Nine Sun God King

Chapter 545: Little beast

Qin Yun suspended into the air, overlooking the wilderness of the beasts by the soft light of the stars and moons.

Here, like the outside, it is a large ancient jungle, and some areas are a depression.

There is also a winding river that traverses this vast ancient jungle.

"This kind of wasteland is really mysterious! I have to find a way to find the beast of the beast, get a bone animal or something!" Qin Yun did not know if he could find the beast.

"Xiaoyun, although the beasts here are all kind of young, but the young beasts are very powerful!" Ling Yun said: "Some young beasts have the strength of Wuwang!"

"What? How could it be so terrible! Why is Yangyang, the nine-day bird, a very weak duck?"

Qin Yun was also scared by the strength of the beast.

"Yangyang is the first birth period. After the birth stage, it is the young stage. It may take hundreds of years, or a thousand years." Ling Yun said.

"This little duck is really difficult to raise!" Qin Yun long sighed.

"Xiaoyu rabbit is also a beast of the young age, that is, I do not know what type." Ling Yun said.

Qin Yun only knows that Xiaoyu Rabbit is a mysterious beast. The great thing is that it is very fast, eats a lot, and absorbs toxins.

The fighting ability seems to be very weak.

"This beastly wilderness field can make the martial artists who entered the spirit of the martial arts come in, indicating that the strength of the beasts is stronger than those of the martial artists!"

Ling Yun said this, but also let Qin Yun pay more attention.

Knowing that the beasts inside are very strong, Qin Yun has become cautious and hastened to use the power of shadow.

The power of shadow is also one of the powers of his power that he is currently skilled in.

In the middle of the night, Qin Yun carefully flew over the sky, looking at the ground and looking for the beast.

"Yue, what are the differences between these beasts and the beasts?" Qin Yun was very curious about this.

"Tiens is a beast, and the body has a strong blood heritage. After growth, all aspects are stronger than ordinary monsters!"

Ling Yun said: "But in this wild beast, it is impossible to be all beasts of nature, there are other beasts and beasts, and be careful!"

Qin Yun did not know how to find the beasts of the beasts. They could only fly indiscriminately.

"How can I see if it is a beast?"

Qin Yun suddenly saw the following trees moving, and he quickly flew down.

"If it is a beast, there will be a faint scent in the body! The great thing about the beast of the beast is that when you are born, you will be able to ingest the immortality of the fairyland." Ling Yun said: "When you are close, look Clearly, if you attack a powerful beast, it is very dangerous!"

"No wonder the beast is so powerful! Rhyme, I cultivated the celestial body of the lion, how can I not get that fairy?" Qin Yun asked.

Only in the fairy city, he can take a very weak fairy.

"You can't use it even if you get it! In your current situation, you can't refine your scent, you can only gather together and release it through the soul of the martial arts."

"Unless you are a fairy, you can refine your temperament and make your strength stronger! This is one of the reasons why Liu Jingmeng is very powerful!"

Qin Yun heard the words of Ling Yun, and he yearned for the fairy body.

He entered the jungle and soon discovered it.

In the distance, there was a silver glow that flowed fast.

"It is a faint scent, the beast appears!" Qin Yun was excited, and quickly chased it up.

"This beast is a bit strong, and the strength should be equivalent to Lingwu!" Ling Yun said.

"How is the beast of the sky so small?"

Qin Yun can't help but think of Yangyang. It is obviously a beast, but like a duckling, it is not domineering.

He felt that it should be as huge and powerful as a dragon.

Qin Yun used the power of the dragon boots, only barely catch up, but also see what type of beast is, is a deer!

The deer is very small and looks like the one that was just born, and the whole body overflows with the silver glow.

The little antlers are golden, jumping and jumping very fast.

"Hey, this harmless beast, don't do it!" Ling Yun said: "You have the celestial body, you should deal with the overbearing beast."

"Also! Killing such a small thing does not conform to my Tianshi mysterious identity!" Qin Yunxiao haha ​​said to Ling Yuner.

Just when he was leaving, suddenly someone spoke.

"The little stupid deer is in front, chasing it! It is a living beast, and if we catch it back, our credit will be great!" The voice of the voice, Qin Yun is very familiar.

Qin Yun’s power to display the shadows was hidden. Looking at the group of people who caught up, he soon felt the familiar atmosphere.

"It’s Liu Chongsheng!" Qin Yun’s heart was shocked: “Sure enough, the guy who first entered the spirit of the martial arts can really enter this wild animal wilderness!”

This group of people is a disciple of Yaoxiangu and Caojingxing Palace. There are more than 20 people in Lingwujing and Wudaojiu.

"The disciples of Yaoxiangu and Xingmen are really amazing!"

Qin Yun feels that his speed is already good, but those who are first in the spirit of the Xianmen disciples, the speed is faster than him.

Not long after, several martial artists in the early days of Lingwu were caught up with the little deer.

Qin Yun and Liu Chongsheng had hatred, but did not expect to meet him here.

