Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1161 No chance

Under the leadership of the strong Tiangang warriors and many real warriors, the armies from the north and the south were overwhelming. They quickly swept away the enemy strongholds in the southern and northern seas, and the troops of the two armies quickly advanced towards the western waters.

The western sea area is also called the Corner Sea.

It is said that in ancient times, Middle-earth was a horse-raising land for the gods. The gods raised were not ordinary horses, but a kind of Pegasus with one horn. It was very powerful and had the ability to break mountains, crack rocks, and turn rivers upside down.

These unicorns graze and forage in Middle-earth, swim and bathe in the sea of ​​​​the West, and especially like to wash the unicorn on their foreheads.

Every time they swim in the sea of ​​​​the West, they will dive into the deep sea to find a special stone to wipe their horns. After each wash, the horns on their foreheads will shine, so This place became known as the "Sea of ​​Picking Corners", and over time, it was simplified to "Sea of ​​Corners".

All along, Lu Yu felt that this was just a myth and legend.

But after his trip to Guoyun Ancient City, he no longer thought that way. Although myths and legends may be exaggerated to a certain extent, they may not be completely based on facts.

Compared with the Storm Tribe, which had made brilliant achievements in the previous era, it is not impossible to treat the entire Middle-earth continent as a horse ranch. After all, this is indeed a treasure land, otherwise how could the Great Li be born? What about a sect as powerful as the Sword Sect?

Of course, all this is in the past, and now at least a quarter of this "treasure land" has been destroyed.

At this moment.

The waves in the sky above the corner of the sea are surging, and the sword energy is everywhere.

In the midst of the melee, bursts of brilliant rays of light surged up, which looked magnificent. It seemed to have recreated the scene when the Pegasus played in the sea in the past. According to legend, when the Pegasus played in the sea, When playing in the water, a gorgeous glow will appear on the sea.

However, the bright red water and the smell of blood indicate that this is not a reappearance of ancient times, but a cold and cruel war.

"What number is this?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but ask after an astonishing blood mist erupted again on the sea surface.

Such a large-scale blood mist explosion cannot be just an idle person. Only the fall of a real strong man can cause such a big movement.

"The tenth one." Ye Weilan replied.

As she spoke, she kept turning her head and looking around, constantly observing the surrounding situation, not missing any abnormal signs.

She has now returned to being a powerful guard around Lu Yu. Even if her own side is overwhelming and the enemy is retreating steadily and has no power to resist, she does not dare to be careless in the slightest. Because she clearly knew how powerful the enemy they faced was, as evidenced by the previous interception in the southern waters, so she could not relax her vigilance at any time.

"What a pity, what a pity!" Lu Yu shook his head and sighed.

He is not sympathizing with the enemy, but under the current situation, there are better ways to deal with these powerful enemies, such as surrendering the opponent and then taking them for his own use...

Because these enemies are not stubborn hostile elements, but just some casual cultivators who have been threatened by the major sects. Although the current situation is going smoothly, the outcome of this war is far from being completely determined, especially Considering that there is a Bixiao Shrine watching behind him, Lu Yu can't wait to unite all the forces that can be united.

Unfortunately, the power of command does not lie in his hands.

And it makes sense for people on the battlefield to do this now, because the situation in the Western Region has not yet been finally settled, and the mess must be cut quickly.

Because Jade Butterfly Peak belongs to the southern peaks, Lu Yu and others were assigned to the South Road Army this time. After joining the original Zhennan Camp, the entire South Road Army had excellent soldiers and strong men. Lu Yu even took action There is no need for him anymore. The most suitable position for him is to treat people at the rear, so now he is even on the front line, let alone giving advice on the strategy before the game.

Soon, the sea battle ended, and the coalition forces of the Dali Sword Sect and the Daluo Holy Land began to withdraw their troops.

Lu Yu said: "Let's go! It's time for us to appear!"

After saying that, he took the initiative to head towards the front line.

Ye Weilan immediately followed, refusing to relax for a moment, just like Lu Yu dragging a little tail.

The first wave of people they encountered were the master and disciple pair Yuan Jiansong and Li Xuan.

"Boss Yuan and Head Li, are you injured? Do you need me to treat you two?" Lu Yu greeted them loudly.

Yuan Jiansong smiled and said: "Thank you for your concern, but please forgive me for not being sensitive to your thoughts!"

Li Xuan also smiled and said: "Those who know think you are caring about us, those who don't know think you are scolding us. Just a few clowns need to work for you, God Lu. If word gets out, we You have to be laughed at by others!”

The title Lu Shen was originally only circulated among the disciples of the Dali Sword Sect, but as Lu Yu's strength increased day by day, now even some real strong men began to call him this.

After all, he has not yet become a real person, so it is unreasonable to call him Taoist brother or Taoist friend, and calling him by his first name seems too harsh. On the contrary, this informal "Lu Shen" seems closer.

Lu Yu asked several more people who had retreated. Sure enough, the result was still the same. No one needed his treatment.

Although this is a good thing, for Lu Yu, it seems a bit boring.

"Okay! It seems that there is no business this time... I originally wanted to sell a few favors, but I didn't expect that you wouldn't have a chance!" Lu Yu sighed with a bitter face.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

At this time, Maoye Master Jiang Yunfan also withdrew with the Hate Water Sword in hand. He happened to hear Lu Yu's complaint and smiled: "It's not us who didn't give you a chance. If you want to blame it, blame Liang Chuanyu..."

"He almost killed all the enemy leaders by himself. We are actually similar to you. We just watched the show from the side. At most, we assisted in completing the encirclement. Under such circumstances, how can I give you a chance? ?”

Everyone suddenly laughed even more joyfully.


Jiang Yunfan paused and turned to look to the north. That direction was directly west of the Dali Sword Sect, where the major sects originally gathered when they invaded the western border.

His eyes suddenly became profound.

"Your power will come in handy soon, I already have a feeling."

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