Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1149 Conditions

"How can you talk like that?"

After hearing the loud shouting of Fengjia Zhenren, the powerful spirit seemed very dissatisfied, and an angry face appeared on the wooden door of the mechanism.

"You said that I sounded like a monster that eats people. In fact, I don't eat people at all. At most, I just use your alchemy materials to nourish myself occasionally."

Use alchemy materials to nourish myself?

Do you mean the rare treasures behind this mechanism?

Everyone looked at each other in surprise.

Now Lu Yu couldn't help but become more curious. What kind of existence is this powerful spirit?

"Who are you?" Lu Yu asked.

"Who am I?" The face on the wooden door of the mechanism seemed to smile slightly, "Who do you think I am? That's who I am."

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown.

It seems that this powerful spirit is going to keep the secret to the end...

So he raised the Feihong Sword in his hand again, sneered and said: "I don't have time to waste with you here, if you know what's good for you, open this mechanism quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

In any case, as long as this mechanism is broken, then everything will be revealed.

Lu Yu was not worried about any danger in doing so. First, from the performance of the powerful spirit just now, he was very afraid of the Feihong Sword in his hand.

Second, there were five Tiangang masters above everyone's heads at this time, and this mysterious and powerful spirit could not make any waves no matter what.

Seeing the Feihong Sword in Lu Yu's hand gathering light again, the face on the wooden door suddenly became shocked and angry: "How can you not keep your word? I have already returned your companion to you, why are you still violent?"

Lu Yu said: "When did I say I would not do it again? My companion just tried to open the mechanism and did not hurt you. It was right to let him go! Besides, the Shenhuo Xuanzong was defeated, and this place has been taken over by us. All the people in the Shenhuo Xuanzong must obey our arrangements, which naturally includes you!"

The powerful spirit said in astonishment: "The defeat of the Shenhuo Xuanzong has nothing to do with me, I am not from the Shenhuo Xuanzong!"

Lu Yu said: "Since you are not from the Shenhuo Xuanzong, you should not stop us, because all the property here already belongs to us. If you insist on doing so, then I can only regard you as an enemy!"

As he said, Lu Yu slowly handed the Feihong Sword in his hand to the wooden door in front of him.

Although he said it tough, in fact, before he knew the specific situation, he didn't dare to use all his strength rashly, just testing.

However, just testing, the face on the wooden door was already horrified: "Wait! Wait! The beast in your hand will destroy everything here..."

"It's not that I don't want to open the mechanism here, but I can't do it at all!"

"Please think carefully, if I can open the mechanism here, will I still be trapped here? I would have slipped out by myself a long time ago!"

Lu Yu stopped.

This really makes sense, he accepted this reason.

"Then how can we open this mechanism?"

The face on the wooden door of the mechanism squinted in the direction of Elder Gu: "Ask this guy! I don't know the weird things they do, otherwise I wouldn't be trapped here."

So Lu Yu turned his eyes back to Elder Gu.

The key to the problem is back to the beginning...

"Elder Gu, what is Danhuo?"

Lu Yu asked while the light on the Feihong Sword in his hand was fluctuating, and he was ready to cut it off with a sword if he disagreed with it.

Elder Gu was tangled and hesitated for a long time, but he still pursed his lips tightly and never said a word.

Lu Yu's mind moved, and he changed his words: "Aren't you curious about the situation behind this mechanism? Who is this mysterious man? How long has he been here? How many thousand-year-old treasures have he secretly used for tonic?"

Sure enough, what most concerned Elder Gu were these thousand-year-old treasures inside.

His tense face suddenly collapsed, and he sighed: "Even if I violate the sect's rules and teach you the art of Danhuo, you can't do it at all..." Lu Yu said: "Whether I can do it or not is my business, you just need to solve my doubts!" ​​Elder Gu raised his head, stared at Lu Yu's face with sharp eyes, and said: "I can tell you what Danhuo is, but you must promise me one thing. No matter what the circumstances, you can't destroy this treasure house, and you can't waste any of the rare materials here. You must ensure that everything here can be used to its full potential!" Lu Yu was slightly startled. For a short moment, he was in awe of this red-topped real person. Perhaps this person is indeed arrogant and arrogant, but it is undeniable that he is indeed a pure and pious alchemist. Even if the sect is destroyed and trapped in the hands of the enemy, what he cares most about is still the various inventory materials here. "Okay, I promise you." Lu Yu said.

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