knows what skills will be used by those who stop him next. If he is dragged, he will give fireworks Yi Leng and others a chance, so he picks Escape where no one is.

Although there is no chance to kill Tokyo Mythology, he has no threat to China players now. This can be regarded as achieving the goal. Moreover, if they don’t kill the Black Dragon Heavenly Sword and others, they have no chance to chase Tokyo Mythology.

Nodded, the fireworks were easy to get cold and began to attack. A [Ice Spirit*A Thousand Arrows] Shrouded the Black Dragon Sky and several other Chinese players, slowing them all down, and then Zhiyue, Xiaofeng Canyue and others did not You were polite, they launched their attacks one after another, but it was not difficult to kill those people, but Heilong Tianzhan ran away in time when he saw that something was wrong.

Following the instructions of the Tokyo myth, Japanese players will also contribute, but they will not work hard. They will withdraw when the situation is not right, because they have to retain their strength and win the final championship.

“Firework beauties, let’s continue to chase the Tokyo myth. Although we can no longer kill the people of the coalition, it is worth it to be able to hold the Tokyo myth.” The Oriental star looked at the fireworks and said.

The damage output of the fireworks and others is not high, and even the total amount of them is far less than a Tokyo myth. It is also very cost-effective for a few of them to hold him.

Nodded, Fireworks Yi said indifferently: “Okay, let’s hold him as much as possible, so that Sister Feng, Ye Luo and the others can kill with peace of mind. The longer we delay, the more people they kill, and our odds of victory are Bigger.”

Hearing this, Zhiyue and the others nodded, and then did not say much, and continued to hunt down the Tokyo Mythology.

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