Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1041 Infinite Circle

Conjuration, in the final analysis, is a special form of power.

Conjurations are usually presented in the form of incantations. At first, Lu Yu was not familiar with conjurations and incantations, and had never systematically studied this skill.

But since the last time in Dakong Mountain, Qin Yanzhen drove Wuluo Shenshan to cast a spell to seal off the cultivation of his whole body. He was forced to use himself as a research object. After many twists and turns, he finally finally found his way to Chi in the land of Haixi. Homura lifted the spell.

This unique experience allowed him to be regarded as "a doctor after a long illness" and gave him a deeper understanding of mantras and incantations.

The mantra is actually a rule accompanying the laws of heaven and earth, which itself exists in this world.

If the laws of heaven and earth are compared to pillars supporting a building, then the mantra is the projection of the pillars on the ground.

The projection itself cannot support a building, but it can interfere with people's true understanding of the world. Even if it is just the projection of a pillar, if it is folded layer by layer, it is very likely that for an ant it will become of eternal darkness.

Of course, this is just a simple analogy. In fact, the relationship between mantras and the laws of heaven and earth is far more complicated than this.

It will interfere with the connection between the laws of heaven and earth and the laws of heaven and earth, thereby distorting the original laws of heaven and earth.

Even if the laws of heaven and earth are like this, it is naturally difficult for the golden elixir law to go beyond the scope of "distortion". After all, in a broad sense, the golden elixir law is also one of the laws of heaven and earth, and the golden elixir itself is a "small world".

It's just that this "distortion" is a very complicated process, and the subtle changes in power involved cannot be expressed in words at all.

At this moment, such a spell surged from Lu Yu's body, "distorting" the surrounding world.

Countless rays of light flew up from his body, surrounding him and the Ancestor Gunlong in front of him.

It was only then that Chudie, Yudie and others finally understood why Lu Yu had to come to such a close distance. Only in this way could the spell he activated tightly wrap the Ancestor Gunlong.

The previous "Six-Pointed Star Lock" was essentially a mental attack on the spiritual level. The reason why it required strength was because the launch of the mental attack itself consumed a large amount of real energy.

This new spell is more of a real power. It is a dual compound of thoughts and real power, and the amount of real energy that needs to be consumed is naturally greater.

If Lu Yu had not gone through some previous understanding and made thousands of lotus flowers hide in the tranquil sea, he would not have been able to cast such a spell.

In an instant, the scene was like a grand fireworks explosion.

With Lu Yu as the center, countless light points exploded.

It's just that these light spots are different from more real fireworks. They don't dissipate for a long time.

Every point of light is actually a spell character produced by the power of the red lotus.

The mantra is the projection of the laws of heaven and earth. Lu Yu has mastered far more laws of heaven and earth, and his understanding of the characters of the mantra is deeper.

Especially after he understood the secrets of the eighth star, he had a deeper understanding of all laws and secrets.

The Secret of the Stars is also a kind of law of heaven and earth, but it is born out of the starry sky. In a broad sense, it is a broader "heaven and earth".

These incantation characters circle around quickly, forming rings one after another.

The rings are interlocked, connected end to end, and soon become an even bigger ring.

It goes round and round, one after another, and it continues to evolve.

In the blink of an eye, no one knows how many rings were spliced ​​around Lu Yu and Ancestor Gunlong.

At a glance, it looked like countless circular tracks were laid out around the two of them, with spell characters constantly shuttled through them one by one, sometimes in the forward direction, sometimes in the reverse direction, with no fixed rules of operation, and it was complicated. It’s impossible to add to it.

Behind them, Chudie, Ye Weilan, and Yudie could not help but show horrified expressions.

They are all familiar with the "Six-Pointed Star Lock", and they can see at a glance that these layered ring changes are derived from the "Six-Pointed Star Lock".

The points and straight lines of the six-pointed star lock can be infinitely changed, while the circle can be regarded as an infinite polygon. There is no doubt that this new spell has completed its advancement. It seems that Lu Yu's so-called improvement is really not just talk...

However, he was able to complete the improvement of such a complicated six-pointed star lock. How did this guy do it?

Even though they were all teammates, Chu Die and others couldn't help but feel incredible about this.

"I can't kneel!"

Lu Yu's whole body was surrounded by the dazzling brilliance of characters, and he repeated what he just said again, his voice shook the heaven and the earth.

At this time, his tone was no longer simply answering Patriarch Gunlong's question, but more like an oath to the whole world.

"I came here in accordance with Her Majesty's will, and I carry Her Majesty's majesty as a saint. Are you qualified enough to make me kneel down?"

"Her Highness the Saint has good intentions, but it's a pity that you are unwilling to appreciate it... What she has is not only rich gifts, but also divine punishments! Since you are unwilling to accept her good intentions, then experience her God’s punishment!”

"Now, Ancestor Gunlong, I think you are the one who should kneel down!"

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