Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1188 Full Score Answer Sheet

Although he had made up his mind to dismantle the vermilion gate in front of him, it was not so easy to actually implement it.

Lu Yu first meditated and adjusted his breath, and it took him several hours to recover his vitality before he started to implement it again.

During these hours, he did not just meditate simply, but also carefully considered how to dismantle the gate.

First of all, it would definitely not work to use the sword power of the ninety-nine mysteries again - he only planned to dismantle the gate, not to destroy it. This method of burning both jade and stone can only be used as a last resort after seeing the "treasure", and it cannot be used right away when nothing has been seen.

However, through thinking during this period of time, he also has a deeper understanding of this vermilion gate.

The key to everything lies in these sword-holding figures on the gate.

These sword-holding figures are like the spikes on a hedgehog, hiding all the mysteries under the sharp spikes.

Only by removing all these "spikes" can he see what secrets are hidden in the belly of this hedgehog.

At the same time, through observation during this period of time, Lu Yu also found that the sword-wielding men on the vermilion gate did not exceed the scope of more than 3,700 sword-wielding men inside.

If we only calculate them individually, these sword-wielding men on the gate are obviously more powerful. On the one hand, they are accompanied by the more powerful remnants of the thoughts of the old ancestor Yunxiao. On the other hand, they are obviously the insights of the old ancestor Yunxiao in the later period, which can be said to be the culmination of the work.

As the saying goes, seeing the big from the small, after a long battle with more than 3,700 sword-wielding men, although Lu Yu did not fully master them, he already had a considerable understanding of these sword-wielding men. It is impossible to divide them and defeat them one by one.

Lu Yu stood up again, moved slowly, and found a good angle.

Swing a sword.

A mysterious clone appeared and rushed towards the vermilion gate.

Suddenly, the sword-wielding figures on the vermilion gate all swarmed up like a hornet's nest on fire, and rushed towards the mystery clone.

Swish, swish, swish!

Lu Yu swung three swords in a row, and three mystery clones rushed out, landing in different positions, just right to cut the groups of sword-wielding figures into several sections.

These sword-wielding figures did not seem to have much profound wisdom, at least compared with the living Lu Yu... They were immediately divided into several piles by the mystery clones one after another.

If it were normal, this would not be a problem.

These sword-wielding figures were all transformed by the most proficient mystery of the Yunxiao Patriarch, and they were much more experienced than the sword-wielding figures inside the palace. If the two sides fought hard, these mystery clones that Lu Yu sent out, which were born from the palace, would probably be torn to pieces soon...

But the problem is that the mystery clones that Lu Yu sent out this time did not come from the ninety-nine Dali Sword Sect mysteries inside the palace.

What he was driving was the eight mysteries of the stars that he had mastered.

Although he had learned this method of manifesting his thoughts and consciousness into a mysteries clone from the thousands of sword-wielding men inside the palace, the eight mysteries of the stars that he had mastered had already been deeply engraved into his bones.

Since he could manifest the essence of the mysteries learned from the palace in the form of a clone, then there would naturally be no problem with the eight mysteries of the stars that he had already mastered.

It was like he had learned a cutting technique from the old man Yunxiao, but the materials he used were completely different from those of the old man Yunxiao.

The result was subversive.

The mysteries of the stars came from outside the nine heavens, and their strength far exceeded the original sword mysteries of the Dali Sword Sect, which could be seen from the previous performance of the Star Sword Art.

Suddenly, those sword-wielding men were like being hit on the head, and were instantly suppressed by the clones of the mysteries of the stars, and the expected crushing situation did not occur at all.

Lu Yu swung his sword again, and several more clones of the Star Mystery rushed out, further splitting the sword-wielding men.

This method is only effective in this situation. If it were the thousands of sword-wielding men before, the number would have overwhelmed everything, and Lu Yu would have no chance to split them...

Now, the number of sword-wielding men in the Vermilion Gate is no more than three or two hundred. Although the number is not small, it is more focused on the quality of the competition. If it is simply a quality competition, Lu Yu's Star Mystery is never afraid, but it just gives him the opportunity to split them one by one.

So, as Lu Yu's sword continued to swing, the clones of the Star Mystery became more and more, splitting the sword-wielding men in the Vermilion Gate more and more scattered.

Although Lu Yu only mastered eight of the Star Mysteries, it was not for the purpose of performing a combination skill now, so he didn't need to pay attention to how cleverly the mosaic was, as long as the eight Star Mysteries were repeatedly performed back and forth.

Soon, under Lu Yu's continuous efforts, the number of clones of the Star Mystery had reached as many as fifty-two.

This was the limit of what he could do.

However, this number of Star Secret clones was more than enough to fight against the sword-wielding men on the vermilion gate.

It was equivalent to a Star Secret clone that only needed to fight against a few sword-wielding men alone. Although it was still a case of outnumbering, the strength of the two was not comparable at all.

Suddenly, the densely packed sword-wielding villains were pinned down by the star clones one by one, unable to move at all.

This scene would make even Ancestor Yunxiao stunned when he saw it.

He would never have thought that the masterpiece he had worked so hard for would be destroyed in this way...

What is ridiculous is that Li Fuyun also regarded this vermilion gate as the last hurdle to test Lu Yu, but he did not expect that Lu Yu would do so well, and the degree of completion far exceeded his imagination.

This is like when the teacher gave out a test paper that only required 60 points to be completed during the exam, but Lu Yu's perfect score was not counted, and the teacher who was about to give the test questions was also stumped.

In an instant, the vermilion gate shook violently.

Lu Yu understood that these sword-wielding villains were part of the law system that formed the Vermilion Gate. Now that they had been broken one by one, the Vermilion Gate's law system naturally began to collapse.

A thud.

Lu Yu seemed to hear the sound of glass breaking, but nothing seemed to happen.

Lu Yu stepped to the center of the vermilion gate and discovered that something had indeed broken, but it was not any entity, but pieces of space law.

At this time, he stood in the center of the vermilion gate, as if facing several broken mirrors. Behind each mirror, there was an independent cave space.

It turns out that this is the secret of this Floating Cloud Palace.

The vermilion door not only leads to the main body of the palace, it also secretly hides many independent spaces.

This also explains why Fuyun Palace is so empty. It turns out that good things are hidden in these independent cave spaces.

Lu Yu was not in a hurry to check out these cave spaces.

His eyes were firmly attracted by a strange light ball at the junction of several caves and spaces.

Somehow, he felt that this was exactly what he was looking for...

He stretched out his hand, about to take a closer look.

At this time, Li Fuyun's voice suddenly sounded from the side:

"Junior brother Lu Yu, what are you doing? Don't act rashly!"

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