Chapter 3372: Occupy the outer wall

Fireworks are easy to cold, Samadhi poetry and others are extremely smart. They quickly judged that the players of the Japanese server alliance are ready to give up attacking the inner city wall, that is to say, give up destroying the non-server imperial city, and this makes the Chinese server alliance The player was completely relieved. At this time, Ouyang Feiri wondered why he would use all the remaining [Group Blessing Scroll].

“Yes, anyone in the enemy alliance is ready to retreat anyway, and it is a waste of us to use the remaining scrolls.” A demon took over: “Keeping these scrolls allows us to do a lot of things, such as occupying the gangs of the enemy alliance. The station can even destroy the imperial city of the enemy alliance, and at the worst, let us take back the occupied gang station.”

Speaking of these things, they turned their eyes on the samādhi poems. Of course, Ouyang Feiri and Hua Nonghua also looked at the samādhi poems together, which is self-evident.

There was a sneer at the corner of the mouth, and there was a faint sarcasm. After doing this, the samādhi did not pay attention to Hua Nonghua and others, and continued to deal with super masters such as Tokyo Mythology, and her’arrogant’ attitude also made Ouyang Fei They were extremely angry on the day.

“If we don’t use those [Group Blessing Scrolls], then we will lose the outer city wall in a very short time, or even only two or three minutes.” Dongfang Star explained on behalf of him: “So the enemy alliance players hold on to it. [Group Blessing Scroll] There are only 7 or 8 minutes left in the state. After such a long time, there are still some opportunities to threaten the inner city wall, especially when the opponent has many [Group Purification Scrolls], because at that time Tokyo Mythology and their You can use this scroll to continue to attack the city. Although we also have the [Group Purification Scroll], the number is not as good as them, and handsome Ye Luo and the others cannot use the [Group Purification Scroll] because they have used it once before.”

Without waiting for Ouyang Feiri to speak, she continued: “The most important thing is that our two people are fighting together. If we do not use the remaining [Group Blessing Scroll] then we will have a great disadvantage, and this will make us There are more casualties.”

“Don’t forget that people from the enemy alliance will occupy the outer wall. At this time, the players who are killed will not be resurrected, and the equipment they exploded will also be robbed by people from the enemy alliance, so at this time as much as possible It is the wisest thing to improve our strength to fight against and then slowly let our people withdraw from the fight.” Dongfang Mingxing added.

Hearing that, at this time, everyone fully understood the intention of the fireworks Yi Cold to issue such an order. .

“Could it be that we can’t prevent the people from the enemy alliance from occupying the outer city wall?” Hua Nongying said expectantly: “It won’t be long before the uncle Bacchus and the others will join Ye Luozhiqiu and others. Ye Luozhi Qiu will be able to free up their hands to help defend the city, so it’s not impossible to defend it.”

In Hua Nongying’s heart, if they can hold the outer city wall, the benefits they will get will greatly increase.

“The enemy alliance has used nearly 20 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and many of them have used this state to intercept Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others. Even if Ye Luo Zhiqiu, they will be entangled. At this time, they I won’t free up my hands to defend the city.” Dongfang Xiaotian said coldly: “What’s more, the enemy alliance uses a lot more scrolls than we have left. It is almost impossible for us to defend the outer wall, even if we can. There will be huge casualties, but they are much larger than the casualties and losses we are slowly evacuating from the outer city wall now. There is no point in doing so.”

“In addition, since the fireworks Yi Leng has already issued the order, and you and I have also said to obey the order, then don’t question her order. This is a big taboo for soldiers.” Dongfang Xiaotian added.

Hearing that, Hua Nongying and the others were silent. Although they were extremely angry, they couldn’t say anything, otherwise they would just take their own humiliation.

Next, the Chinese server alliance used all the [Group Blessing Scrolls], and its strength has been improved for a while, but it is still weaker than the Japanese server alliance. Players from the Japanese server alliance can still use one It can be seen by occupying the outer wall at a faster speed.

However, at this time the strength of the Chinese server alliance should not be underestimated, especially with the help of a part of the city defense equipment, so that it can also retreat while fighting, and under the command of Samadhi poetry, Oriental star and others, everyone retreats in an orderly manner. This avoids casualties as much as possible, and can delay as long as possible-the longer the delay, the shorter the [Group Blessing Scroll] state time the enemy alliance players are holding, and the less likely it is for them to capture the inner city wall and then Destroyed the non-service imperial city.

