Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1202 Senior Brother Returns to the Mountain

Naturally, it was Ye Weilan who made a special trip to pick up Lu Yu.

Lu Yu took the black tail of the dragon fish off Ye Weilan's back and transferred it to the body of the sacred tree king tripod. After a brief adjustment to confirm that it was correct, they flew away from the Qinghe Ferry together.

The dragon fish's black tail contains the Queen of Ten Dragons. Although she is no longer in the water, it is not a problem to use the power of the ten dragons to drive this sacred wooden king tripod. Besides, the Qinghe Ferry is not far from the Jade Butterfly Peak. The distance is gone.

After the three of them flew steadily in the air, Lu Yu asked Ye Weilan, "Where are Chudie and Yudie? Have they all gone to Wulao Peak?"

"Well..." Ye Weilan responded softly: "The situation at Wulao Peak seems to be a bit urgent. Head Li sent an order from the head, asking Sister Die and Sister Yudie to be present... In addition to them, there are also Many disciples from Jade Butterfly Peak have also been dispatched."

As she spoke, she looked at Lu Yu tenderly, her eyes full of affection. If she hadn't been concerned about the sacred wooden king tripod next to her, she would have been unable to suppress the lovesickness in her heart.

Lu Yu took in all her expressions, smiled slightly, took her gentle jade-like hand, and pulled her into his arms.

Ye Weilan suddenly screamed: "What are you careful of being seen!"

As she spoke, she secretly glanced at the divine tree king tripod in front of her.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "You and I are Taoists. We see what we see. What are we afraid of? I might as well tell you that after returning from Fuyun Palace this time, I am now a close disciple of Patriarch Yunxiao, shouldering the important mission of revitalizing the sect. , he is a very popular figure...Does anyone dare to accuse me of this matter?"

From his expression, Ye Weilan sensed his strong self-confidence and irresistible determination, so she obeyed him docilely, leaned gently into his arms, and said, "What happened in that palace?" What, why did you stay for so long before coming back?"

Lu Yu said: "Actually, I only stayed in that palace for three days, but on the way back, I spent some time walking around... But even in those three days, the process was quite exciting. It's hard to describe this matter in one sentence, so why not After we go back, let’s talk about it slowly in a different way!”

Ye Weilan suddenly blushed with embarrassment.

She naturally understood what Lu Yu meant by changing the approach.

"What are you...thinking about! After you return to Jade Butterfly Peak, there are still all kinds of things waiting for you! I heard that although you haven't come back these days, all kinds of things have happened. Such greetings have already been sent to Jade Butterfly Peak... Let’s wait until you are done with the business!”

Hearing what Ye Weilan said, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel his head getting bigger.

It is true that his return to the mountain will become very popular this time, but correspondingly, various things will come flooding in, and he will not be able to escape even if he wants to.

Anyway... this can be regarded as the price he must pay if he wants to control the power and fight against the Bixiao Palace!

Soon, Jade Butterfly Peak was in sight.

In addition to Jade Butterfly Peak, the attached Chudie Peak has also begun to take shape, with towering buildings, swirling blue water, surrounded by aura, and glowing clouds, like a bright pearl embedded in the mountains.

Looking at this scene, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel relieved.

It seemed that even when he and Yang Chudie were away, the construction progress did not slow down at all.

Lu Yu knew this very well. Lin Zhengtie and others who moved from Mingjian Villa were extremely enthusiastic about the construction of Chudie Peak, and I am afraid that most of this was due to them.

At this time, Ye Weilan talked about something again.

It is said that some people have proposed to change the name of "Jade Butterfly Peak", because the Jade Butterfly Peak at this time is completely different from before. It is obvious that there are two real people, Yudie and Chudie, and at the same time, there are Yudie and Chudie. For the two main peaks, it seems inappropriate to continue calling them Jade Butterfly Peak...

Moreover, as the scale continues to grow, especially after the absorption of Mingjian Villa, the composition of the people on the mountain has become extremely complex. From the perspective of personnel integration, a brand new name is also more conducive to promoting internal integration and belonging. feel.

The best way is to change "Jade Butterfly Peak" to "Double Butterfly Peak".

Lu Yu listened silently and thought to himself: "Two Butterfly Peaks" is indeed appropriate, but the person who made this suggestion must not know Yudie's temperament. This proposal must first pass Yudie's test. …

Lu Yu couldn't help but think of the scene where Chudie and Yudie got into a fight because of the name, and suddenly he had a headache again.

However, despite the dispute over the name, the destination Lu Yu chose to land this time was still Jade Butterfly Peak. After all, it was still the center of the two peaks.

As she continued to approach Jade Butterfly Peak, Ye Weilan finally stopped letting Lu Yu hold her and tried her best to break free from his embrace.

Because on the ground, there are already hundreds of eyes staring at the sky, waiting for their arrival.

"Congratulations to welcome Senior Brother back to the mountain!"

Before Lu Yu could land, hundreds of figures at the mountain gate collectively knelt down on one knee, their voices filling the sky.

This scene is the first real person to arrive, nothing more than that.

Lu Yu was very suspicious. He didn't know if there was such a battle when Yudie and the others came back.

After thinking about it carefully, he finally felt that there must be no... It was not because these disciples did not respect the first real person, but because the Jade Butterfly Peak at that time had already been mobilized to resist foreign enemies, and there were not many people left on the mountain. Even if you want to give a warm welcome, you can't put on such a show.

Qi Yunkai, Qin Xiang, Wen Rulan, Wen Rulan, Lin Zhengtie... everyone looked at Lu Yu who came through the sky with burning eyes.

Lu Yu held the sacred wooden king tripod with one hand and stood still on the ground. His eyes swept over these familiar faces one by one, and he smiled and said: "After experiencing such a catastrophe, I can still see that you are safe and sound and elegant. It’s better than ever, which is great!”

"Everyone, I'm back! From now on, we will watch and help each other together, and we will never be invaded or humiliated by foreign enemies again!"

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