Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1129 Night Phoenix Bloodline

Lord Chiyue could not understand the meaning of Lu Yu's words for a while.

He also couldn't understand how those two women broke through the realm of chaos from the outside world, especially the demon spirit woman whose whole body was filled with flames. How could she have such a powerful fire phoenix totem...

However, it is an indisputable fact that the realm of chaos has gradually disintegrated. Without the support of the realm, the reunion of Ice King Island Master's flesh and blood will be unsustainable.

He failed after all, and everything was lost.

"Okay, you won this time... But don't be too happy. You escaped from my hands. This is not a blessing for you!"

"Lord Earth Seal God will never let you go! Whether you believe it or not, the method I used against you is relatively the gentlest one... Next time, he will definitely take more drastic and more severe measures against you. For extreme measures, you will suffer a lot!"

"Is it really worth it to live for a while and then suffer even more pain soon... You should know it for yourself!"

There was a lingering sound, and Lord Chiyue's voice gradually faded away.

Finally, the Ice King Island Master's head suddenly blinked, and the scarlet color gradually receded, leaving only a pale white.

The flesh and blood on the ground also stopped squirming and turned into lumps of indescribable things.

Lu Yu swayed forward and picked up the head on the ground, holding it in his hand and looking at it carefully.

There is no life left in it...

"It's really cruel..."

Lu Yu shook his head and threw his head aside.

Lord Chiyue just possessed him and came. The original consciousness of Ice King Island Master still existed, otherwise he would not have been able to complete the process of possession.

Now that his mind has faded, it stands to reason that the Ice King Island Master’s consciousness should be restored again. However, in order to prevent himself from directly prying into his mind and consciousness and reading the memories in it, Lord Chiyue actually directly In one fell swoop, he wiped out the consciousness of the owner of Ice King Island.

At this time, the owner of Ice King Island was completely dead, and there would be no possibility of resurrection, even as a "dead soldier".

I don’t know how the people of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect will feel when they hear this news? If this matter is revealed, will it provoke conflict between them?

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Yu finally decided to give up.

In the minds of everyone in the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, they had long been blamed for the death of the Ice King Island Master. Even if they were told about this matter, they would probably still feel that they were the initiator.

Wow! Wow!

The sound of the waves rang in my ears again.

The bottom of the chaotic realm also began to collapse and melt, and Lu Yu's body fell to the sea again.

He had reached his limit at this time, and he no longer had any strength left to resist the impact of the waves. Just when his whole body was about to be completely submerged by the sea water, the cry of Jade Butterfly suddenly came from his ears.

"Found it! He's here!"

Then there was a feeling of spinning. Lu Yu rose and fell in the sea water several times. After drinking several mouthfuls of salty sea water, he felt his body light again and was dragged up by a huge force.

At the same time, Yu Die's voice of complaint came to his ears: "You guy, why are you so dead... You should move yourself, don't be like a dead pig!"

All right……

Although he hadn't seen her clearly yet, just by hearing her complaints, Lu Yu knew that her condition wouldn't be much better, and that she was also at the end of her strength.

Although the realm of chaos has been eliminated, it will obviously take a lot of effort to clean up the remaining laws. After a while, Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan came to the two of them again.

A warm and familiar feeling came, and Lu Yu gradually gained some strength and opened his eyes again.

I saw that I was already on top of the jasper shell of the Spring Conch, surrounded by the gentle sea breeze and rippling blue waves. The original chaos and darkness had long since disappeared without a trace.

Standing by his side were a pair of extremely beautiful women, his two Taoist companions.

As for Jade Butterfly, she was sitting a little further away, doing exercises and regulating her breath.

It can be seen from her embarrassed appearance that after the two were isolated by the Chaos Realm, she must have gone through a hard fight before finally getting out of trouble.

Yang Chudie beside her has obviously improved her cultivation a step further, and her appearance and temperament are even more outstanding. However, the one who has undergone the most dramatic change is Ye Weilan. She has broken through the shackles of the heavenly demon, condensed a pill body in her body, and successfully promoted Become a generation of demon king.

Not only did her appearance and temperament undergo an astonishing change, Lu Yu also deeply felt how powerful she was, and her aura became extremely powerful. Even the top real masters of the major sects had never given him such a feeling.

If she were still in the demon spirit world at this time, she would probably be called Lord Ye Hua...

No, more accurately, it should be Lord Yehuang...

It was precisely because she had awakened the bloodline of the Night Phoenix clan and gained unparalleled power that she could finally break through the realm of chaos. Otherwise, Yang Chudie and the Spring Conch alone would not be able to do this easily.

The Chaos Realm is derived from the Mystery of Chaos, which is the top Mystery of all the worlds. The natural suppression of the Mysterious Law is insurmountable by sheer strength alone.

But Ye Weilan is a descendant of the Yehuang clan after all.

According to Yao Ji, the Night Phoenix Clan, like the Storm Clan, is one of the ancient Celestial Clan. The Storm Clan once ruled the heavens and dominated all realms for an epoch, so the Night Phoenix Clan is naturally no different. No matter where it goes, the power of its bloodline can naturally suppress the incomplete Chaos Mystery.

Of course, it was impossible for Lu Yu to predict and know in advance that Lord Chiyue would use the secrets of chaos to deal with him.

However, he has long known that Ye Weilan has the blood of the Yehuang clan, and has the power of the netherworld and the power of the devil in his body. Ye Weilan was about to advance to the next level, so he naturally wanted to find a way to integrate these two powers for Ye Weilan. , and activating the power of blood in her body to suppress these two powerful forces has undoubtedly become his first choice.

During this period of time, he has been studying how to help Ye Weilan activate his blood and condense the demon elixir. Including the fact that Yudie saw him handing a small note into the Spring Conch before, which was actually giving him advice and suggestions for a solution. suggestion.

Although he has never entered the Spring Conch and has not asked the two people inside to question him, he has actually been paying close attention to the movements in the Conch and is well aware of the progress of Ye Weilan's pill formation.

Therefore, he would have known for a long time that Ye Weilan's Demonic Pill was about to be completed.

When he handed the Spring Conch to Yudie, he not only hoped that Yudie would protect the two people at the last moment of the pill formation, but also hoped that they could become a surprise force and achieve the effect of a sudden rise.

In the end, everything went in the direction he expected.

In addition to his various schemes, there is also a certain element of coincidence.

All I can say is that this time it was really a coincidence...

Bixiao Shrine, together with Lord Chiyue, happened to attack him at this juncture, and he happened to be able to use the opponent's Chaos Mystery to verify the powerful power of Night Phoenix's bloodline.

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