Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1182 A true warrior

As he spoke, Lu Yu raised his brows, and a cold and arrogant smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"If the sight distance is far enough, who is not a chess piece in someone else's hand? Even existences like you and Ancestor Yunxiao are just two insignificant specks of dust on the wheel of fate!"

Li Fuyun was suddenly stunned.

After a long time, he laughed to himself again: "I didn't expect you to have such a profound understanding of Taoism... It seems that I still underestimate you after all!"

"If that's the case, then I don't need to waste any time trying to appease you. Let's get down to business!"

Lu Yu said: "I am all ears!"

Li Fuyun said: "I can't tell you the reasons behind this, I will only tell you the next plan..."

"Next, you will be sequestered in this Floating Cloud Palace for three days, studying Taoism here alone. As for how much you can learn, it depends on your own destiny..."

"Three days later, this Floating Cloud Palace will automatically leave and return to the Nine Heavens, and you will return to the Dali Sword Sect. From now on, you will officially walk in the sect as a disciple of Yunxiao Ancestor. With this identity , even Hongyi and Tailing will be wary of you and will obey your control from now on..."

"What do you mean?" Lu Yu asked in surprise: "Are you going to officially put me on the table to attract firepower?"

Li Fuyun said: "You can't say that. Although this battle has caused the enemy to retreat, the Dali Sword Sect is still facing many difficulties... Especially on the front line in the Western Region, there are several Tiangang members in Wuya Immortal Pavilion. Ancestor Jing was able to escape by chance, but they are like wounded beasts at this time, and they will inevitably fight back crazily again..."

"In addition, although this battle is won, the entire Western Territory has been completely destroyed. How to recuperate and recover from the aftermath requires a plan... Only you can take command and integrate the Dali Sword Sect and the Daluo Holy Land. Only the power of the two major sects can crush the enemy's offensive, eliminate internal conflicts, and restore peace to the Dali Sword Sect!"

"Stop coming! Don't bring so many high hats to me, I won't accept this! If you want to truly restore peace to the Dali Sword Sect, you can't just rely on a group of us little shrimps... If you really want to solve the problem , it should be Bixiao Shrine!”

Lu Yu said.

"You probably don't know that Bixiao Shrine is watching behind us now. They are our real threat, right?"

"I do have a certain influence on Daluo Holy Land, especially after you can let me walk as a closed disciple of Yunxiao Ancestor. We can't deal with a bunch of little shrimps like Bixiao Shrine alone. giant!"

"In addition, since we have said this, there is one thing that I have to mention... There is also a big shot hidden in the Bixiao Palace. He is the incarnation of an immortal from nine days away. His name is Earth Seal God, have you heard of it?”

Li Fuyun was slightly startled: "I didn't expect you to even know about the Earth Seal God?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

It seems that Li Fuyun does know something about the Earthly Seal God, but he doesn't know how deep his understanding is and how much information he can know about the Heavenly God...

"I just learned about this person from Lord Chiyue not long ago." Lu Yu shrugged and looked at Li Fuyun expectantly.

Li Fuyun seemed unwilling to talk more about the Earth Seal God, and just said lightly: "The Bixiao Shrine is indeed powerful, and the Yiyan God is indeed an amazing figure, but there seems to have been a relationship between him and Li Hexiao for a long time. It was agreed that one would be in the sky and the other would be on the ground, and they would not disturb each other too much..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't expect that Patriarch Yunxiao had such a tacit understanding with the mysterious Earth Seal God.


Just as Lu Yu opened his mouth, he was immediately interrupted by Li Fuyun: "I know what you want to say. The Bixiao Shrine did participate in the operation to encircle and suppress the Dali Sword Sect, but didn't they take action in the end? Do you think that behind this What’s the real reason?”

"Could it be that Ancestor Yunxiao and the Earth Seal God have reached an agreement?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown.

If this is the case, that would be very bad.

I don’t know how deep the friendship between Yunxiao Ancestor and Diyin God is. Anyway, there is absolutely no room for relaxation between himself and Diyin God...

"No!" Li Fuyun smiled faintly and shook his head, "It's not that there is any agreement between Li Hexiao and the Earth Seal God, but that someone else has launched an action, leaving them no time to pay attention to the battle situation of the Dali Sword Sect..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

In the whole world, there are still people who dare to take the initiative to attack the Bixiao Palace, but they are really warriors!

"Who is it?" Lu Yu quickly asked.

Li Fuyun smiled mysteriously: "First of all, the Dali Sword Sect's indiscriminate use of weapons was just a joke. Nizu was deeply involved in it. Only one sect has never been seen. Guess what they are doing?"

"The Supreme Immortal Sect?"

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned.

Unexpectedly, Taishang Xianzong, who had never shown up, stabbed Bixiao Shrine secretly.

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