Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1085 Red Storm

The red storm was obviously extremely violent, causing the distant sky to look like a huge whirlpool, as if the scene in the ancient city of Wuyun had reappeared.

Even the formation of the Qinglong Holy Altar where they were at this time had been affected by this red storm. The countless spiritual energy of heaven and earth that was originally at the core of the formation was rolling towards the red storm. It was only the attention of everyone just now. The power has been on Chudie and Yudie sisters, and they have not noticed these amazing changes.

Everyone immediately couldn't help but turn pale with horror.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Why does the spiritual energy of the altar array pass so quickly?"

"Is there some new formation being practiced at the General Forum? But we didn't receive the notice..."

"With such a drastic change, could it be that Ancestor Shanwen and others have left and come back? But why was there no warning of an enemy attack?"

Ye Weilan was not as nervous as everyone else. Her eyesight was amazing and she had already seen that this red storm was in fact inextricably related to Lu Yu.

But she wasn't very optimistic. She approached Chudie worriedly and whispered, "Is there something wrong with Yu Lang..."

Chu Die looked into the distance and remained silent, as if he was still guessing in his mind.

Jade Die on the side heard the two talking about each other, but couldn't help but feel something in her heart. Suddenly, flying flowers flashed on her body, and she rushed to the command platform in the middle of the deck, and then started to activate the Sky Eye Array herself.

After a while, the distant scene was clearly displayed on the light screen.

I saw thousands of red lotuses floating in the sky. It turned out that the red storm that stirred the entire Daluo Holy Land was actually composed of red lotuses!

"This is... Lu Yu Xianshi's technique?"

"That's right! When the wise envoy was fighting before, and when he was granting elixirs at the Azure Dragon Altar, I've seen him display such a true essence entity!"

"With such a large area of ​​true energy transformed into a lotus entity, how amazing is the true power of the wise envoy?"

"The wise envoy should be at the main altar now to heal the wounds of the master, right?"

"This... could it be that the wise envoy is giving the master the healing method to the real person?"

"This is too appalling!"

"It's totally unheard of!"

"Maybe it's another immortal technique taught by the saint!"

"Hahaha... With such miraculous skills, how can Patriarch Shanwen and others be of any use! This time we rush to help in the battle, we will definitely win a complete victory, and we will be able to capture them!"

At this time, Chudie and others did not need to explain too much, and everyone felt relieved.

After all, there are many Jindan elders guarding the main altar, and the three Tiangang ancestors are also sitting there. If there was anything wrong with this red storm, they would have stopped it long ago. How could they let it stir up the entire world? Luo Holy Land?

Since the three ancestors have been silent, it means that everything is within control.

"I think this is more than just healing Tao Jinran, right?"

Yudie stepped back from the podium, returned to Chudie and Ye Weilan, and communicated with them in a low voice.

Her powerful cultivation and mastery of various laws gave her a vision far beyond that of ordinary people. From this red storm, she could see more clues.

"I remember you mentioned to me before that when this kid was practicing at Jade Butterfly Peak using the Yin-Yang Sympathetic Formation I created, he also created a huge scene that shocked the entire Dali Sword Sect. It also caused the ancestors of Tailing to come and return directly..."

Yudie glanced at her sister: "Isn't the scene at that time similar to this one?"

Chu Die snorted coldly and ignored her.

"Hey, Yang Chudie, what's your attitude?"

Yudie said dissatisfied: "Noisy is noisy, noisy is noisy, we are talking about business now, do you need to be so stingy? Aren't you worried at all that your little lover caused such a big scene, and there will be Are you in any danger?"

These words failed to frighten Chu Die, but instead frightened Ye Weilan who was standing beside him.

She quickly said to Yudie: "When Yulang was practicing at Yudie Peak, the sky within a hundred miles was a scene of burning clouds. Compared with this time, the scene is indeed somewhat similar... After all, What trouble did he encounter there? Is there any danger? "

Yudie looked at the nervous Ye Weilan, couldn't help but smile, and asked: "Little Phoenix, tell me now, who is the real 'Sister Die'?"

Ye Weilan was startled, lowered her head, and said calmly: "Sister Yudie, please stop teasing me... Please tell me the truth quickly!"

Chudie said angrily: "Xiaolan, what are you asking her for? It's not like you don't know how exquisite the skills Yu Lang practices are, do you think she can really see anything?"

Ye Weilan couldn't help but be stunned, with a confused look on her pretty little face.

"Who says I can't see it?"

Yudie's apricot eyes were wide-eyed, her head held high, and she was completely unconvinced.

After a while, she felt discouraged again.

Although she has cultivated to the present stage, she has used many new methods, and she has even been forced to move forward under the torture of Wuya Seventh Patriarch and Ming Wang Dharma Master...

But now Lu Yu's cultivation techniques are indeed beyond her understanding, and she can only talk about it in general terms. It is really beyond her power to ask her to explain the ugly Yinmao in simple terms...

However, she was not a character who was willing to give in easily. She looked deeply at the spiritual energy of heaven and earth flowing across the sky, and finally said:

"At least I can tell... your little lover is definitely not willing to suffer losses. He just gave someone a big gift, and then he took back all the money and profits!"

"Moreover, the interest he charges is not generally high. I am afraid that in this Daluo Holy Land, we will not be able to see such rich spiritual energy for several years!"

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