Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1320 Face to Face

As the sound rolled in the sky, a huge phantom of a palm condensed in the air and slapped down towards Lu Yu.

This is exactly the result of the invocation of the power of Tiangang.

Although the identity of the person hidden deep in the sky is still unclear at this time, it is obvious that he is one of the four powerful Tiangang men of Shenhuo Xuanzong.

Regardless of the sects, all sects have methods of shaping the power of Tiangang into palm movements or fist postures. This is not the same, but because it is the most direct and effective way to use Tiangang. It can easily use the power of Tiangang. The utilization rate reaches an extremely high level.

However, when broken down, there are still subtle differences in the methods used by the powerful Tiangang masters of various sects to use the power of Tiangang. For example, the palm falling from the sky at this time was filled with endless fire. Obviously, It is consistent with the characteristics of the skills of the Shenhuo Xuanzong lineage.

The palm movement formed by the power of Tiangang is already beyond the range of Lu Yu's endurance. Coupled with the endless fire attack, the scope of the attack will be greatly expanded.

In this way, Lu Yu's flexible body skills would not be able to play a role. After all, even if he could hide his body in the mystery, it would only be for a short moment, and he would not be able to escape the flames of such a large area.

Obviously, this strong man hidden in the sky has just witnessed Lu Yu's process of breaking the ice wind force, so he used such a targeted move. This large-scale attack method is undoubtedly what Lu Yu is doing. The nemesis of a flexible style.

It seemed that the Tiangang ancestors of Shenhuo Xuanzong did not really have time to escape, but had been observing themselves in secret, and they did not know what kind of medicine they were selling in their gourds.

However, no matter what their secret plans were, Lu Yu didn't care at all.

At this time, his purpose had already changed. It was not so much to persuade Shenhuo Xuanzong to surrender, but to hone himself.

In his eyes, the Shenhuo Xuanzong at this time was a whetstone. In this process of self-sharpening, it would be best if they were willing to surrender. If the talks completely collapsed in the end, it would not matter.

At this moment, facing the powerful palm slapped in front of him, Lu Yu smiled coldly and said: "It turns out that Patriarch Tiangang is still here. I thought you were all hiding and refusing to see anyone!"

After saying that, he did not dodge or evade, but raised his palm directly to his head, actually trying to face the giant flaming palm in the air.

Everyone around was shocked.

You must know that the giant flame palm in the sky is gathered by calling on the power of Tiangang. The power of Tiangang has an extremely huge advantage against the true power of the body.

At this time, Lu Yu was only in the Guihai realm and could not summon Tiangang at all. What could he use to compete with the palm movements formed by the power of Tiangang?

In the eyes of everyone, Lu Yu's behavior at this time was no different from seeking death.

Even Ye Fei, who was not far away, couldn't help but look shocked when he saw Lu Yu's response.

However, with the previous experience and lessons, he did not blindly make a conclusion. He looked at Ye Weilan aside and said, "Miss Ye, what is Junior Brother Lu... planning to do?"

He has also seen that this demon spirit woman has a close relationship with Lu Yu, and she obviously knows more about Lu Yu's secrets.

But what he didn't expect was that Ye Weilan just shook his head: "I don't know what he is going to do. Since the life-and-death battle with Jiuxuan Earth Ancestor, he seems to have made great progress, and I am also a little surprised. I don’t understand how he uses his moves...but Yulang naturally has such intention in doing this, I believe he can handle it!"

As he spoke, the huge flaming palm in the air was already in front of him, and on the palm Lu Yu raised, countless red lotuses instantly spread out. The red lotuses were flying around, falling one after another, and they were unpredictable and hidden. With a wonderful rhythm.

The two palms formally connected.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, there was no violent sound, and the giant flame palm in the air did not kill Lu Yu at once.

Where the two palms met, a piece of brilliance dispersed.

The giant flaming palm covered the sky like a torrent; Lu Yu's whole body was wrapped in red lotus, like a pillar in the turbulent flow. No matter how powerful and violent the offensive of the giant flaming palm was, it could not do anything to him. From his The flow passed by.

This scene looked like Lu Yu was immune to the power of Tiangang, and everyone was stunned!

No one thought that the two palms facing each other would have such a result.

Among the whole audience, the only one who saw some clues was Ye Weilan.

In the gap between the two palms, she saw the brilliance of some familiar law fragments. If her guess was correct, it should be that Lu Yu used the power of the palm to actually use the golden elixir seeds in his body to open She has discovered a strange and tiny realm, but she has no idea how it works...

"This, this, this...what the hell is going on!"

In the sky, the voice of the Tiangang strongman was full of incredible.

A figure slowly floated down. It seemed very slow, but in fact it was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it was in front of Lu Yu.

This person has deep eyes, a high bridge of nose, and very complicated patterns on both sides of his cheeks, which extend all the way to his hair and are integrated with his hair. His aura is extremely powerful.

Lu Yu and Ye Fei had never seen this person before. However, there were only four Tiangang ancestors of Shenhuo Xuanzong. After comparing them with the rumored image, they confirmed the identity of the other person - Mr. Wenye. Ancestor.

Patriarch Wenye's eyes were like lightning. He kept looking Lu Yu up and down, and asked sternly:

"Good boy! What kind of method did you use just now? How did you resolve my offensive attack?"

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