Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1047 Please forgive me

Hearing Yudie's blunt words that he was not qualified, Kunjia Zhenren's face turned pale.

He had been in charge of the main hall for many years, handling various affairs, which was equivalent to the "second in command" of Daluo Holy Land. He was warmly received wherever he went.

Even the head of the Dali Sword Sect was polite and respectful when he met him. He didn't expect that he would be reprimanded by Yudie now. Even if he had a long-standing reputation, he was just a first-seated Zhenren after all!

However, Kunjia Zhenren was powerless to refute her.

To a certain extent, what she said was indeed true...

Now that the action he and Gong Bi'e had secretly planned had been greatly frustrated, even his own master, the old ancestor Gunlong, was involved. This undoubtedly proved that Lu Yu could not be touched. At the same time, the various rumors related to Fairy Yao Ji were not just his one-sided words, all of which were true.

According to this development of events, Daluo Holy Land had only one choice, that is, to form an alliance with the Dali Sword Sect behind Lu Yu, and work together to overcome difficulties... and such things were indeed not something he could decide.

In addition, from the attitude shown by Yudie at this time, he also saw another meaning...

Lu Yu's so-called "brewing" is probably just an excuse.

If he wants to untie the curse on the old ancestor Gunlong, he can only "brewing" if the Daluo Holy Land agrees to form an alliance and stand in the same trench with the other party. Otherwise, I am afraid that this matter will be dragged on...

Kunjia Zhenren narrowed his eyes slightly and carefully looked at the famous Yudie Zhenren in front of him.

She was already very famous decades ago.

Slaying dragons to prove the truth, the elixir is of the first grade, and she is extremely talented...But looking at the entire cultivation world, there are many people with outstanding talents, and there are also many who have achieved the first grade of elixir. What really made her famous all over the world is her unparalleled beauty.

In the world of cultivation, there are already a few women who can form a golden elixir. Not only is the elixir of the first grade, but she is also the most beautiful in the world. The last such outstanding female was Yue Xiujun, the female hero of Red Embroidery... With the double blessing, her name has been widely talked about.

Under such circumstances, Kunjia Zhenren has always had some prejudice against her - although she is a top golden elixir expert, she is mostly because of her beautiful appearance, and her real strength is far less outstanding than what people praise.

In addition, his attention has always been on Lu Yu, and he has never really taken Yudie's true level seriously.

Until this moment...

The two of them confronted each other head-on, and Kunjia Zhenren looked at her seriously, and then he found that her spiritual energy was like a tide, and there was a faint trend of divine aura flowing, which was a sign of the law condensed to the extreme. He had only seen similar scenes when he was close to the head master Tao Jinran.

Kunjia Zhenren was full of astonishment.

Could it be that the Jade Butterfly Immortal in front of him was not only outstanding in appearance, but her strength had reached a level that could rival that of the headmaster?

Kunjia finally said nothing and quietly retreated.

After a while, several more rays of light came rushing over.

This time, the Daluo disciples around him finally stopped being indifferent and knelt down to pay their respects.

Because the visitors were the headmaster Tao Jinran and the other two Tiangang ancestors of the Daluo Holy Land.

For a time, the three Tiangang Realm masters of the Daluo Holy Land gathered here.

Among the Daluo disciples present, although they all knew about the return of the ancestors, they rarely had the opportunity to see them. Until this moment, they finally saw the true appearance of the other two ancestors besides the Gunlong Ancestor with their own eyes, and they couldn't help but feel excited and uneasy.

"Meet the headmaster! Meet the ancestors Zhaoyun and Huitang!"

Kunjia Immortal also knelt down to pay his respects to the three.

Originally, with his status, he didn't need to kneel down, but at this moment, he was guilty. If he hadn't insisted on doing it, how could such a situation have occurred?

"Kunjia is ashamed... I..."

He opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say, his face was full of guilt.

The two ancestors Zhaoyun and Huitang ignored him and went straight past him to check the situation of the ancestor Gunlong.

Tao Jinran glanced at him and said calmly: "Brother Kunjia, are you too anxious? After I die, the position of the headmaster will naturally be yours. Don't you have any patience?"

Kunjia Zhenren was shocked and his face turned pale in an instant: "I dare not! I was just confused for a moment and I definitely don't want to surpass my superiors!"

Tao Jinran sneered: "You know best whether you have it or not! But, with your performance, even the three ancestors may not be confident in passing the position of the headmaster to you, right?"

Kunjia Zhenren gritted his teeth and sweated like rain: "I absolutely don't have this intention. If the headmaster doesn't believe it, I will have to die to prove my innocence..."

After speaking, he manifested the golden elixir in his body.

Raising his hand, the wind and thunder gathered the terrifying power of thunder, and suddenly slapped the golden elixir with a palm, and it was about to end itself under his palm power.

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