Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1792: Xianzun's mission

The little lightning dragon that Long Tianji released, they ran very fast, and they ran away in a blink of an eye.

Lightning dragons should stay away from the position of the trespass, so as not to bring those powerful things.

It was not long before Long Tianji shouted: "My little lightning dragon is dead!"

Just as she was about to continue to release, Qin Yun quickly shouted: "Tianji, don't let go! Only die more!"

The little lightning dragon is dead, and the loss of Long Tianji will also be lost.

"It doesn't matter, I have to look at those things this time!" said Long Tianji, then close his eyes and release hundreds of small lightning dragons.

Qin Yun can only send those little lightning dragons to the outside.

After the little lightning dragon went out, he flew up everywhere.

It wasn't long before Long Tianji frowned, showing that her little lightning dragon died a lot.

"I saw those things, but my little lightning dragon also died!" After Long Tianji finished, he released a small lightning dragon.

The little lightning dragon, two eyes shot two lights, only some images appeared in the sky above the main control room, that is the picture that Long Tianji released the small lightning dragon.

The moon is secluded, the water is in the sky, and they all look at the images in the air.

The outside is very bright, and the white beasts of the cows appear on the streets. The heads of those beasts are like a red giant flower full of teeth.

No eyes or no nose, the monster body is white, and the head is a big mouth like a flower.

The speed of this kind of thing is very fast, and suddenly it appears, the small lightning dragon will be fixed, and then the big mouth of the eater is the little lightning dragon to bite and swallow it!

After eating the little lightning dragon, the monster's body suddenly became transparent!

“What is this thing?” Qin Yun took a breath and stunned: “Is the Tiantian people killed by this kind of thing? But they did not eat the body of the Tiantian people!”

"Is it because the meat of the Tiantian people is not delicious?" The moon frowned and said: "But the little lightning dragon is so little, what is delicious?"

"They just absorb the energy of the human body outside the heavens, and they don't eat those meats!" Long Tianji said, because she also saw many bodies that were dried up by the Tiantian people.

Qin Yun said: "Maybe these things only like to eat beasts!"

The moon nodded and said: "These monsters should be able to distinguish what is delicious, what is not good! They can be invisible, and it must have been discovered before!"

"There is no attack on Tissot, is it because Yue Tiansuo can't eat?" Qin Yun said: "If this is the case, then I can put a monk out to see!"

There are also some monks in his hands, all of which are made of celestial iron or holy iron. They have no flesh and blood, and they are a kind of slut.

The monk, like the Iron Man, was also controlled by Long Tianji, because she had just released a lot of small lightning dragons to go out and was familiar with the terrain of the tomb.

The induction of her and the monks is carried out through spiritual waves. In the tomb, there is no space for space sensing.

"No attack!" Long Tianji smiled and said: "Master, your monk is better than the little lightning dragon!"

"That is because in the tomb city! If you are in other places, the monks are not as good as the little lightning dragon!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "You have to explore this city, what have you found to tell me!"

Long Tianji nodded and then seriously explored the tomb.

Qin Yun continued to draw his drawings.

After a long half day, Long Tianji suddenly shouted: "There was a monk who was smashed! It was a small old man who smashed!"

Qin Yun stunned: "The little old man? Is it human?"

Long Tianji nodded: "It is human! Very powerful human!"

The human beings who can wander around here must be strong.

The little old man discovered by Long Tianji is the one who loves the fairy!

Not long after, Long Tianji said: "I saw the little old man, he did not attack this time!"

Yue said: "Talk to him and ask who he is!"

Long Tianji nodded, and then the picture that the monks saw, through a bead in his hand, was projected into the main control room, so that Qin Yun and Yue You can see them.

The old man was really short and looked like a child of ten years old. He was wearing a white dress with a white hair rolled up and a goat beard.

The old man, carrying his hands, slowly walked toward the monk.

"Hey? I haven't seen this kind of thing for a long time!" The voice of the old man can also be heard by Qin Yun.

Although the voice with a hint of exclamation, it gives a very strange feeling, like this person has no attachment to anything.

"Predecessors, in the next Qinyun! Why did you attack my monk just now?" Qin Yun asked, his voice can be passed to the old man through the monks.

"Qin Yun? You are Qin Yun said by Peng Xiong? They said that you have Shenyu Jinshi in your hand!" The old man said: "I just saw something, just attacked it, I thought it was a strange monster!"

When the moon was quiet, he was shocked. He looked at Qin Yun with a little fear. He whispered: "Xiaoyun, the monsters that I saw before will be hidden in the sky!"

"What is this ghost thing?" Qin Yun asked.

"The blame is terrible! It is said that some people use the evil method to peek into the heavens and get the monsters after the power of heaven!" said Yue.

"I am a fascinating fairy, I am here to clean up the fairy tales! I just sadly broke your slut, I am sorry!" said the fairy.

