Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1343 Broken Heart

After listening to Yudie's story, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel speechless.

These two sisters actually took action over such a trivial matter. They are truly a pair of model sisters.

However, from Yu Die's narration, Lu Yu was keenly aware of some deeper details. Things may not be as simple as they appear on the surface...

From some of his words, Lu Yu could clearly feel that she was very irritable and impatient. This was obviously caused by the excessive pressure they had been under recently.

"Have you been discussing the details of the array contained in the Divine Sword recently, and haven't had a good rest?" Lu Yu suddenly interrupted Yudie's complaint and asked abruptly.

"Does this have anything to do with it?" Yudie was stunned for a moment, "It's not that there is no rest at all, but the original appearance of the Divine Sword is such an exciting thing, how can we still calm down?"

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "My mood is the same as yours. I also hope that the Feihong Sword can be recast as soon as possible, but this matter cannot be rushed... In the past few days, your mood has been affected. , Under such circumstances, it is absolutely difficult to make a complete plan for the entire recasting of the Divine Sword, so you should take a good rest during this period and wait until you are mentally recharged!"

"As for the omissions in your memory, there is no need to worry about this. If you can't remember it once, then just remember it one more time. At worst, I will ask Senior Tianjian to come to Jade Butterfly Peak some time in advance and let him remember it again. Show the array of the Excalibur in detail once, and there won’t be any mistakes!”

"Can you let that senior Tianjian come here?" Yudie said with her eyes shining.

When Lu Yu and the old man Tianjian agreed to come to Jade Butterfly Peak for on-site guidance, the two sisters were busy rubbing Shensi Seal paper, so they were unaware of the agreement between the two parties.

Lu Yu smiled faintly and said: "Why not? Since Senior Tianjian can suddenly appear in the starlight cage from thousands of miles away, why can't he suddenly appear on Jade Butterfly Peak? You know our Jade Butterfly Peak The conditions at this time make it easier to create a starlight array than in the Divine Continent!"

Yudie didn't know what she thought of, and suddenly she smiled happily: "As expected of my brother-in-law, you really have a way! If that's the case, then I'm relieved! When Senior Tianjian appears, it will be clear who is at fault. Chu, let’s see how Yang Chudie will deny it when the time comes!”

Lu Yu couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Unexpectedly, at this time, she was still thinking about competing with her sister. The two sisters were so different from each other that it was really engraved in their bones.

But at this time, Lu Yu naturally did not refute her with any extraneous details, but followed her words and said: "That's right... but it's not easy to tell who made the mistake. You have to have enough energy to do it!”

Yudie immediately became satisfied and said nothing more. Instead, she walked towards Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan in a high-spirited manner.

"Yang Chudie, that's it for today, let's see what happens next!"

After saying these words, she walked out of the Yin Yang Cave and returned to the Mirror Garden. She responded to Lu Yu's call for a good rest with her own actions.

Yang Chudie looked at Yudie's disappearing back, still looking surprised and said: "What on earth did you say to her?"

Lu Yu coughed dryly and said, "Actually, it's nothing. I just asked her to have a good rest first and wait until her mental state recovers before we talk..."

"Haven't you noticed? The reason why you two are so irritable is because you are too tired..."

Yang Chudie's beautiful eyes blinked gently, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she stared at his face and said, "Really, will she be so honest and obedient?"

Lu Yu said without changing his expression: "Although Yudie acted a little unreasonable just now, it was all because of her mental state. In fact, she is mostly quite reasonable..."

"Don't you think? Although she has been famous for many years, she still behaves like a little girl in front of you. After all, she is his biological sister. I have always been mentally dependent on you, so I sometimes deliberately mess with you!"

"Actually, this just shows how much he relies on you deep in his heart!"

Lu Yu said sincerely and sincerely.

After persuading his sister, he is not done. He also needs to persuade his sister to be successful. After all, the entire plan to recast the Excalibur requires the sincere cooperation of the two sisters. If the two of them are kept at odds, That would go against the plan.

In order for the plan to recast the Feihong Sword to proceed smoothly, Lu Yu was now worried.

"Is this really the case?" Chudie was stunned.

"Of course it is!" Lu Yu said firmly and resolutely, "So, as a sister, sometimes you shouldn't worry about him so much. Once she has a good rest and her mental state recovers, everything will be fine!"

"Will she really feel better once she wakes up?"

"This...of course she can't do it alone. In addition to her, we also need to have a good sleep. Only when our mental state recovers will everything get better!"

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