Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1073 Battleship Sacrifice

Above the light curtain, the Jade Sea Immortal Sect fleet is getting faster and faster.

This combination of skills created such a huge momentum. According to common sense, if you see such an abnormal situation suddenly appearing in front of you, you should become more cautious.

But the other party's reaction was completely unreasonable. Instead of hesitating, he tried his best to speed up. This shows that the other party really had other plans, and there must be something weird in it!

Lu Yu's eyes glanced back and forth across the audience, making quick calculations in his mind, but the final result could not help but frighten him... According to the current speed, the opponent's six warships would have to retreat before they could complete their retreat. Arrive at the scene in one step.

Without a moment's hesitation, Lu Yu immediately waved his hands.

His fingertips once again pulled out faint golden threads.

Since the surrounding world was in a state of chaos, in order to avoid chaos, only by pulling everyone in this way could they retreat to the Gaoyang as quickly as possible.

Everyone immediately followed the golden thread and, like a string of fish, shuttled into the safe passage in an orderly manner.

When the last Kunjia master finally landed safely on the deck, six floating battleships of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect had already appeared within their sight.

It is not any mental perception or magical exploration, but simply seeing with the naked eye. Even the ordinary disciples with the lowest cultivation level on the ship can clearly see each other through the side of the ship.

Lu Yu's heart couldn't help but thump, and he thought to himself: How could the other party be so fast?

They are also floating battleships, and their Gaoyang is still modified from the original flagship, but the opponent's speed is obviously a step faster than ours... What is going on?

Could it be that the opponent's six floating battleships have undergone any new changes?

However, before he had time to think about this issue carefully, another thing immediately attracted his attention.

The six floating battleships in the field of vision quickly adjusted their positions, changing from the original wedge-shaped array to a standing hexagon.

Each battleship happens to be a vertex of the hexagon. There seems to be some kind of formation connection between the battleships, and the brilliance of the formation shines in it. If the brilliance of these formations are combined with the six floating battleships, , they exactly form the shape of a six-pointed star.

Everyone was startled.

Needless to say, everyone felt the weirdness of such a scene.

And Lu Yu felt as if his scalp was about to split.

Since he had previously understood the six-pointed star lock from the Xuanyang Dao Lock, he had a deeper understanding of the six-pointed star, so he also had a deeper feeling for the scene in front of him.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, these six floating battleships were planning some powerful trick, but he always felt that things were not that simple. It seemed that they were preparing for some kind of ceremony...

To be more precise, it should be a huge and complicated sacrificial ceremony!

"Remote jump! Quickly start the remote jump!"

Lu Yu immediately urged loudly.

With his usual calmness and composure, his voice could not help but sound a little anxious at this moment.

As soon as he finished speaking, the floating battleship that formed a six-pointed star formation and was speeding towards this side suddenly exploded.

Everyone was caught off guard by this sudden change.

However, this undoubtedly proves Lu Yu's guess that this is indeed a sacrificial ceremony!

But even though Lu Yu had expected it, when he actually saw this scene, he was still extremely shocked, and felt a chill running down his spine... What they sacrificed turned out to be six floating battleships that they had worked hard to build themselves. , this is too cruel!

After paying such a heavy price, I'm afraid what they are planning must be quite big!

A burst of bright light enveloped everyone in an instant...

No one can see anything else in front of them, including the Sky Eye Array. All they can see is the boundless bright light...

Everyone felt despair, but at this moment, the floating battleship under their feet suddenly trembled greatly.

Immediately afterwards, the vision became dazzling and bizarre.

At the last moment before they were completely swallowed up by the strong light, they successfully launched the long-range jump and entered the transmission channel.

At the same time, it also successfully avoided the violent explosion caused by the sacrifice of six floating battleships.

After a few short breaths, his eyes suddenly became brighter.

At this time, the Gaoyang had arrived in a brand new area.

The surrounding sea breeze was hunting and the waves were surging. There were no longer those six floating warships, nor the violent vibrations caused by them.

Everyone can't help but feel like they are surviving a disaster.

The burst of bright light just now made everyone feel shuddering. It was a shocking power that human beings could not resist. The moment that just passed could be said to be the moment they were closest to death.

After this moment of life and death, everyone couldn't help but look at Lu Yu with more respect.

From the decision to launch an attack to the rapid evacuation, the entire process just now, if Lu Yu had not made a decisive decision, and if there was any slightest delay in the process, everyone would have ceased to exist at this moment.

However, before everyone could be happy for a long time, Master Lian Gu suddenly ran over from the stern of the ship with a solemn expression and brought a shocking news to Lu Yu.

Yue Xiujun, who had been sitting cross-legged at the stern of the boat like a watchful stone, suddenly disappeared...

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