Qin Yun, they are all shocked and face to face.

They actually saw the fascinating fairy!

This fascinating fairy is responsible for cleaning up the monsters!

"Long-awaited predecessor's name, the swearing person is broken, it's okay!" Qin Yun surprised, and quickly said: "Predecessors, are you here to be responsible for cleaning up the blame? We all thought you were dead!"

"I am no different from death!" The fascinating fairy said: "Don't bother you, I will continue to chase the blame!"

After that, the fascinating fairy will disappear at once!

Yue said: "It’s hard to kill, and the fairy goddess is sealed here. It may be to kill those monsters! After so many years, he hasn’t killed the monsters here!”

“What power do those monsters have?” Qin Yun suddenly became very interested. He smiled and said: “If you can control those monsters, it’s definitely a very powerful thing!”

Yue quietly shook his head: "Xiaoyun, don't think about this kind of thing! God is really dangerous, I just didn't face it, so I don't know how terrible!"

Long Tianji said: "Master, it seems that there is nothing good in this tomb. Do I want to continue to explore?"

"Continue to explore and find the body of the strange monster!" Qin Yun said: "I want to see this kind of thing, why is it so powerful!"

There is also an era in this tomb city, and the mission has not yet been completed. It is obvious that those days are terrible!

A month has passed!

During this time, the fairyland was very calm, because there was no news about Qin Yun, only that he entered the tomb, and has not come out yet.

The mirror in the fairyland, the most popular news, is that more and more foreigners arrive at the fairyland.

The Dark Royal and the Emperor, as well as the ancient Era, all went to the power giants in the outer Tianyu to negotiate and asked them not to let go in the fairyland.

Especially the Teijins, they also publicly stated that if there are foreigners who are innocent and innocent, then their emperors will intervene.

The ancient era power, the Xiansheng Temple, and the Dragon meditation and other forces have expressed their support for the Tetris!

The fairyland is very chaotic at this time, and it needs a certain order. Otherwise, it will be stifled everywhere. It is not a good thing for the fairyland.

Qin Yun in the tomb city, looking at the nine three-meter-high golden stone monument, nodded: "made fine!"

At the top of the stone tablet is a fascinating faucet that can spur energy, while the stone monument has small dragon carvings on both sides.

Qin Yun took out the nine sky-shaped beads and released the dragon sky pattern inside, and placed it inside the stone tablet to place the dragon sky pattern.

That is also the core of each dragon monument. The dragon totem of the dragon is the location of the link center dragon sky.

The interior of the dragon monument base has a large storage space, which is the source of energy. Nowadays, a large number of Shengxuan silver crystals are placed inside.

They have been busy for more than a month, and they are very tired at this time. They enter the Jiuyang Temple and rest.

Kang Yiqing and Gong Feiyan also condensed the twins in these days.

Qin Yun thinks that they are all against the sky, and they can continue to produce the twin sky patterns without being punished.

During this time, they gave Qin Yun ten ten-day sky patterns.

"The next step is to engrave!" Qin Yun took out the cloud of God and took a few deep breaths: "Is the Dragon Totem of the Dragon? It is not difficult!"

He released the needle soul from the moon, entered the cloud of the gods, and began to carefully engrave the dragon's dragon totem.

"Xiaoyun, your grotesque soul is really a lot!" Yue smiled and said: "Other geeks know, it must be very jealous!"

"I only use two kinds of strange spirits, the beast king's strange spirit and the totem strange spirit!" Qin Yun said.

"I heard that the form of the strange spirit is released, and the fineness can be higher!" Yue said: "Can you release the form of the two kinds of strange spirits: the beastmaster and the totem?"

Qin Yun shook his head: "I can't do it for the time being!"

When he and Peng Hantao had a confrontation with the stranger, they had seen the form of the Leigong strange spirit. He later tried to release the form of the strange spirit he had mastered, but he could not succeed.

He suspects that his own strange spirit is not born, so he can't release the form. This is the direction he will work hard in the future.

Because time is not very tight, Qin Yun carved slowly.

After a long time, his triumphant Tiansuo suddenly shocked!

"Someone!" Yue looked at the top with amazement.

Something falls on the top of the trespass, and you can see it in the main control room.

It was a little old man with blood on his face and a scar. It was a fascinating fairy, and he was seriously injured!

Qin Yun immediately controlled the Tissot, and sent the fascinating fairy to the main control room.


After the fascinating fairy enters the main control room, I saw a huge palm of the hand, and the palm of the palm has a huge mouth like a flower, just like the head of a strange monster.

Qin Yun is good at closing the hand and stopping the engraving, otherwise it will be affected.


Qin Yun had to rush to control the triumph of Tiansuo to leave the temple. He was also very puzzled. The famous fairy statue came here, and he was seriously injured.

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