Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1104 Rumors spread

Everything that happened in the inner castle quickly spread throughout Feiyan Castle.

Although the idle people were cleared up beforehand, the twelve real elders, including Wei Yingcheng, were carried out like wooden stakes, and then the colorful bridge was started to send them away. This matter could not be deceived by everyone, and at this time Ye Yuanyasu and others were full of panic and had no intention of covering it up, so the whole thing quickly spread like wildfire, and various versions were derived.

"Did you hear about it? Senior Brother Lu Yu had a fierce quarrel with Mr. Wei Ge and others in the inner fort just now!"

"A fight? I've already taken action after hearing about it!"

"It's not just about fighting! Both sides used their unique skills to fight, and the sky was dark! It is said that more than a dozen big holes were broken in the inner castle, and Mr. Ye Ge is looking for someone to repair it urgently!"

"Really? Why didn't I hear anything?"

"The only ones fighting were Lu Yu, Wei Ge Lao and others. The real people from our Zhennan camp were covering up for them, hiding all traces and sounds of the fight... With the combined efforts of so many real people, even if the sky fell, they could cover it up. Damn it, is it possible for you to hear it?”

"That's right... No wonder Ye Ge always invited them to the inner castle!"

"Of course, otherwise if we let them do it outside, we might all be accidentally injured!"

"I heard that Mr. Wei Ge and others were all carried out and sent back to Wulao Peak for emergency treatment!"

"What? Senior Brother Lu Yu is so powerful? He defeated twelve real elders by himself?"

"It can't be said that they were alone. Master Jade Butterfly was also inside at that time. She is the leader of Jade Butterfly Peak. They are in the same group."

"That's just two it such an exaggeration?"

"Haha, what is this? You don't even think about why the major sects are besieging us now! It is said that it was because Senior Brother Lu Yu killed a powerful Tiangang man with a great history in the ancient city of Guoyun, which angered the big shot behind him. In anger, the big shot released a handful of heavenly fire to burn the heavens. Except for the Yunxiao Patriarch of our Dali Sword Sect, the Tiangang Patriarchs of all sects were unable to resist at all. Only then were they forced to descend and return, and therefore vented their anger on our Dali Sect. Jian Zong."

"It is said that when Senior Brother Lu Yu was in Haixi, he once obtained a treasure from the Dragon Clan. He used the tails of ten giant dragons to make a pair of wing-shaped magic weapons. This treasure is the famous Dragon Fish Black Tail... Also , he also has an extremely sharp sword, which is said to be made from the hardest skulls of ten giant dragons and tempered for 149 days. When this sword comes out, the rays of light will shine brightly, and thousands of dragons will roar. He uses this sword to The sword cut off the head of the powerful Tiangang man!"

"It's not a big deal for Senior Brother Lu Yu to cut off the head of a strong Tiangang man, but what does it mean to deal with Mr. Wei Ge and others? Besides, the most powerful thing about Mr. Wei Ge and others is that they have a combination of skills, and Senior Brother Lu Yu is just that How could they, the originators of combo skills, be the opponents of Senior Brother Lu Yu? "

"This... this is too crazy! After all, Mr. Wei Ge and others were sent by Ancestor Hongyi. Could it be that Senior Brother Lu Yu also wants to cut off Ancestor Hongyi's head?"

"Haha, I don't know if Senior Brother Lu Yu will cut off the head of Patriarch Hongyi, but I am certain of one thing!"

"What is it..."

"Senior Brother Lu Yu told Ancestor Hongyi to come to Feiyan Castle to meet him immediately!"

"Ah? This, this, this... he is just a true disciple, but Patriarch Hongyi is a dignified ancestor of the sect... Did he really say that?"

"It's absolutely true... The real people in our Zhennan Camp cannot leave their posts without permission, so Mr. Wei Ge and others were escorted back by Senior Brother Zhong Teng. These words were spoken by Mr. Ye Ge when the Rainbow Light Bridge was opened. I personally told Senior Brother Zhong Teng..."

