Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1185 The key to breaking the situation

"Fuck me!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but curse.

Immediately, without thinking, he immediately turned around and retreated. The Feihong Sword in his hand was activated to the extreme, splitting several sword-wielding villains in front of him with one sword, and then ran away frantically through the gap.

The sword-wielding villains around him were densely packed and extremely persistent. Even if he temporarily withdrew from the encirclement, they still pursued him. Like a bunch of wasps that had been knocked over, Lu Yu circled around the empty palace several times. , can never get rid of it.

Fortunately, these sword-wielding villains were just the remnants of Yunxiao Ancestor's thoughts. Although their sword attack was fierce, they had not practiced any advanced body skills. Otherwise, Lu Yu would have no way to escape and would be beaten to death.

But even so, his situation is still very bad. You must know that these sword-wielding villains evolved based on this Floating Cloud Palace, or they themselves form part of this Floating Cloud Palace. Within the scope of this palace Inside, they are equivalent to possessing endless power. Lu Yu will eventually run out of real energy, and these sword-wielding villains will chase him for a hundred and eighty years without getting tired at all.

What's more, he can't hold on for that long. There are too many sword-wielding villains here, densely packed, layer upon layer, one after another...

As they continued to pursue, their formation also continued to expand, and Lu Yu's range of movement was continuously restricted.

If this momentum continues, within half a quarter of an hour, he will no longer have anywhere to dodge, and no matter how flexible his movements are, it will be of no use.

The only way is to leave this palace...

The source of power for these sword-wielding villains is provided by this palace. As long as they leave here, their power will naturally be unsustainable and will naturally disappear.

However, it is not that easy to leave here.

Not to mention that the two vermilion doors at the door are also painted with sword-holding villains, and the sword-holding villains there are obviously more fierce in appearance... Li Fuyun originally left him here, He was supposed to be kept here as a closed disciple to study Taoism, but as a result, he was kicked out of the palace before he could learn Taoism. What was going on? If this spreads out, the price will be too low!

"Damn it! Li Fuyun... what the hell is this guy doing!" Lu Yu couldn't help cursing in his heart.

He did not think that Li Fuyun, who was in charge of this palace, would not be aware of these changes. However, before the other party left, he did not mention it at all, which showed that the other party deliberately wanted to see him making a joke.

In addition, he had another feeling in his mind that those two vermilion doors were an extremely powerful barrier. Only those who had learned the skills inside the palace were qualified to break through those two vermilion doors. Otherwise, you will never be able to break out. Before that, it is best not to act rashly.

Lu Yu wasn't sure what the consequences would be if he was defeated by these sword-wielding villains. Maybe he wouldn't die. After all, Ancestor Yunxiao and Li Fuyun still needed to use themselves as a cover for them... but they would definitely suffer a lot. .

Maybe, even my own Taoist realm will be affected...

Perhaps, this is Li Fuyun's real purpose, he wants to beat himself up in this way and turn himself into a qualified and obedient puppet!

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown.

I must not fall down here... I must not let Li Fuyun's plan succeed!

Even as a chess piece, the company must be a high-level one, maintain relative autonomy, and must not completely become a puppet!

At the critical moment, Lu Yu suddenly felt blessed.

He suddenly performed a puppet technique by accident... To be precise, this is not a puppet technique in the true sense, because it does not have a real entity, but only exists in the mind.

This is an advanced form of puppetry.

This is secretly consistent with Lu Yu's last thought just now, to be a high-level puppet...

The sword-wielding villains are the remnants of Yunxiao's ancestor's thoughts. If it is a puppet technique in the true sense, it will have no impact on these sword-wielding villains. However, if it is an advanced puppet technique that can exist in the mind, Go just enough to draw their attention.

In an instant, countless sword-wielding villains swooped forward and instantly tore the puppet clone that Lu Yu had displayed into pieces.

But this short moment had already given Lu Yu a very precious moment to breathe.

"I see!"

Lu Yu smiled happily.

The sword was swung out, but a puppet clone was displayed again.

As the villain with the sword continued to advance, he finally mastered this method of dividing the remaining thoughts at the critical moment when his life was at stake, which was quite similar to the dense crowd of villains with the sword around him.

The second puppet clone was torn to pieces again by the sword-wielding villain.

Lu Yu's method of controlling thoughts and consciousness has become more and more proficient, and then the third puppet clone was immediately displayed...

This time, he has manifested the secret laws in his mind and consciousness, and has become the same as the sword-wielding villains around him, possessing the ability to fight independently.

Lu Yu finally stabilized the situation with the help of Feihua Escape's flexible movements and the secret clones that could fight independently. His figure is still shuttled around every corner of the palace, coming and going again and again, and there is no longer the rush and urgency before.

However, it was still not enough to defeat this large group of densely packed sword-wielding men just by doing this. He had to launch a stronger offensive.

Suddenly, Lu Yu finally understood the true meaning of this trial.

As the saying goes, one tree cannot support the whole. Facing hundreds of sword-wielding men, he only triggered one or two profound clones, which was not enough. The current situation forced him to master more profound clones.

When there were enough profound clones, he could rehearse and combine again.

When he was fighting with the Red Moon Lord in the chaotic field before, he used more than ten puppet clones to perform a combination skill, and even deceived the Red Moon Lord... But the puppet clones at that time were only fancy compared to the profound clones at this time.

Only these clones evolved by thoughts and consciousness and mastered the true meaning of the profound laws can exert their true power.

In other words, as long as he has enough profound clones, he can reproduce the might of the Li Tian Sword Classic by himself.

And this is the key to his breaking the current situation.

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