Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1388: Remove the altar

Xiao Yuelan went into the altar once, but she just went to a hall inside the altar and did not go to the real core.

"We first entered the hall and found a stone gate in the hall. It should be able to go to the core of the altar!" Xiao Yuelan suddenly shouted.

Although she looked calm, she was secretly excited because they finally took the altar.

Qin Yun, Huang Laohu, Sun Elf and Ximen Chuqian are all equally excited. They have done a big thing and they feel proud.

They did engage in a big event and sensationalized the whole fairyland!

However, the powerful forces of all parties only learned that the altar of the sun in the holy city of the desert was demolished.

Above the magic mirror, the altar of the sun was removed and it was not known who was removed. Because Qin Yun these two words, as well as the news related to Qin Yun, can not appear on the mirror platform, nor can it pass back and forth between the mirror and the mirror.

At this time, Magic Mirror Emperor also handled related circulation news, and was shocked to the extreme.

He knows that after Qin Yun removed the altar of the sun, he was scared and feared. He was glad that he could resolve the contradiction with Qin Yun in time.

"It’s a master, it’s really awesome!" The magic mirror Xiandi further processed the news, not letting the news spread too fast, or even blocking the spread of the news.

It didn't take long for the sun altar to be removed, all disappeared into the mirror, and there were things like Qiao Tianxu and Yu Zuokun who were killed.

In the holy city of Zibing, the Zibing City Lord and Wu Changsong and other high-level officials sat together.

Purple Ice City has a serious face and looks at other people. He said: "Frost uses the space communication message, and the news is very amazing!"

Wu elder was surprised; "What is the news, use the space communication sacred? Why not use the mirror? Use the space communication sacred, but consume a lot of energy and spiritual power!"

"The altar of the holy city of the desert was demolished! The man who removed the altar, named Qin Yun! Qiao Tianxu was killed by Qin Yun!" Zibing City main road: "Qin Yun is the high disciple of the magic mirror, so about Qin Yun The news can't be passed through the mirror!"

Wu grew up with a few of them, and when they heard the news, they were all unbelievable.

"How is this possible? What is the specific situation?" Wu Chang asked quickly.

"Because of the reason for the space communication, the frost is too late to tell, she just told us the news!" Zibingcheng said: "I will contact the head and ask for the situation! If there is a sun altar destroyed, this But big things!"

Wu’s elder still couldn’t believe it. He shook his head and said, “This is not true! The sun altar is so strong, how could it be removed? That... but it needs an artifact to do it!”

"You can only wait for the frost to come back, we can figure out the situation! I will contact you first..." After the purple ice city owner finished, he quickly left. Rz90

Outside the entrance to the altar of the sun, there are several powerful strange beasts, walking around, from time to time attacking the entrance to the enchanting magic bell, want to enter the altar.

Bai Shuangyan clasped a pair of holy swords in his hand, Shen Sheng said: "We should pay attention, don't be attacked by those powerful strange beasts!"

Here, only the strength of Baishuangyan is the strongest, because she has holy equipment.

"White girl, what's in the altar?" Ximen Da Zhuang holding a pig, deliberately coming over, he also knows that it is safest to be with Baishuangyan.

"There should be a lot of kernel fragments! The most important thing is the altar of the altar... Qin Yun is under the big disaster! The altar of the sun is destroyed, and the Jiuyang Zongmen of the gods will not let him go!" "White frost gaze at the altar that has only three layers in the distance.

For Qin Yun, she is also admired in her heart. After all, it is very uncomfortable to attack an altar with the strength of Jiuzhong.

She now secretly suspects that Qin Yun is the uncle of the mask!

The mysterious mask uncle has a very good relationship with Xiao Yuelan, and the Ximen and Luo Weizhuang people are also very close to the mask uncle.

Baishuangyan thinks more and more, Qin Yun is the young uncle of the mask uncle!


Qin Yun walked in the front, and the sun elves walked up side by side, holding the golden red bow in his hand.

"Does this **** bow have a name?" Qin Yun asked.

"Yin Yin bow!" Sun Elf looked at Qin Yun and said.

"Is my hammer awesome?" Qin Yun thought it was called Jiuyang Shen bow or something.

"Of course not!" The Sun Elf liked this bow, knowing from the bow she had taken before.

This is what she has always guarded!

Qin Yun turned his head and looked at Xiao Yuelan behind him. He smiled and said: "Yue Lan, have you stayed with her these days, haven't they been taken advantage of by her?"

The Sun Elf whispered: "What are you talking about? What is cheap for her?"

Xiao Yuelan just smiled and said nothing.

Ximen Chuqian followed Xiao Yuelan, quietly watching the sun elves in front, looking at the beautiful wings of the elves.

Huang Laohu is walking at the end, looking from time to time.

Not long after, they came to the spacious hall.

"There is a door there. When I came in, Joe Tianxu came out from there!" Xiao Yuelan pointed to a stone wall.

Qin Yun and Huang Laohu walked over and pushed hard, then opened a large stone gate.

