Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1312 Discussion

"Can this be done?"

Everyone couldn't help but raise questions.

The power of the ruins array has been fully verified in this battle. If it can be moved to the Resentful Mountain Peninsula, it is indeed a good plan.

Although everyone does not know exactly how Lu Yu made the ruins formation exert the ability to suppress the teaching ancestor, it must have included many subtle and complicated coordinations. They have all seen the original appearance of the ruins formation more or less. Its transfer to the Yuanshan Peninsula is not an easy task.

A single move affects the whole body, and maybe a tiny detail error can cause the entire formation to be completely paralyzed and no longer able to function.

"It all depends on people. How will you know if you don't try?"

Lu Yu smiled and added: "I don't think the problem is big..."

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned, and suddenly understood that Lu Yu was already confident about this matter.

The three Tiangang ancestors of Daluo Holy Land couldn't help but look at each other. They had personally participated in the transformation plan of the ruins formation, and they knew more clearly how difficult it was. But even they couldn't figure out what method Lu Yu would use to move the ruin war to the Resentful Mountain Peninsula.

"Even if the ruins array can be moved here, it will be an extremely huge project, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to complete in a short time." Ancestor Zhaoyun said.

The implication is that even if the ruins war can be relocated smoothly, I am afraid that it will not be able to catch up with the needs. By the time the migration is completed, I am afraid that the Bixiao Shrine will have already attacked...

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said: "That's true... but Bixiao Palace doesn't know all this. As long as we open up our posture, do you think they still dare to try it easily?"

Everyone was stunned and suddenly understood.

In the final analysis, Lu Yu's strategy was still a bluff. After just losing a Nine-Xuan Ancestor, the other party would not dare to act rashly. Even if a new Earth Evil Lord appeared, they would not dare to take risks easily. , in this way, the purpose of containing the other party can be achieved.

Everyone couldn't help but admire him immediately. Unexpectedly, Lu Yu discovered the effectiveness of a ruins formation that few people had paid attention to for thousands of years.

Next, everyone finalized many details.

The most important thing is the defense of the Resentful Mountain Peninsula. Everyone divides the work and coordinates with each other. Before, only four Tiangang ancestors testified, but now all eight Tiangang ancestors are gathered here, and the pressure is half less than before. If there are more, I believe that the defensive fortress of Yunshan Peninsula will soon take shape.

In the coming days, the Resentment Mountain Peninsula will be divided into four defense zones, with Dali Sword Sect, Daluo Holy Land, Taishang Immortal Sect, and Hunyuan Qi Sect each responsible for one area, plus an unpredictable relic area. Array.

In this way, the main force of Bixiao Shrine will be nailed to the southern front for a long period of time.

After everything was discussed, Lu Yu added: "Securing the defense line is only one of the aspects. If we want to deal with the Bixiao Palace, we must unite more forces that can be united..."

"Among the eight major sects, it goes without saying that the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and the Wuya Immortal Pavilion will definitely follow the path of the Bixiao Shrine. However, the Shenhuo Xuanzong is still a worthy target..."

"Ancestor Hong'an has been convinced by us before. Later, as the army of Bixiao Shrine pressed forward, their attitude changed again. Now it's time for them to make the final decision!"

Ancestor Huitang frowned slightly and said: "Shenhuo Xuanzong is used to making ends meet, and this battle has fully demonstrated this. If you want to make them surrender, it's not enough to just show your righteousness, you must have enough fists." You have to be tough...but we have been busy consolidating the defense here recently, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to go to the Luoguang Strait to 'convince' them..."

Lu Yu said: "Of course you can't leave. We still need your presence here to make it stable... So I plan to pay a visit to Luoguang Strait when I return to Dali Sword Sect this time..."

As he spoke, a fierce look flashed in Lu Yu's eyes.

Obviously, his so-called method could not be a friendly door-to-door greeting.

"Master, are you going alone? Isn't it too dangerous?" Xishi Patriarch asked.

You must know that, including the ancestor of Hong'an, Luoguang Strait at this time has gathered four Tiangang powerhouses from Shenhuo Xuanzong, and there are countless disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong. This is already a quite powerful force.

Lu Yu glanced at him, smiled lightly and said, "When I first broke into your sect, I didn't bring many helpers..."

Patriarch Xishi couldn't help but turn red, and suddenly his whole body felt bad.

Indeed, when Lu Yu broke into the Hunyuan Qi Sect, it was only him and a few female companions around him. Even so, they still followed Lu Yu's way and finally succumbed to Lu Yu's lustful power.

Suddenly, no one raised any objections.

After all the matters were discussed, Lu Yu stood up and said: "Okay, I'll take care of everything here. Without further ado, I will set off for the Luoguang Strait. If I can recover the remnants of the Shenhuo Xuanzong one day earlier, We can also harvest this vital force earlier, and maybe it can play a key role in the future war situation..."

After saying that, he stood up and strode away.

"Wait a minute!"

However, just as Lu Yu was about to walk out of the camp, a voice suddenly stopped him.

Lu Yu turned around and saw Ye Fei holding the Luoqiu Divine Staff.

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