Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1094 Yuanjiang Haikou

Seeing the Linglong Pagoda falling down in the distance and the chaos among the disciples of Wuya Immortal Pavilion behind them, Lu Yu couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

He then turned around and smiled at Jiang Feiyan: "Senior Sister Jiang, long time no see... You don't have to worry now, right?"

Jiang Feiyan looked at the talisman in Lu Yu's hand that was gradually fading into a piece of white paper, and was stunned for a while: "Is this... puppetry?"

Lu Yu nodded and raised his hand casually. The puppet spell talisman, which had completely lost its effectiveness, floated into the ocean behind him like a withered leaf.

"It's not bad!"

Yudie on the side tilted her eyebrows at Lu Yu: "When did you cast a puppet technique? Even I didn't notice..."

Lu Yu smiled and pretended to be mysterious: "Guess!"

"Tch! Don't mention it!" Yudie rolled her eyes at him angrily, "It's just a small skill, not a great Taoist method, who cares about it!"

Lu Yu just smiled and ignored her.

Jiang Feiyan couldn't help but show a surprised look.

In her impression, Yang Chudie was a gentle and steady woman. How come she had changed so much after not seeing her for a few years? At this moment, as soon as they made contact, they fully felt a flying, weird aura on the other person's body?

Although she felt a little uncomfortable with this, she still said hello bravely: "Disciple Jiang Feiyan has met Master Chudie! Last time we said goodbye at sea, I didn't expect you to have successfully concluded the golden elixir..."


Before she could finish speaking, Yudie waved her hand and interrupted: "I'm not your Chudie Zhenren... Do I look that weak?"

Jiang Feiyan was stunned for a moment, and then she realized what she was doing, and she exclaimed: "Ah... you are the leader of Jade Die? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't expect it was you... It's just like the legend, you and Chu Die are The real person looks exactly the same... I have seen the first Jade Butterfly!"

Jiang Feiyan apologized again and saluted.

Yudie waved her hand, but said to Lu Yu on the side: "Lu Yu, I don't like her now... I'd better forget about what I said before!"

This meaningless sentence immediately made Jiang Feiyan froze in place at a loss. She couldn't figure out where she had offended her. Was it because he confused her with Yang Chudie?

But you are twin sisters, you look exactly the same, so it is normal for people to mistake you, right?

Also, what exactly is “that thing I mentioned before”? What the hell does this happen?

Lu Yu rubbed his brows and felt a headache. He turned to Jiang Feiyan, who looked panicked, and explained: "She is joking with you, don't pay attention to her...Senior Sister Jiang, while I still have some strength left, or Let’s treat your injuries quickly! Sit down!”

Jiang Feiyan was doubtful, but she still sat down as she was told. However, in the previous battle, her skirt had been destroyed. Now she sat cross-legged, revealing a pair of smooth, straight and slender thighs.

Before Lu Yu started to activate the power of the red lotus, Jiang Feiyan shook her head and sighed: "Junior Brother Lu Yu, in fact, you shouldn't have come back... Why don't you just turn around and leave now while no one knows your whereabouts!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

It seems that the situation within the Dali Sword Sect is not optimistic...

He had already expected this in his heart. The major sects used him as an excuse to launch an offensive against the Dali Sword Sect. Now that the armies of the five major sects are pressing on the border, with such a thunderous momentum, some people will naturally complain, feeling that it is because of him. The situation at this time was caused by reasons.

However, with his previous status in the Dali Sword Sect and the great contributions he has made, even if someone complains, such a voice cannot become the mainstream. Now that Jiang Feiyan suddenly feels like this, I am afraid it is probably because of the attitude of Patriarch Tiangang. So ambiguous...

These thoughts flashed through Lu Yu's mind in an instant. He smiled at Jiang Feiyan and said, "Let's talk about these things later. Now let's focus on healing first!"

Jiang Feiyan nodded and slowly closed her eyes.

Lu Yu looked at Yudie on the side again, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Should Chudie and Weilan come out to help?"

After all, they had just exposed their whereabouts. Maybe these real powerful people in Wuya Immortal Pavilion can't do anything to them, but maybe some Tiangang powerful people will take action.

However, Yudie waved her hand: "What kind of trouble do you want them to come out to cause?"

As she spoke, she looked up at the cloudy sky and said lightly: "Don't worry, I can handle it!"

After hearing what she said, Lu Yu no longer hesitated and immediately started to activate the power of red lotus.

Suddenly, red lotus blossoms leaped out from the sea and circled around the entire shuttle boat. In the blink of an eye, the shuttle boat became filled with flowers.

This is exactly what Lotus Water Therapy is.

After improving in the Yuquan River, Lu Yu's mastery of this technique has also reached a higher level. Even if the shuttle boat is flying, it does not affect him in drawing water from the surrounding sea. Power is used to derive lotus flowers.

The situation in Jiang Feiyan's body was exactly as Lu Yu expected. It was precisely because she had taken the best healing elixir in advance and deliberately suppressed it that she could hold on until now. In fact, her condition was already at the end of her rope. If she continued to delay, Even if he could save his life, there would be a risk of his realm falling.

I have to say, this woman is really hardworking...

Fortunately, she met Lu Yu this time. No matter how serious her injury was, it could not be worse than Tao Jinran's before. With the treatment of Lotus Water Therapy, everything would get better.

The shuttle boat is as powerful as lightning, and the lotus flowers are flying in circles.

Gradually, Lu Yu entered a state where he forgot both things and me.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that the original vast sea had disappeared, and was replaced by a small water area.

"This is...have we entered the Yuanjiang River Basin?" Lu Yu asked in surprise.

"The answer is correct." Yudie said.

She was originally leaning on the formation device at the stern of the boat with her eyes closed and concentrating. When she heard Lu Yu speak, she sat up straight. However, this sudden movement made the curve of her chest straighten up. Swaying gently, the moment of amorous feelings was extremely tempting.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel his heart tremble, he didn't dare to look more, and quickly turned his head calmly, pretending to check the surrounding situation.

Only then did he notice that the shuttle boat had stopped and was moored in a bay area at the mouth of the Yuanjiang River. Looking at the light and shadow of the formation flowing around it, it was obvious that Yudie had made arrangements to move the entire river. The whereabouts of the shuttle boat have been hidden.

"What’s wrong with you?"

However, Yudie seemed not to be aware of Lu Yu's embarrassment, and deliberately leaned over and looked directly at his face: "Why is your face so white? When you were in Daluo Holy Land, you gave Tao Jinran I’ve been recovering for days and nights, but I haven’t seen you look like this! When did you become so weak?”

Lu Yu glared at her angrily.

In the Holy Land of Daluo, there were thirty-six altars driving the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to continuously bless them. How could it be the same as here?

Moreover, what really consumed him the most was not healing Jiang Feiyan, but the sword that killed Master Fujiwara before.

Lu Yu ignored her question and asked instead, "Why don't you leave?"

Yudie said: "I would like to continue moving forward, but the water in front has been blocked by the laws of heaven and earth. It seems that it should be the handiwork of one of the Tiangang ancestors of our Dali Sword Sect..."

"Senior Sister Jiang of yours before, the meaning of her words revealed that the attitude of Patriarch Tiangang in the sect towards you seems not to be good. Before asking the specific situation clearly, I can't force my way through... "

Yudie said, looking back at Jiang Feiyan who was still in trance, and asked: "When will she wake up?"

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