Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1345 Change of Plan

It was already the afternoon of the next day when Lu Yu walked out of Yin Yang Cave Mansion refreshed and refreshed.

He reappeared alone in the Mirror Garden.

As for Ye Weilan, she refused to follow him out at the same time. Instead, she opened the passage from Yin Yang Cave to Lu Yu's dormitory and left from another direction - that was for the convenience of the protector when Chudie concluded the golden elixir. A specially opened channel.

Lu Yu really didn't know what to say about her deception and self-deception. Did she think that her sudden appearance in her dormitory would not arouse others' suspicion?

However, Ye Weilan was very shy at this time and refused to listen to him, so Lu Yu had no choice but to let him go.

"Sir, you're out."

Chu Hongling's voice suddenly sounded from the side.

Lu Yu couldn't help being slightly shocked. He never expected that the first person he saw when he came out would be Chu Hongling, and judging from her appearance, it was clear that she had been waiting for him here.

"Where are Master Aunt and Yudie?" Lu Yu asked.

Lu Yu called Yudie by her first name without adding the honorific title of the real person at the end. This was a very transgressive approach. However, Chu Hongling was not surprised by this and said: "The two ladies are very good now. They have already I used Jinghun Incense and am resting now..."

Soul-forbidden incense is a kind of auxiliary product specially used to regulate the soul, calm down the mentality, and stabilize the realm of Taoism. Since they use this kind of thing, it means that they are indeed taking a good rest and relaxing.

Lu Yu felt relieved.

But Chu Hongling said: "The eldest lady left a letter and asked me to deliver it to you!"

With that said, don't put a letter into Lu Yu's hand.

Lu Yu couldn't help being slightly startled. He didn't know why Yang Chudie couldn't tell him face to face, but he wanted to make it so mysterious.

This not only reminded him of Yang Chudie's strange attitude yesterday.

Master's aunt has always been extremely doting on him. As long as it is something he insists on repeatedly, she will probably not refuse it, but yesterday she finally rejected herself...

In fact, it was not just yesterday, there had been similar situations several times before. She seemed to be deliberately avoiding herself...

Lu Yu naturally wouldn't think that this was because Chu Die suddenly changed his mind. The two of them had been completely inseparable for a long time. Their fates in this life were deeply intertwined and bound together, and there was absolutely no possibility of separation.

There might just be some sudden situation that he hadn't noticed yet, so that she had to avoid herself...

Somehow, he always felt that all of this seemed to have something to do with Yudie... Because in this world, the only reason in this world that could make her refuse him was Yudie.

However, what does all this have to do with Jade Butterfly? Lu Yu was really puzzled.

After handing the letter to Lu Yu, Chu Hongling quietly retreated.

Lu Yu slowly opened the letter with a feeling of anxiety.

There was nothing special in the letter. She just told Lu Yu that she had realized her problem and that it might take a longer time to recover this time, so Lu Yu should not worry. After she recovers, she will find ways to ease the relationship with Yudie, put the overall situation first, and will never let this matter affect the plan to recast the Feihong Sword.

After Lu Yu finished reading the letter, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

From the earnest instructions in the letters, he could feel Chudie's deep affection for him, which not only made him feel relieved.

However, the biggest mystery in my heart is still not solved...

He could feel that the problem between Chudie and Yudie was not just their quarrel, but besides the quarrel, he still didn't know what kind of problems they had between them.

Since they need more time to recuperate, the entire plan will also be postponed.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is normal...

Recasting the Feihong Sword is such a huge plan. How can it be decided in a hurry within a few days?

Chudie and Yudie were not the only ones who acted too hastily? Even Lu Yu himself was a little too hasty about this matter?

Lu Yu reflected on himself deeply, and then walked around the Wind Eye Furnace on Chudie Peak.

At this time, a group of elite disciples who originally belonged to Mingjian Villa were still gathered around Weizai Fengyan Furnace and were very busy. When some elders saw Lu Yu coming, they immediately turned around and surrounded him, complaining loudly. , saying that the array hidden in this Feihong Sword is too mysterious, and it is impossible to understand it in just three or four days.

"If it doesn't work in three or four days, then just put in more effort. Don't worry, just take your time!" Lu Yu said.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned. Unexpectedly, just one day later, Lu Yubian suddenly changed his caliber again, which was really confusing.

However, there was more time, which was a good thing in any case. Everyone did not care about it too much, and immersed themselves in the eye of the storm again, and continued to study the Feihong Sword in the furnace.

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