Liu Chongsheng can become a martial artist in the early days of Lingwu, and he has a high status in Xianmen. He must have a strong bodyguard.

Qin Yun was more surprised. He thought that the five major immortals and the five major star gates would not send excellent disciples.

Today, Liu Chongsheng is sent to such a top talent.

"Don't those Xianmen think that Liu Chongsheng is a classmate who is invincible here?"

Qin Yun caught up, and there were several thoughts in his heart.

However, he is extremely cautious, because none of the more than 20 people are weak. They are the top young disciples in the Zongmen. They have good armor.

Especially those in the early days of Lingwu, the body is very strong.

After the little deer was surrounded, there was no place to run. It looked strange and pitiful.

"This kindhearted person, save me!" Xiaotianlu suddenly gave Qin Yun a voice.

Qin Yun heard the voice of Xiaotianlu, and his heart was shocked. He used the power of shadow to stealth, but he was still discovered by Xiaotianlu.

"You have been chasing me for a long time, and have not done it to me. You are a rare good-hearted person, save me!" The voice of the little deer, with despair and pleading.

Liu Chongsheng suddenly laughed and said: "After catching this little thing, we will make great contributions!"

Qin Yun bit his teeth and quickly displayed the Tiens Summoning and summoned two Tianshi Tiens.

As soon as the two lions appeared, they would scream together, and the terrible Tianshi Xiao Tianyin stunned the silent night sky.

The birds and beasts in the forest were all alarmed!

"It seems to be Tiens...and it's still two!" Suddenly someone shouted: "I heard the whistling sound of Tiens from the recording shell!"

"The legendary Dragon Slayer? It's great! We took this little thing and killed the Tiens in the past!"

Liu Chongsheng is not afraid at all, the arrogant face is full of excitement.

Qin Yun quickly let the two lions fly over and cast the Tianshi Xiaotian sound. While using the sound wave attack, the lion claws are fiercely afraid to hit the past and play the Tiens.

In the mouth of the Tianshi Tianshi, there is also a burst of black flames.

"Away from the Tiens, carry out the long-range attack, properly arranged!" A man who looks older, hastened to direct.

Because the two lions suddenly rushed in, they also disrupted Liu Chongsheng's team.

The little deer was able to escape.

Qin Yun didn't want Tiens to be hurt too much, but he only struggled with Liu Chongsheng for a while, and he quickly fled and returned to the meditation.

"The Tianshi Tianshi is less injured, and the growth rate will be much faster, and you can also summon it out faster!" Ling Yun said: "Quickly chase the little deer!"

Qin Yun immediately chased him up, so what he did not expect was that Liu Chongsheng and others continued to pursue the small deer.

"This group of guys, actually didn't chase the Tiens, it's really bad to deal with!"

Liu Chongsheng, their group, chased very tightly.

After chasing for more than half an hour, the silver spot in front suddenly stopped.

Little deer actually didn't run!

When I walked in, I found that there were seven women over there.

Two women are very young and beautiful, dressed in neat and tidy white dresses.

One of the women, elegant and flexible, looks beautiful and beautiful, and contains the tenderness of water. Even wearing a simple dress, it is quite a temperament.

This woman is Feng Honglan. The little deer is shrinking at her feet.

Another woman, with her hands on her chest, is full of cool and sleek jade. It is like a pair of stars, with a sharp air and a sense of killing, which makes her look slightly heroic and full of domineering.

This is the wife of Qin Yun, Xiao Yuelan!

"Yuelan and Honglan are actually here! Are they all martial arts?"

Qin Yun was amazed at the heart. When Xiao Yuelan left, it was only a martial art.

The five women around Xiao Yuelan and Feng Honglan are middle-aged women, and their appearances are relatively ordinary, but they are all in the early days of Lingwu.

This is the person of the Moon Palace!

"Hey, it’s the girls in the moon palace!" Liu Chongsheng looked back and forth at Feng Honglan and Xiao Yuelan's beautiful face.

These two women with different styles stand together, which is even more conquering, especially for the genius of Liu Chongsheng.

Qin Yun is hidden in the darkness, watching quietly.

"Let's go!" Xiao Yuelan did not want to pay attention to this group of people, and snorted.

"Wait! You can go, but that little thing is left, it is the first thing we meet!" Liu Chongsheng shouted coldly.

"What about the first thing you encountered? But in the end we got it! You have to blame yourself for not having the ability, and you don't immediately catch the deer!" Xiao Yuelan sneered.

Liu Chongsheng's face changed, cold channel: "I am Liu Chongsheng, the main disciple of Yaoxiangu, you a little girl, give me respect!"

"How about Yaoxian Valley?" Xiao Yuelan heard the name of Liu Chongsheng, and immediately knew that this was the enemy of Qin Yun, she hated it even more.

What Xiaoyue Lan and Feng Honglan didn't think was that a middle-aged woman around them shouted loudly: "Moon Lan Shimei, shut up! Don't be unreasonable to the disciples of Yaoxian, just apologize!"


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