Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1146 Inventory Counting

As Ancestor Hong'an gave up resistance, Huoshenshan finally calmed down temporarily.

But relative to the overall situation, the battle is far from over. After all, Huoshenshan is only a part of Shenhuo Xuanzong. Although it is the most core and important part, there are still many resistance forces in various places around it.

In order to eliminate the resistance forces in these places, Lu Yu suggested directly dispatching floating battleships. His suggestion was quickly adopted. In the end, Yudie was responsible for commanding the battleships, and the leader Li Wangji was responsible for commanding dozens of real strong men. Those who go directly to various places to clear away all obstacles.

Because his next plan is to mobilize half of the 50,000 elites in Daluo Holy Land to take over the place.

Naturally, the territory that was finally won cannot be handed over just after being looted. The unique geographical conditions here can be used to do more things, and the five Tiangang ancestors and many powerful real people cannot be long-term. Time is stationed here. In order to avoid possible troubles in the future, the best way is to take this opportunity to sort out the thorns in various places. This will also facilitate the subsequent takeover of Daluo Holy Land.

Although the territory of Shenhuo Xuanzong is vast, it is nothing compared to the conquests of floating warships.

So soon, nearly one-third of the total of 207 real strong men were transferred away. As for the remaining more than 100 real strong men, they were busy recruiting various disciples and deacons from the Vulcan Mountain. , elders, these people must be temporarily controlled before the troops that take over officially arrive.

The five Tiangang Patriarchs are working together to prepare the Hong'an Patriarch.

As the only ancestor of Shenhuo Xuanzong who is currently stationed here, killing him directly is undoubtedly the least effective method. Only by controlling him first and forcing him to sign a city alliance with us can we maximize the benefits.

The five Tiangang ancestors and the Hong'an ancestors were far above the clouds. Under the layers of clouds and mist, no one knew what they were talking about.

But Lu Yu is very confident about this. Ancestor Hong'an will definitely surrender completely in the end, because he no longer has any bargaining chips in his hand. And once Ancestor Hong'an completely surrenders, all the affairs currently being carried out in the Fire God Mountain will All problems will be solved quickly and with twice the result with half the effort.

At that time, they can leave here with peace of mind and turn around to fight back.

As for Lu Yu, he is carrying out the most important task of this trip - counting the material inventory of Shenhuo Xuanzong. It can be said that this is the driving force for this attack on Huoshen Mountain...

"Master Fan, what's going on?"

Lu Yu came to a cave and said to the beaming Master Jin Xiang of Baoding Peak.

Although this is a cave, it is completely different from other underground fire caves that exude billowing heat waves all the time. It is so cold and cold that it feels like stepping into a cold winter night in one step.

This is because this is the warehouse specially used by Shenhuo Xuanzong to store materials. Driven by the magic circle, the temperature here is kept low all year round.

“Great harvest!”

Fan Jinxiang said with excitement.

As the first master of Baoding Peak, he has been dealing with elixirs all his life. Collecting all kinds of rare materials has always been his most troublesome task, but today can be said to have completely relieved him.

"The Shenhuo Xuanzong is indeed a sect based on alchemy. The rare materials they collect are not only complete in variety, but their stock is beyond imagination..."

"There are a total of seventeen material warehouses here. We have only counted five of them now. The number is enough for Baoding Peak to use it for a thousand years... When all the inventory is completed, we still don't know what will be there. To such an extent!”

Lu Yu said: "Shenhuo Xuanzong has always controlled the elixir business in various places, accounting for more than 90%. It seems that a large part of the wealth they have accumulated over the years has been invested in this."

"Who says it's not?" Fan Jinxiang said with a smile: "There was a shortage of materials before. When I came to ask them for alms, they once revealed that they wanted to use rare materials to exchange Turtle Breath and Shenglong Pill Formula with you. , It turns out that they are really confident! But this plan was finally rejected internally... Hahaha, they must be filled with regret now!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but smile.

In fact, he had long known that Shenhuo Xuanzong was very interested in his alchemy skills. For a period of time, they kept sending people to Jade Butterfly Peak, trying to buy his novel elixir formulas.

But as a wealthy family that has been passed down for thousands of years, they have their own stubbornness and arrogance. Although they clearly want it, they are willing to spend a lot of money, and they are also afraid of losing face, coquettishly and recklessly... Finally, they proposed to let Lu Yu come in person. Shenhuo Xuanzong presented the elixir recipe, and then their senior officials evaluated it and rewarded it based on merit...

Such a plan was simply ridiculous, so Lu Yu naturally rejected it.

If Shenhuo Xuanzong could put aside his arrogance and cooperate with Jade Butterfly Peak as soon as possible, maybe it would not be like this now.

"However, there is still a problem..."

Fan Jinxiang added: "Although the materials here are rich in inventory, they are all preserved through the special magic circle here. Unless they are taken out and used immediately, if they are taken out rashly, they will soon deteriorate and fail... I make a rough estimate. After a while, at least half of them couldn't move easily..."

Lu Yu said: "Can't we also pack up all the stored magic arrays and take them away?"

Fan Jinxiang looked troubled: "This is difficult, because the basis of these magic formations is driven by the earth fire spiritual veins here. It is very difficult to reproduce these magic formations..."

"Furthermore, the magic circle is just one of them. This rare material can be preserved with the help of the power of the Five Elements Feng Shui. If it is moved rashly, even if the magic circle protects it, the effectiveness will not last long..."

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows: "Is it so expensive?"

Fan Jinxiang said: "After all, these are rare treasures, and I don't know how many years they have been stored by Shenhuo Xuanzong. There is nothing wrong with them being more expensive."

"In that case...Old Fan, then you have to work harder this time. Stay here and don't go back!"

Lu Yu patted his shoulder and said.

The two of them had the experience of chasing Master Kunpeng together, and it could be considered a life-long friendship. Therefore, Lu Yu's action was not considered overstepping, but was quite natural.

Fan Jinxiang couldn't help but be stunned: "Am I staying here?"

Lu Yu said: "Since these materials cannot be moved away, we have to come over and accommodate ourselves. You set up the alchemy furnace here first, and when I am free, I will come over to refine it myself..."

"Of course, with so much material here, I can't do it alone. We have to mobilize more people, so the pill furnace you want to set up is not just one. When I leave, I will put the pill furnace I leave the furnace design drawings to you..."

"In addition, there are earth fire alchemy furnaces everywhere here, red-top masters everywhere, and other outstanding alchemy disciples... We should make full use of these resources. I don't trust leaving these matters to others. After thinking about it, , only you are the most suitable!"

Fan Jinxiang was stunned for a moment and sighed softly: "It's not impossible for me to stay here, it's just that over at Baoding Peak... then it's up to you. I hope nothing will happen..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but fell silent.

This is what worries him the most, and he doesn't know what the situation is like at the headquarters of the Dali Sword Sect now...

But at this moment, a panicked voice suddenly came: "First Master! Something happened with Elder Yun! He was ambushed while counting the inventory!"

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