Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1217 Who will hang the bell?

"Do you know what you're doing?"

"Without the help of the three Tiangang ancestors, how will we manage the rioting spiritual veins next?"

"Is this also the arrangement of Ancestor Yunxiao?"

"Lu Yu, you are a little too confident..."

Everyone made criticisms one after another.

Even Master Hailing and Master Jin Xiang, who had always been good friends with Lu Yu, remained silent.

Ancestor Hongyi's face turned slightly gloomy.

As a strong man in the Tiangang Realm, he is well aware of the seriousness of the current situation. Even half of the Seven Ancestors of Wuya were killed in this burst of spiritual veins, and the remaining few were in a panic like bereaved dogs. The dangers involved The extent can be imagined...

Therefore, he wanted to know where Lu Yu's confidence came from. Could it be... that Ancestor Yunxiao planned to solve the matter personally?

But how is this possible!

Ancestor Hongyi dare not say that with the ability of Ancestor Yunxiao, he would be equally helpless against the current situation... It’s just that if Ancestor Yunxiao really wanted to take action, he should have shown up long ago. How could he still pretend to do so? Lu Yu acted with his hands. Doesn't this mean he took off his pants and farted?

Ancestor Tailing couldn't help showing a surprised look.

Originally, he planned to watch Lu Yu demolish Patriarch Hongyi. If necessary, he might add more firepower... In his original expectation, Lu Yu went to find Zhao Yun, Huitang, and Gun Long. He should have secretly conspired with these three people to reach some kind of agreement, but what he didn't expect was that Lu Yu actually sent the three people away directly...

At this time, Tailing Patriarch himself couldn't help but become curious about what method Lu Yu planned to use to resolve this matter.

In the end, it was the master Li Wangji who stood up. Although his strength had not returned to its peak, his prestige as the master was still there. He immediately suppressed all the discussions and said: "Lu Yu, you Just stop pretending, how do you plan to resolve this matter completely?"

Lu Yu said: "Master Master, if you don't give me such a high hat, the detonation of the spiritual veins in the peaks of the Western Region has become a fact. Now it's a done deal. The situation in the Western Region is in a state of decay. No matter how capable the disciple is, there is nothing he can do. Can it be completely solved? What I can do is just some measures to make up for the situation..."

As he spoke, Lu Yu waved his hand, and a picture of intertwined light and shadow suddenly appeared. What was displayed on it was the sand table map of the entire Dali Sword Sect.

"Including Wangyue Peak, Tianxiang Peak, Zixia Peak and other peaks, the underground spiritual veins of a total of twelve peaks in the Western Region exploded..."

As he spoke, he pointed out the locations of the twelve peaks on the sand table map one by one. Each time he clicked, a blazing flame burst out at the corresponding location.

"In addition, there are more than ten spiritual vein tributaries hidden among the mountains in the Western Territory. Due to various reasons, they are not suitable for cultivation, so they are hidden under the mountains. However, as the twelve The eruption of spiritual veins on a mountain peak was also detonated this time, thus causing such a large-scale spiritual energy riot, and there is a risk of further spread..."

As he spoke, Lu Yu waved his hand repeatedly, drawing the tributaries of the spiritual veins one by one. Suddenly, the blazing flames were connected together. The wind assisted the fire, and the fire assisted the wind, constantly expanding outwards.

Some of the real people around him couldn't help but nod their heads.

Lu Yu's gestures were not random deductions. The situation on the sand table after he moved it was very similar to what they actually saw, which showed that he had really conducted on-site inspections.

And he has only just gone out for a trip, and he can fully understand the situation on the front line. No matter what this person's decision is, at least his strength is indeed beyond words.

"The Western Region at this time is like a forest fire that is spreading continuously. However, our entire Dali Sword Sect is a dry and lush mountain forest. Before, we only focused on pushing back the enemy and did not have time to think too deeply about the problem. If we let it go If it continues to develop, there will indeed be a risk of the entire sect being destroyed in one fell swoop..."

"Fortunately, we still have time to respond. In fact, this problem is not difficult to solve. In the face of forest fires, even in the secular world, there is a mature way to deal with it, and that is to cut a fire break! "

As he spoke, Lu Yu put his fingers together and drew out suddenly.

Suddenly, a sharp sword energy shot out, splitting the sand table into two in an instant.

The area in the Western Territory was divided, and the fire was still raging above it; while in the remaining area, although there were still some scattered small flames, without the huge wind blowing from the Western Territory, they quickly extinguished themselves.

"In this way, we can isolate the risk, so that the spiritual veins in various places, including Wulao Peak, will no longer be threatened by the detonation of the spiritual veins... As for the Western Region, we can only let it fend for itself. !”

Lu Yu finally concluded.

The entire Wulao Peak suddenly fell silent.

The method he said was very easy to understand, and there was a sandbox map to demonstrate it, so everyone understood his intention...

However, the outbreak of spiritual veins is not as dangerous as a forest fire. The danger level is far beyond that of a mountain fire. There is no comparison between the two. Who can cut a path in the violent spiritual energy to isolate the spread of the spiritual energy? Where's the firebreak?

This is like a group of mice in the fable, discussing that as long as they hang a bell on the cat, they can know all the cat's movements and avoid it in advance.

However, who will ultimately hang the bell on the cat?

"So, what method was used to create this fire break?"

Finally, a sarcastic voice finally came from the crowd.

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