Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1272 Invincible Victory

"I didn't do anything."

Yang Chudie's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

I don't know since when, she has walked out with the support of Yudie.

Although his face is still pale, his complexion has improved a lot.

"Ah, Sister Die, are you okay?"

Ye Weilan quickly turned around and came closer, "You just said that you didn't do anything? Then how could these disciples of Bohai Palace..."

Yang Chudie shook her head gently, but looked at Lu Yu: "I don't know what's going on, but I can guarantee that this is not my fault..."

Jade Die frowned and said: "Could it be that the fight in the Spring Conch just now caused the opponent to have some irreversible flaw? Maybe you didn't do anything, but the wisp of black energy has been seriously damaged. Dying..."

Yang Chudie glanced at her: "What do you think is the probability of this happening?"

Yudie immediately stopped talking.

Indeed, the probability of this was too low, just like being hit by a falling meteor. It could only be regarded as wishful thinking on her part.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel his heart sink.

If all this has nothing to do with Yang Chudie, then it can only mean that all this is caused by the other party's own system. Will the other party suddenly and inexplicably commit collective suicide?

Was all this an accidental mistake? Or does the other party have a deeper conspiracy?

Lu Yu was puzzled...

At this time, as the Bohai Palace disciples continued to die, that formation had collapsed on its own, leaving only another formation commanded by Li Haitang.

Originally, they relied on the cooperation between the two formations to become inseparable from the Hunyuan Qi Sect.

At this time, with the disintegration of another formation, not to mention the continued fierce battle with the Hunyuan Qi Sect, it was also the Tiangang offensive launched by the Xishi Patriarch in the air. It was difficult for them to continue to resist, surrounded by The black aura around the formation has become weaker and weaker.

In the end, Bohai Palace chose to retreat.

Circles of cyclones rolled up around their formation again, lifting the sea surface again. The entire formation escaped into the deep sea and was submerged in the waves.

The Bohai Palace is surrounded by tides all year round. It is known as "the sky is surrounded by water and the sea is twelve surrounded". A total of twenty-two tide formations surround them all year round. They are very familiar with the environment surrounded by sea water. At this time, they have to use this method They had to use various methods to escape, but the Hunyuan Qi Sect people really had nothing to do with them.

Lu Yu was able to catch up with them easily by relying on the power of the dragon fish's black tail, but at this time, apart from Yudie, he, Ye Weilan, and Yang Chudie were all injured to varying degrees, especially Yang Chudie, who was still seriously injured. It's very serious. In such a situation, even if you catch up, it will be difficult to do anything.

Therefore, they could only watch as the other party hid in the deep sea and walked away.

However, when the other party left, Li Haitang turned around and glanced in Lu Yu's direction, and their eyes met head-on.

On the other party's beautiful face, there was no anger, no sadness, no horror, no fear... not even any expression. Lu Yu could only see a calmness on her face, too calm...

Until the moment he looked back, Lu Yu suddenly felt that there was something meaningful in the other person's eyes.

This couldn't help but cast a shadow over Lu Yu's mind, which was already full of doubts.

The other party's behavior obviously didn't look like he was fleeing in a hurry...

On the contrary, it is more like a tactical retreat after achieving the goal...

But what is their purpose? Is it just to abandon half of the Bohai Palace disciples here?

"Master Lu!"

This is the leader of Leiguang and other real powerful people who have come to find him.

"Young Master is worthy of being the master of Yunxiao Ancestor! His methods are indeed superb!"

"I didn't expect that your Excellency would wipe out half of the enemies in one fell swoop!"

"This battle is too dangerous. Thanks to the master's superb skills, the victory can be finally determined!"

"Please forgive me for being ignorant, I couldn't figure out what method the young master used... How did the young master kill tens of thousands of enemies at once?"

"The Bohai Palace is already so difficult to deal with, and the other three battlefields will definitely not be any easier! I wonder if Young Master's technique can be used repeatedly to end the battle as quickly as possible on the three battlefields?"

Facing the unanimous praise from everyone, Lu Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It seems that these real strong men of Hunyuan Qi Sect are not aware of the crisis at all.

However, it would be difficult for Lu Yu to express his suspicions before he figured out the truth of the matter, as that would only affect the morale of the army.

So he said ambiguously: "I can understand your mood, and I don't want this battle to drag on too much, but I have to wait until I regain my strength to decide what to do next..."

"This war is far from over, and it can only be regarded as coming to an end now. You all still have a lot of things to be busy with, so don't waste too much time here!"

Seeing Lu Yu say this, everyone couldn't say anything else and returned to the formation to treat the wounded and regroup.

Although this battle was a heavy loss for Bohai Palace, it was not much better for them. If the other party hadn't suddenly died suddenly at the last moment, their losses would have been even more severe than that of Bohai Palace.

Fortunately, after Li Haitang led his troops to evacuate, the surrounding Hunyuan Qi Sect disciples were finally no longer affected by the enemy's formation and all regained their sanity, otherwise they might have fallen into cannibalism.

"You guys stay here and take a good rest. I'll go up and have a chat with Patriarch Xishi!"

Lu Yu said something to the three women on the green shell, and then flew straight up.

The three girls knew that he must have gone to discuss the strange scene with Patriarch Xishi, so they did not stop him.

After a few moves in the air, his body suddenly disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds.

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