Similar discussions took place in every corner of Feiyan Castle, and gossip was flying all over the sky.

When most people talk about this, they are surprised. They are extremely shocked, but at the same time there is an inexplicable excitement.

In the entire Feiyan Castle, there was only one group of people who were not only shocked but also concerned from the bottom of their hearts.

These are the Jade Butterfly Peak disciples who have just seen the first real person.

"Have you heard about it?"

At this time, in a closed attic, Baozi said angrily to Su Buyi who had just walked in.

This is the dormitory exclusively for Jade Butterfly Peak disciples. In addition to Baozi, other Jade Butterfly Peak disciples are also gathered here, all looking straight at Su Buyi.

Even though Su Buyi is usually silent and shy, and cherishes his words like gold, he has an advantage that no one else has. Perhaps it is because of his soft face and a delicate air. He is surprisingly good with women. Because of this, In this way, he was instigated by Baozi and others to find the female disciple guarding the Rainbow Light Bridge for information...

Su Buyi nodded and said slowly: "Well..."

"Then you should tell me quickly!"

Baozi really couldn't stand his temper, so he pulled him over and sat down on the chair: "Brother Yu really injured Mr. Wei Ge's group? And he also threatened to ask Patriarch Hongyi to come over in person. meet him?"

Su Buyi was very embarrassed. It seemed that this was not a question and could not be answered with a simple yes or no... After struggling for a long time, he tried to say: "I was not injured, I was just immobilized by the spell..."

Everyone couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Su Buyi added: "Those words were indeed said by senior brother."

Everyone's hearts suddenly became anxious again.

"That's really what senior brother said!"

"I told you a long time ago! This is indeed Senior Brother's style!"

"But... senior brother will probably be in trouble now, right? After all, he is the ancestor of Hongyi!"

"What about Ancestor Hongyi? I have long disliked him! Our senior brother has made great contributions to the sect, breaking the enemy's plots and defusing the enemy's offensive time and time again. If it were not for the presence of senior brother, the sect would have been destroyed long ago. It’s in pieces... But this ancestor is good at criticizing senior brother as soon as he comes back. Even the ancestor of Tiangang can’t be so unfair!”

"You're right! If it gets too serious, we'll do the same as we did in Yuanjiangwei City back then. No matter who Tiangang Patriarch or Disha Patriarch is, we'll just rush in and kill him behind our senior brother!"

"Hush! Be careful! Don't say such irresponsible words at this time to cause trouble to senior brother!"

"Ancestor Hongyi must be extraordinary. He is now in charge of the Litian Sword Canon. Even if the senior brother is no longer what he used to be, I am afraid it will be difficult to compete with him..."

"So what should we do about this matter? What should we do?"

"Senior Brother has always been prestigious, and there are certainly many people who support him. Should we do something for Senior Brother... Senior Brother Baozi, what do you think?"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes turned towards Baozi.

Among this group of disciples, although Su Buyi is the most powerful, the real backbone is Baozi, because it is said that senior brother Baozi and senior brother were neighbors across the wall in the past, and the relationship between the two was very good, even the outsider "Baozi" The number was originally given by the senior brother.

Baozi said: "We don't do anything."



"Are we just going to sit and watch our senior brother fight against Patriarch Tiangang alone?"

Everyone expressed their astonishment.

Baozi added: "Don't you still understand Brother Yu's behavior over the years?"

"Elder brother must have deep meaning in his actions. If he needs us to do anything, he will definitely take the initiative to ask. Since he has not spoken, it means that everything is under his control. I just need to stay here honestly. Just cause him trouble!"

Everyone looked at each other.

It seemed that he was convinced by Baozi's words, but he felt inexplicably uneasy in his heart.

After all, that was an ancestor of Tiangang, a being that they were not even qualified to look up to.

But at this time, their senior brother wanted to challenge the authority of such an existence.

"Then...Senior Brother Baozi, what kind of reaction do you think Ancestor Hongyi will have?" A disciple asked again.

Baozi's eyes were deep: "Then it depends on him!"

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