Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1141 Going straight to Huanglong

"Brother Zhaoyun, Taoist brother Gunlong, and Taoist brother Huitang... we haven't seen each other for many years, but the three of them are even more charming than before!"

"Brother Hongyi, Taoist brother Tailing... you two are truly mighty and powerful, and you look younger and younger!"

While everyone on Qianshan Island was trying their best to search for the specific location of the Rainbow Light Bridge, an enthusiastic exchange of greetings was taking place in an unknown sea area.

This is the meeting place that Lu Yu had agreed with Patriarch Hongyi and others. It is further north of Qianshan Island, far beyond the monitoring range of the Cape Formation.

When Feiyan Castle's Rainbow Light Bridge was finally activated, the floating battleship also made its final jump and arrived at this empty, deserted sea area.

The results proved that the execution ability of both parties was very strong, and the agreed location was exactly the same, and even the time was just right.

On the other side of the major sects, they thought that the series of actions of the floating battleships were just a cover-up, and that their ultimate destination must be Qianshan Island. However, they did not expect that even Qianshan Island was actually released deliberately by Lu Yu. It's just a smoke bomb. Their real purpose is to attack Huanglong at the Fire God Mountain of Shenhuo Xuanzong.

At this time, the two sides were able to successfully meet on this unknown sea, which meant that their plan had successfully completed the first step.

The people on both sides were very excited. Except for the five Tiangang ancestors, the other real powerful people were also greeting each other eagerly.

For the people of the Dali Sword Sect, the actions of the people of the Daluo Holy Land were like providing help in times of need, and they were grateful from the bottom of their hearts.

For everyone in the Daluo Holy Land, being able to cooperate sincerely with such a powerful force as the Dali Sword Sect and jointly complete the surprise attack on the Fire God Mountain plan means that history will be rewritten in their hands, so they are sincerely excited.

Therefore, both parties were enjoying themselves for a while, and the atmosphere on the Gaoyang was unprecedentedly warm.

"Everyone, let's keep the remaining words for now. Let's talk slowly after we take down the Vulcan Mountain!"

Lu Yu stood on the command platform in the center of the deck and suddenly interrupted everyone.

While everyone was chatting enthusiastically, the crew members from Daluo Holy Land were not idle. Under the command of Lu Yu, Chu Die, Yu Die and others, they quickly activated the magic circle and accumulated spiritual energy for the next long-distance jump. Make active preparations.

Now, all the preparations have been completed, and a new round of long-distance jumps can be carried out immediately.

Everyone was slightly startled, and the ship instantly became quiet.

Lu Yu continued to speak loudly: "Ancestor Shanwen will not give us too much time. We must rush to the Vulcan Mountain before they react, so that we can catch them unprepared... Now, everyone please go to your own devices and do your best. Get ready, we’re about to leave!”

So, everyone dispersed and found their own places to stand.

Where everyone stands and what posture they adopt are all specially designed so that they can better respond to emergencies and are more conducive to the formation. When the Vulcan Mountain comes, time, being able to use full firepower at the first opportunity.

All of this had been agreed upon at Feiyan Castle and had been rehearsed in advance, but now it was just a matter of step.

Soon, everyone found their positions and stood there. It looked like a line of heavily guarded private soldiers, but this was definitely the most powerful private lineup in the world.

On the entire battleship, only five Tiangang ancestors remained in their original positions.

Lu Yu looked at the five people and said: "Five ancestors, please take your positions! In order to avoid interference along the way, you also need to maintain the transmission channel!"

Ancestor Hongyi directly took out the Litian Sword Code, held it in his hand, then looked at the three people opposite him, and said: "Three Taoist brothers, please forgive me for overstepping. This time, I will be responsible for clearing the way."

"I know that there are still many issues that need to be clarified between us, but time is running out now. Everything has to wait until after the Fire God Mountain, in front of the statue of the Fire Ruins Saint. How about we continue to talk freely?"

The Saint of Fire Market is the founder of Shenhuo Xuanzong. If you hit his statue, it means that the entire Shenhuo Xuanzong has been completely captured.

Zhaoyun, Gunlong, and Huitang seemed to glance at the Litian Sword Code in the hands of Patriarch Hongyi casually, then nodded together and said: "Brother Taoist, you're welcome!"

"Brother Dao, please do as you please! Don't blame me for being lazy!"

"With Brother Dao as the main attacker, we will definitely win this time and we will succeed immediately!"

While talking, the five people each walked to their own positions, and the position of Hongyi Ancestor was at the very front of the ship - these were all pre-determined.

When Tai Ling passed the podium, he paused slightly, took a deep look at Lu Yu, and said, "As expected of the disciple chosen by Patriarch Yunxiao, you performed very well this time..."

"However, I hope you won't forget what I asked you to do. It is also an extremely important matter. When this incident is over, I hope you can spend more time on that matter and don't let me down. !”

Lu Yu felt like a mirror in his heart, knowing that what he was talking about was exactly how to break the Xuanyang Dao Lock.

Among the many Tiangang ancestors, he was the only one who came back first, and the purpose of his return at that time was precisely for this Xuanyang Dao Lock - this was a barrier that he would not be able to escape sooner or later.

In any case, after this series of things, the attitude of the Tailing ancestor has improved a lot. At least many domineering people want to lock him up, and they must first unlock the Xuanyang Dao Lock for him.

So, Lu Yu nodded and said, "Ancestor, please rest assured, regarding that matter, I actually have some good ideas... But, let's wait until the matter is settled!"

Ancestor Tailing also nodded and walked straight to his seat without saying anything else.

But when everyone around them heard the exchange between the two, they couldn't help but feel a wave of excitement in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, even the dignified Tiangang Patriarch would turn to Lu Yu for help, and he would do so in a consultative tone... Sure enough, this would not be the person chosen by Her Royal Highness the Saint (Yunxiao Patriarch)!

"Master, all the ancestors and masters are already in place, and all the magic formations are ready. Remote jumps can be started at any time... Please give the order, Master!"

Master Lian Gu asked Lu Yu for instructions with excitement on his face.

During the absence of Lu Yu, Yudie and others, he and Elder Peng of the Daluo Holy Land had been responsible for the command and dispatch on the Gaoyang. When Lu Yu came back, he immediately became the herald.

Lu Yu suddenly turned his head and looked back.

Two-thirds of the real strong men in Dali Sword Sect, nearly half of the real strong men in Daluo Holy Land, plus the original crew of the Gaoyang, hundreds of pairs of eyes were focused on him.

It is undeniable that this is already the most luxurious lineup of real people in the world today.

What's more, there are five Tiangang powerhouses sitting on the side, and one of them is holding an artifact like the Litian Sword Code...

Such a powerful force cannot be matched by any single sect.

Lu Yu took a deep breath.

The heroic feeling in his heart finally turned into two words: "Let's go!"

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