Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1112 Put aside the dispute

Ancestor Hongyi's expression finally changed slightly.

Indeed, he never thought about launching the Litian Sword Code from the beginning. He just wanted to use the power of the Litian Sword Code to force the opponent to submit.

The conspiracy hidden in this was not very deep, so he attacked immediately as soon as he showed up, just to completely convince the other party before they could react at all.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party could see through his own weakness in such a short period of time, and deal with it so calmly. The determination and scheming revealed behind this were actually more powerful than the bunch in front of him. The sunlight made him feel even more terrified.

Until this moment, Ancestor Hongyi had to admit that his original plan had failed.

However, this is not something that is difficult for him to accept. As early as when he saw the spells on Wei Yingcheng and others, he already knew that this person was definitely difficult to deal with. Now this can only be regarded as the first His attempt failed, but he has a longer-term plan for this...

I saw him smile freely and said: "It's easy for me to put away the Litian Sword Code, but I'm afraid it's not easy for me to sit down in this place of yours, right?"

Sure enough, this ancestor of Hongyi is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He has obviously seen the dangers hidden in this field, and his words undoubtedly show that he will never easily step into Lu Yu's trap. among.

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "In that case, how about we each take a step back?"

As he spoke, he waved his hand in the air, and thousands of spell characters suddenly appeared from the surrounding void. The bright light for a moment almost blinded everyone.

Everyone couldn't help but look shocked.

Only then did they realize that there was such a huge power hidden in this small piece of land. No wonder Ancestor Hongyi refused to set foot in it easily.

And a group of powerful real people standing on the top of Feiyan Castle, including Li Wangji, Chen Zifu, etc., all looked at each other in shock.

With their eyesight, they could naturally see that this was a realm evolved from the golden elixir seeds. However, Lu Yu was only at the seventh level of the Guihai Realm, but he already had the golden elixir seeds, and he could also spawn such a powerful realm. Even the ancestors of Tiangang dare not get involved easily...

If this momentum continues to develop, what will it be like when he actually forges a golden elixir in the future?

The characters of the mantra were flying around like a flock of orioles, dissipating one by one.

The originally distorted laws of heaven and earth were restored.

The ray of sunshine in the sky also became dim...

Lu Yu actually gave up his trap on his own. After spending a whole day, the area that had been rearranged and carefully designed completely collapsed.

Lead clouds hung low in the sky, and the wind was as strong as dancing. The surrounding environment had completely changed, but the calm smile on Lu Yu's face remained unchanged.

Ancestor Hongyi stared at Lu Yu silently for a moment, and finally shook his head and placed his hand on the Litian Sword Canon.

In an instant, the clouds cleared and the fog dispersed, and the sky cleared.

It was as if the scene just now had never happened before.

This sudden change of situation can't help but make everyone feel an unreal feeling...

Behind Lu Yu, Jade Die was lying on the alchemy furnace, with an incredible look on his face.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually did it...

Although he took the initiative to give up the field and seemed to be at a disadvantage, it is not an exaggeration to describe the scene in front of him as "fighting against each other"...

A small true disciple, in the process of competing with the majestic Tiangang Patriarch, did not fall behind at all, and even reached the point of competing in Chengdu. This in itself is enough to explain the problem.

"Forget it! Let's not mention the past for the moment. No matter what kind of controversy there is, let it be put aside... Now, let me listen carefully to what strategies you have to help the Dali Sword Sect overcome the current difficulties. !”

Ancestor Hongyi put away the Litian Sword Canon, walked forward lightly and said.

He looked unconcerned, but the meaning behind his words couldn't help but stir Lu Yu's heart.

Controversy aside, this word is used very well...

Since it is shelved, it means that in the heart of this ancestor, the "controversy" does exist objectively, and it is only temporarily shelved at this time. Maybe it will be brought up again at some time.

This sentence alone revealed that Hongyi Ancestor had a deep-rooted prejudice against him in his heart, especially when the two of them had just experienced such a secret contest...

Originally, Lu Yu thought that the reason why Patriarch Hongyi had a problem with him was because he killed the Ming King Fa Zun and caused big trouble for the sect.

Now it seems that this matter is not that simple. Knowing that he has brought reinforcements from Daluo Holy Land and the current crisis has begun to see the light of day, he still said such words. This shows that the matter is There must be another mystery behind it.

What is the reason that makes Patriarch Hongyi have such a deep prejudice against him?

Lu Yu couldn't help but be deeply puzzled.

But this moment is obviously not a good time to think about this matter...

Lu Yu silently suppressed the doubts in his heart, met the gaze of Ancestor Hongyi, and laughed loudly: "Actually, there is no good strategy... How about we kill the chicken first to scare the monkey?"

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