Time passed faintly, and some time passed in a blink of an eye. At this time, the awakening skill status of the combination equipment that Ye Luo and others were wearing was also over. Of course, Tokyo Mythology and others were also included, and the strength of both parties was also reduced as a result. Quite a lot, but because the awakening skill status of the combination equipment owned by the Japanese server alliance is more than that of the Chinese server alliance, this is slightly beneficial to the Chinese server alliance.

Of course, because the Japanese server alliance still has more players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], especially Tokyo Mythology and others have used [Group Purification Scroll], so the Japanese server alliance still has the upper hand, for now Seeing that they occupy all the outer walls of Feifu Imperial City, there is still no problem.

Think about it, because Yeluo and Breaking Waves and Riders have already used the [Group Purification Scroll] and they can’t use it again in a short time, so they can’t use a lot of methods other than the big move, so they are weak compared to Tokyo Mythology. A little bit-because the time player of the Chinese server alliance has used Ye Luo and their ults to use [Time Cleared], so Ye Luo and the others can fight with ults, but there are many powerful and large-scale group attack skills. Such as [Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong], [World Destroying Kuangthong], etc. cannot be used.

However, Ye Luo and the others did not deal with the Tokyo Shinhwa and others. They still slaughtered in the hinterland of the enemy alliance camp, but they were able to guarantee their own safety only in the face of the surrounding enemies, and they could even kill people efficiently. Then earn points.

That’s right, because almost no one can hinder Ye Luo and the others, they can kill people unscrupulously. The efficiency of earning points is far higher than that of Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night. After all, the latter is difficult to kill if they are entangled. , So Ye Luo’s points have been greatly improved in just over 10 minutes, especially Ye Luo, even at this time his points have surpassed Dark Night, and Tokyo Mythology ranked first.

Think about it, Ye Luo is in the crowd at this time, and even he switched to the archer mode. In this case, he can attack unscrupulously. The efficiency of earning points is much faster than the Tokyo Mythology and their hunting. Too much, it’s understandable that they surpassed Tokyo Mythology with just over 10 minutes of points.

It is also worth mentioning that although the overall strength of the Japanese server alliance is stronger than that of the Chinese server alliance, the casualties of the Japanese server alliance are greater. This is not only because Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others can kill people unscrupulously. , The most important thing is that the Chinese server alliance has broken into the enemy’s hinterland and it is very troublesome. Of course, the Japanese server alliance has more energy to kill the six-winged fallen angel NPC and destroy the city defense equipment. This is also theirs. The casualties are greater than the important reason for the alliance of the Chinese server side.

“At present, it will take 3 minutes for the enemy alliance to occupy the outer wall, so those players who are still holding the [Group Blessing Scroll] state have only 2 or 3 minutes left. This time is not enough for them to occupy the inner wall. Yes, and at present, it seems that the players of the enemy alliance do not have [Summon Demon God Scroll] and other props.” Sitting on Qin Xin said, she chuckled: “That means they have no spare power to destroy the non-service imperial city.”

“Hee hee, great, so we don’t have to worry about anything.” Zhiyue said with a smile: “At least we don’t have to worry about them entering a virtuous circle and then occupying our imperial city. Then we can try to consume them. Then launched a counterattack.”

“It will take some time to launch a counterattack, but there is no problem in stalemate with the enemy. At least our previous disadvantages will of course not exist, and we will even take the initiative because we can consume the enemy in the future.” Samadhi poetry said, And her words also gave many people a sigh of relief.

“It’s a pity that we don’t have [Group Blessing Scroll], otherwise, even if we can’t destroy the imperial city of the enemy alliance, we can occupy some of their gang sites, so that we can vent the depression in our hearts.” Po Lang Chengfeng was quite regretful.

“No way, if we don’t use the remaining [Group Blessing Scrolls], then we will be more passive, more players will be killed, and even the inner city wall may be occupied and the imperial city may be destroyed. The loss will be too great. “Black and white chess road, seeing the waves and the wind silently, her tone changed: “Fireworks, what are we going to do after this battle is over, can we start the consumption of the enemy alliance?”

“Yeah.” Fireworks Yi said indifferently, not waiting for them to reveal the color of information, she continued: “But because we consume a lot, we can’t go too aggressively, and then we will be occupied by the enemy alliance with harassment. The main gangs in Hongyan City, such as Hongyan City, such as Hongfeng City, on the contrary try to snatch them back one by one. This will not only consume the enemy alliance, but the most important thing is to be able to completely pull out these nails.”

“Hey, this is true, after all, the people in Central Asia have complained about this many times.” Othello laughed.

The matter was also as sitting on Qin Xin said. After 3 minutes, the talents of the Japanese service alliance completely occupied the outer wall. At this time, they could no longer continue to attack the inner wall, and the two sides finally stood in a stalemate and confronted each other.

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