“See the Seven ancestors!”

Euno and his father hurriedly saluted.

The latter is even scared to the altar. The seven ancestors of the Tianzu are the immortal existence beyond the Tao. If it is not because of Sino, is he qualified to see such a person?

“Zuo Nuo, you really did not let this Eminence disappoint!” The seven ancestors of the Tianzu family squatted with a beard and a dagger.

Zenu said with regret: “Unfortunately, it failed to pass the test of 3-Layer.”

Seven ancestors asked: “What is the 3-Layer test of the original world of Reze?”

“fleshly body !”

Kono replied truthfully.

“Flishly body test, it is much easier than the 2-Layer day test.” The seven ancestors put down their hearts, 讪讪said with a smile: “My family cultívation does not focus on fleshly body, but with my family Resources, why can’t you help you have a powerful fleshly body? As for the time…hehe, my family has mastered the time and the high road, time is not a problem.”

Zeno is still expression yin: “A human race cultivator has also entered the original world of Lei Ze, and he also has the king of blood, so the 3-Layer test is no difficulty for him, it is estimated this time. Able to pass the 3-Layer day test.”

A volume of the eyebrows of the seven ancestors of Tianzu: “human race cultivator ?”

Euno is telling things.

The seven ancestors of the Tianzu people smiled indifferently, and did not pay attention to them. “The low-level ethnic cultívation of trivial ant, also attempted to rob the Leizhou ancient people of inheritance with the Tianzu people. Directly destroy the human race cultivator together with the entire human race World. Naturally, there will be no troubles.”

Euno screamed to stop: “How much threat does the human race ant ant bring to the discipline? If the human race cultivator can’t be surpassed, the discipline I can talk about stepping on the pedestrian? No need to shoot in the family, the discipline is in In the latter test, you will be able to kill it directly.”

The seven ancestors of the Tianzu family said: “It’s not my family genius, you can be so discouraged. You will recover some time, this Eminence will arrange the powerhouse in the family to help you cultívation. After millions of years, you will survive the original world of Lei Ze. 3-Layer days.”

“many thanks seven ancestors!”

The cup of the cup is in the other hand, and the body of the seven ancestors of the Tianzu is turned into nothingness.

Zeno resumed his previous aloof and remote posture and went away.

Above the altar, only the father of the genus of the genus is left alone.

“With the character of Zeno, as long as someone threatens his interests, he will remove the enemy at any cost. How can this be so easy to let go of the human race cultivator?”

Nobody understands one’s son better than his father, how can he not know the character of Zeno?

After some thoughts, the singer’s eyes flashed in the killing intent: “In order to please the seven ancestors, it is natural that he does not want to let the family come out to kill the human race cultivator, then I will remove the person for him. It is also a force for the acquisition of the original realm of Reize, and it will definitely be my advantage.”

“Although I don’t know the identity and appearance of the human race cultivator, but since he has the king of blood, it should be easy to find out who this person is…”

After some thoughts.

Zeno father moved towards the next powerhouse shouted: “Let the ancestors from human race World come to see the king immediately!”



Su Fang’s figure appears in one independent time and space.

Look at it.

The independence of time and space is nothing, as if it is into the chaos of nothing.

In time and space, there are nine lotus-shaped floating platforms, each with different colors. They are arranged upwards from the front of Su Fang, and the last altar floats in the highest point of time and space.

“The test of the 4-Layer day should be only nine levels. I don’t know what the test is. The spirit is so mysterious.”

Su Fang is secretly vigilant and does not dare to have the slightest care.

This time, I was able to successfully pass the two-day test in succession, and there are some luck components in it. The next 4-Layer day test will obviously not have such luck.

At this level, Su Fang does not expect to pass, but must understand the flaws and prepare for the next test.

At this time, the sound of the spirits sounded: “The 4-Layer day, named Jiu Lian Shengtian, the test is the mastery of the avenue and the exertion of power. Each lotus platform will condense the opponent according to your strength and the avenue of cultivation. Fight with you, defeat your opponent, and cross the nine lotus stands to pass the 4-Layer day.”

Su Fang said: “The original test is strength.”

The spirit quickly denies: “Not exactly strength, but also for you. As for how much you can get, it depends on your own foundation and your ability. Let’s start, I hope you can have this time. Harvest, the next 4-Layer day, will be able to pass.”

The spirit obviously does not think that Su Fang can pass the 4-Layer day test, nor does it reveal too many 4-Layer days.

Su Fang jumped on the first lotus platform and entered a space where there was no space. The inner heart was a little nervous.

Then Su Fang discovered that the power of Xuanbao, fleshly body, and the king of the blood, and the power of the men, could not be motivated and sealed by an invisible force.

Where do you know~

Su Fang waited for a fragrant time, and no opponents appeared. I couldn’t help but be surprised.

“Oh… weird, it’s weird, human race brat, let this Eminence see what kind of avenue you are cultívation, why the original world of Reze condenses your opponent, you need to use strength of Source…”

The spirits were full of horror, and then the figure appeared directly opposite Su Fang.

