Nine Sun God King

Chapter 3126: a place to fight

Both Qin Yun and Ba Taiyin were shocked. The power of cultivation in the body can still be recovered. What is this operation?

"is this real?

How much energy can they be taken away from those who are beyond the realm of God?

Is it very small?

What is the use of retracting to the universe? ”

Qin Yun did not understand.

"Lord of the King of God, you are wrong! The people who transcend the universe, the energy in the body is so powerful that you can hardly imagine, especially the body of the gods, and the energy contained in the heavenly bones are very large. ”

"The cosmic spirit regains energy, and our gods will degenerate. The gods and souls will not degenerate. This will ensure that we have a very powerful force in the gods."

"The cosmic spirits recover our energy, not only to restore their energy, but also to suppress us to grow, or to ... we will limit us to the realm of the future, so that we do not exceed this realm, lest Once again threatening the cosmic spirit!"

The King of Kowloon simply said the intent of the universe, and he was also very impressed at the moment.

Although his deity is a powerful person far beyond the realm of God, he can accept such a result.

Once the cosmic spirit begins to act, it means that all the creatures of the universe will be suppressed in the same realm, and there will be no big difference in strength! It is normal for the cosmic law to suppress the growth of the living beings. After all, the cosmic spirits have been sealed by powerful creatures, and this group of creatures has stirred up the entire universe.

Qin Yun said: "Does the cosmic spirit only recover the energy of the living spirit?

Even so, will it not let the kingdom and the empire pay so much attention to the gods? ”

Before the Heavenly Gate, he told him that the gods of the gods have been growing, and the speed of getting bigger is getting faster and faster.

"The spirit of the universe is not only to recover the energy of the living, but also to recover the energy of our place of residence, and then concentrate all the energy within the control of the universe, and even help the world to become stronger!" ”

Kowloon King Road: "This may be a lot of cosmic spirits, in order to thank Jiuyang Fa Ling, so do this!"

Qin Yun was shocked again. If this is the case, how strong will Jiuyang Fa Ling be?

The destiny of the gods must be very prosperous, but in the wilderness of the gods, the highest state will be limited to the nine heavens.

The Da Luo Empire now attaches great importance to the Jiuyang Holy Land, which is because the Jiuyang Holy Land is the core of the gods.

If that day really comes, then the Daluo Empire can take the lead and prey to occupy the Jiuyang Holy Land, the center of the gods.

"I suspect that...the universe will eventually merge together!"

King of Kowloon: "When the time comes, the gods are the land of battle!"

Multiple universes, multiple kingdom empire, gathered in the gods, this is the catastrophe that Qin Yun premonition is coming! He thought that this test of the catastrophe of the gods and the hunger of the gods and the catastrophe of the evolution of the various races would come like a disaster.

Unexpectedly, it would be like this! In Qin Yun’s view, many imperial kingdoms have gathered in the gods, which is more terrible than any disaster.

After all, those people in the imperial kingdoms have all been surpassing the heavens and the universe. Even if they are retreating, they are still there, and the number is very large! In the face of these forces, the strong gods of the gods and gods have no chance to breathe.

The strengths of the kingdoms and the empire of the empire will be strong. Imagine that the Balong Army will do it. When it came to the first 30, Qin Yun used the **** Wang Tianyin and consumed a lot of Shenyu Jinshi to kill it.

After the empire and the kingdom of the kingdom have rehabilitated, it is a batch of tyrants, and the number is not countable.

This sudden pressure has made Qin Yun breathless! He thought that according to the current situation, the kingdom and the empire could only send some waste materials to the heavens. Then he had no pressure at all, and it would be fine to expand the king of the army.

But now the emergence of the spirit of the universe, aggravating the form of the gods.

Qin Yun is very depressed. Jiuyang Faling’s move is really very bright. In one breath, the middle and upper layers of the creatures are hard to turn over, but they are not completely killed.

After these middle and upper layers of the spiritual retreat are regressed, they will still be able to go down to the gods of the gods. The sin can be the life of the gods.

"Lord of God, if things are as we expected, then the kingdom of Kowloon will come to the gods!"

Said the Kowloon King.


Qin Yun smiled and smiled.

"We will be a solid ally!"

The king of Kowloon got up and smiled and shook hands with Qin Yun.

The King of Kowloon is very clear that after they have rehabilitated and come to the gods and want to become stronger, they need Qin Yun’s awakening.

Those awakenings, after they get the **** sky, their potential can be even greater, and the upper limit of the gods can be higher.

The repair is limited to the nineths of the gods, and the time is the upper limit of the gods.

Qin Yun is very lacking now, and Kowloon King knows, so he will give Qin Yun more help as much as possible.

Qin Yun allowed the Kowloon King to support some female warriors. The Kowloon King readily agreed that the nine-persons of the gods are still quite a few in the Kingdom of Kowloon, and they are not a scarce talent for the Kingdom of Kowloon.

Even if it is later repaired as a retrogressive era, the present **** is still a nine-fold, still not a degraded opponent.

"Do other empires and kingdoms know about the things of the universe?"

Qin Yun asked.

"Should know it!"

King of Kowloon: "The king of the king, the battleship of the Cat Kingdom has come, but because of this, it may come later, and now the kingdoms and empires are preparing!"

Although the fleet of the odd cat king will not come so soon, but the next time the odd cat king comes again, that is, the deity personally went out, although it is a degraded deity, but the strength is very powerful, far beyond the dragon army.

“What are you mainly preparing for?”

Qin Yun asked.

“Migration of the gods!”

Kowloon King Road: "We are doing this preparation now!"

Long Jin preached: "Lord of the King of God, once the big change is coming, after the universe is merged, our fleet will come to support you with the fastest speed!"

"I am very grateful for your help, we try to block the attack of the odd cat king!"

Qin Yun said.

"You are welcome, although the Kingdom of Kowloon has not yet come to the gods, but I have already recognized you as the king of the gods!"

Kowloon King smiled: "Lord of God, we really hope that you can control the order of the gods!"

The gods are out of order, and the kingdom of Kowloon can do their things with peace of mind. They have no ambitions, they want the strongest and stronger power, but they break the balance of the great Hong universe, and then they are suppressed by the Tianhong Empire. .

"Does the Tianhong Empire come to the gods?"

Qin Yun asked.

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