"No one is inside, safe!" Huang Laohudao.

"I am going to go ahead!" Qin Yun clenched the Jiuyang Shen hammer and walked in quickly.

After entering, there is a staircase leading to the second floor above.

They went up the stairs and came to the second floor, where there is also a very spacious hall.

In the middle, a crystal is suspended, releasing a powerful power, filled with pale golden light.

"This is the altar of the altar!" Qin Yun was very excited, and quickly rushed over.

In the past, the altar of Yuantan released a very strong force, and Qin Yun bounced off.

"Xiaoyun!" Xiao Yuelan quickly caught Qin Yun who was bombed.

"Who are you, dare to ruin the altar of my Taoist gods!" The altar of the altar of the gods came out with a burst of old anger.

"I almost killed me before your altar, I am coming to revenge!" Qin Yun raised the hammer of Jiuyang, hitting the front with a hammer.

The voice was full of anger and shouted: "You are dead!"


The force of the Jiuyang Shen hammer struck out, defeating the defense of the altar of the altar.

After Qin Yunchong passed, he seized the chaotic altar of Yuantan, and then he was included in the Jiyang sac.

"What about kernel fragmentation?" Ximen Chuqian whispered: "There should be kernel fragments inside? Why didn't you see it?"

"On the top layer!" The Sun Elf walked over to look at it.

The bottom three layers of the sun altar cannot be removed, mainly because there is space inside.

Several of them found a wall in the square lobby and soon found a stone gate.

After pushing the stone door, you will find the stairs leading to the third floor.

There is also a lobby on the third floor with a box in the middle, which is lit with pale golden light.

The box is not big, there are not many kernel fragments inside.

Qin Yun walked over and used the mental power to clean up the number of kernel fragments.

"Only a thousand tablets, how so little?" Qin Yun was disappointed.

"A lot!" Xiao Yuelan said: "There are many ghosts and you can get a few! We usually want to get the kernel fragments but it is very difficult!"

The Sun Elf nodded: "Only use the kernel fragments to make the Yanyin bow bow wake up!"

"Well, then let's divide it!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "You can take this altar, everyone has a share! We each have two hundred!"

"Xiao Qin, I want one hundred capsules is enough!" Huang Laohu thinks that Qin Yun has the greatest credit and does not want to ask for more.

Ximen Chuqian Jiao smiled and said: "I have no strength, I will not!"

The Sun Elf looks at Qin Yun and says, "Do you need to consume a lot of kernel fragments in your hammer?"

Qin Yun nodded: "I guess, ten kernel fragments, can maintain an hour!"

"Then I don't want it, I will give it to you! The kernel fragment is of no use to me!" Xiao Yuelan said.

Qin Yun smiled and said: "That can't be done, you have to take a little, even if it's useless, it's not bad to hold a self-defense!"

Qin Yun asked for 500 tablets, Sun Elf 300, Huang Laohu 100, Xiao Yuelan and Ximen Chuqian each fifty.

Huang Laohu wants the kernel fragments to cultivate the Holy Spirit. Originally Qin Yun intended to give him two hundred, but he said that one hundred is enough.

"There should be a lot of strange beasts outside!" Qin Yun was very excited: "My hammer can last for a while, I will hurry to get out of the last power!"

When he finished, he ran out.

The Sun Elves are behind the Qin Yun, and she will soon use up the power of the Yanyin God Bow.

Soon, Qin Yun and they ran outside.

After coming out, the group of people in the distance also shouted.

"They are out! What did they get inside?"

"Definitely get a lot of kernel fragments!"

"Qin Yun, this guy, can get so many things, certainly not alive! Who made him offended so many people?"

"The nine Yang Zongmen behind the altar of the sun will definitely find him revenge!"

Many people are jealous, and they all hope that Qin Yun will be revenge soon!

After coming out, the strange beasts at the entrance were all attacked, and it seemed that the discussion was good.

Both Qin Yun and the Sun Elf are armed with artifacts, and they will be able to escape the singular beasts.

Two of the strange beasts were also seriously injured!

After driving those strange beasts, Qin Yun quickly took the three layers below the last altar and put them into the Jiuyang Shenque.

"Get it, let's go! Old fox, take us to a safe place!" Qin Yunxiao smiled.

At this time, Ximen Da Zhuang also ran with the Pippi pig!

The altar of the sun was taken away by Qin Yun, and the holy city of the desert was also wiped out in the previous battle.

Xianxuan desert, there is no place where humans can gather.

Purple Ice Holy City, Purple Ice City Lord and Wu Elders and other Xuan Xian, in a secret room.

"It is certain that the altar of the sun in the holy city of the desert is destroyed! The **** of the gods in the desert, entrust us to investigate this matter..." Zibingcheng said: "They have paid a generous reward, let us seize the altar of destruction. people!"

"What compensation?" Wu Changchang asked with a shocked color and asked quickly.

"Shenzhen!" Purple Ice City main road.

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