Su Fang exhibited Jiu Xuan Wuji through Heart Technique, and a Qi of Primordial Chaos emerged from the interior of the palace.

The spirits suddenly realized: “originally is this way … unexpectedly, unexpectedly, you human race cultivator , cultívation is actually Heavenly Dao, able to go straight to Heavenly Dao true, source, no wonder to illusion your opponent, you need to use Reize The origin of the world.”

It turns out that the opponent in the 4-Layer day is transformed by the strength of the testee and the avenue of cultívation.

For example, if you use the cultívation Earth Element Avenue, you will automatically use the Earth Element power and rhyme to condense your opponent and confront the testee.

It can be seen how wonderful the original realm of Lei Ze created by the Reze ancient powerhouse, and how powerful the Leize ancients are, and they have mastered all kinds of avenues and thousands of ways.

I know that in the case of Su Fang, the cultívation’s Jiu Xuan Wuji is the Heavenly Dao, and mastering the Qi of Primordial Chaos, the illusion of the opponent naturally needs to use the source.

“this time, the loss of the original world of Lei Ze can be big, you human race brat can be a big bargain… However, the difficulty you have to pass is much bigger than that of the day bra, brat, I wish you good. Yun!” The spirits rolled their eyebrows and went away.

“Is it cheap?”

Su Fang is confused and unconscious.

After about half a musk time.

The front divine glow flashes, and a color of Primal Chaos breathes out. It is the Qi of Primordial Chaos that Su Fang is familiar with.

After the surge of Qi of Primordial Chaos, it quickly became a humanoid phantom. The facial features were somewhat vague. It looked like Su Fang. It has no life. From the fluctuation of energy, it can be judged that the cultivation base is at the height of the Tao. .

As soon as phantom appeared, he immediately rushed to Su Fang.


Su Fang finger moved towards phantom, and turned into a light wheel of Primal Chaos color, which quickly spread out and turned into a Hongmeng Tianlun.


After the big collision of Heaven-shaking and Earth-shattering, that phantom was shattered and the surrounding time and space began to collapse. As for nothingness, Su Fang reappeared on the first lotus platform.

“So easy?”

Su Fang thought that there would be a fierce battle. Who knows that it is so easy to kill the first opponent and pass the first level.

Su Fang was about to fly toward the second lotus platform. Suddenly, a Qi of Primordial Chaos emerged from the surroundings, and it penetrated into the palace.

In an instant!

The Qi of Primordial Chaos merged with the Qi of Primordial Chaos in Su Fang, making Su Fang’s Qi of Primordial Chaos more pure and majestic.

And the Su Fang Taoist Palace began to change, making Su Fang’s Taoist palace begin to boil, and the entire Taoist palace is filled with a kind of original atmosphere.

“No wonder the spirit says that the 4-Layer day is a test, and it is a creation. It used to kill opponents and get the energy of the opponent. And I master Qi of Primordial Chaos, so the opponent of Reze’s original illusion is also Qi of Primordial Chaos. Condensed, after killing the opponent, it is the source of this source.”

Su Fang was surprised and happy, but this was an unexpected gain.

Waiting for the palace to calm down, Su Fang felt that not only was the Qi of Primordial Chaos in the palace more amazing, the cultivation base had improved a lot, and it seemed that there were some ambiguous insights.

Then Su Fang jumped onto the second lotus stand.

This time, he did not wait for him. Just entering the second lotus space, there was a Qi of Primordial Chaos coming out and quickly condensing into a silhouette.

It looks exactly the same as the opponent at the first pass, but in reality it is very different, and the breath is ten times more powerful than the first pass.

Su Fang cheered up and played the elephantless wheel, urging Qi of Primordial Chaos to fight against the opponent. It took three hours to kill him.

This time, the absorption of energy made Su Fang’s Taoist palace change again. Su Fang’s palace and fleshly body began to move around, and there were signs that they would soon be promoted to the Tao.

However, Su Fang’s loss is also amazing.

“In the 4-Layer day, two passes, the Qi of Primordial Chaos is enough to be worth cultivating for millions of years, consuming countless resources. The creation is indeed great good fortune !”

Su Fang’s eyes became extremely embarrassing and went straight into the third lotus platform.

This time, the opponents are no longer so easy. Su Fang finally showed his best efforts and displayed his master ten-square seal to kill him.

“The fourth lotus platform is estimated to be my limit… but I have to try it anyway!”

Su Fang entered the fourth lotus platform.

This time, it is still an opponent of the same height. However, the offensive contains a true meaning of the principle of the origin of the road, such as the same unstoppable flood.

Su Fang casts the enchantment created by my Lord Shifang, and is instantly broken, simply unable to withstand a single blow.

“It’s so powerful at once!”

Su Fang was shocked and unexpected.

Before being swallowed up by the horrible offensive, a god shivered Su Fang and removed him from the 4-Layer day.

The 4-Layer day test failed.

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