Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1121 Dead Soldier

Strictly speaking, this was Lu Yu's first time face to face with a black-armored warrior.

However, from his previous experience, he had already noticed that the source of power of these black-armored warriors was related to the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect, and he was particularly sensitive to the power of the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect, so he sensed it before Yudie. The arrival of the other party.

At this time, the formation of the black-armored dead warriors quickly formed, and the Pegasus mounts came galloping forward. Although there were only a dozen or so horses in total, an overwhelming black energy was rolled up behind them. It looked like there were thousands of troops. momentum.

Lu Yu couldn't help being slightly stunned.

Is this the momentum after the black-armored dead soldiers gather into formation? Sure enough, the power is extraordinary. No wonder Tao Jinran was tricked into their hands. In the end, he was able to escape with the help of the Zhen Sect's treasure...

In fact, it is not only the power of the formation that is extraordinary, but also the individual strength of these black-armored warriors far exceeds that of ordinary real people.

According to Ye Weilan, these dead soldiers were originally the golden elixir masters who died in the battle of the Golden Rooster Islands. Their corpses and limbs were spliced ​​together to look like what they are now.

I don’t know how she saw it. Anyway, Lu Yu himself could completely tell which one was who... But that’s not the point. The key point is that even when these golden elixir masters were alive, they were not as strong as they are now. After the pile of corpses were pieced together, the strength was even stronger than before life. This is really incredible!

I really don’t know where the Scarlet Moon Demon Cult came from with so many weird methods...

If there are no restrictions on the opponent's "patchwork", doesn't it mean that in future battles, the number of black-armored dead soldiers will increase? Will the other party become stronger and stronger as a result?

Lu Yu shook his head gently.

Just thinking about such a scene made him shudder...

"What to do? Fight or run?" Yudie said.

Lu Yu's eyes were deep and unblinking as he stared at the approaching black-armored warriors and said, "These guys suddenly appeared here inexplicably. They were probably teleported directly. Maybe they have integrated their own teleportation capabilities." The magic circle is just like a floating battleship... I'm afraid it's too late to run away!"

Jade Die's wonderful eyes widened: "Integrate your own teleportation circle on your body? How can this be done?"

Lu Yu said: "The opponent can turn the dead into a powerful fighting machine. What else can't they do? Besides, they just sacrificed six floating battleships in the Daluo Holy Land. I don't believe they will be so honest. All the floating battleships were blown up, and as long as some parts were removed from it, it would be more than enough to arm this team of men! "

Yudie was stunned for a while.

It has to be said that Lu Yu's analysis is very reasonable. The group of dead soldiers in front of him cannot be regarded as living people at all. Just the powerful armors engraved with inscriptions on their bodies may call them something between humans and machines. The existence of time is more appropriate...

As if to confirm Lu Yu's guess, as soon as he finished his words, a bright glow suddenly burst out from the formation of the black-armored warriors.

It turned out to be a rainbow ray!

The two of them were completely speechless. After they captured Yue Xiujun's Golden Crow, they tried various methods to reactivate the rainbow main gun on the ship, but all failed... Unexpectedly, this group of black-armored dead soldiers also... In the process of Mercedes-Benz's charge, it was performed easily. Is this justified?

Now that there are even rainbow rays, other functions are probably out of the question...

The group of black-armored dead warriors in front of us can no longer be regarded as simple golden elixir warriors. Together, they are at least as powerful as a floating battleship!

Unexpectedly, although the Jade Sea Immortal Sect sacrificed the floating battleship, it could use this method to reappear the combat power of the battleship.

"Damn it!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but uttered a curse word, then stretched out his hand and pressed down lightly. Suddenly, the ten tail fins transformed into the black tail of the dragon fish twisted wildly and rushed forward.

"Sit tight! Fight with them!" He shouted at Yudie.

The last time at the top of Longshan Mountain, when the rainbow ray was activated, he had no way to dodge due to the cross mark on his chest. Although Yue Xiujun did not show up at this time, he didn't know if the cross mark could also help the opponent on the other side. The black-armored dead warrior was positioned, but he didn't dare to bet.

There is no Tribulation Cloud Vortex here that can help him withstand the rainbow ray's attack, so he has only one way to deal with it, and that is to rush forward and interrupt the opponent's rainbow ray before it completes its activation. .

Yudie has obviously realized this.

Before Lu Yu could explain, she had already made preparations in advance.

A bright light shines on the two butterflies flying, like a dazzling miniature sun rising suddenly on the sea level.

Lu Yu had no time to worry about what kind of sword move she was brewing. Under the full force of the black tail of the dragon fish, the distance between the two sides was close in an instant. In just three or two breaths, the shuttle boat had already arrived. Arriving in front of the Pegasus Cavalry.

The dense black energy in front of him was like overwhelming mountains and oceans.

But Lu Yu turned a blind eye to this, and only saw the rainbow ray array that was getting ready to go.

This array has no entity, or it should be said that its entities are scattered everywhere. Part of the characters appear on each black-armored dead soldier, and they are pieced together to form a vast and huge array system.

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