Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1373 Entering the passage

The huge Panlong Realm Mountain shook violently, and the bodies of countless giant dragons appeared in it.


"How is this going?"

"Who hurt you like this?"

"Mian, who are these three guys standing above you?"

"What are you doing? Are you taking them into Panlong Realm Mountain again?"

"If I read correctly, are you their mount now?"

"This is unreasonable! This is unreasonable! How can the majestic dragon clan let these low-level races stand on top of our heads?"

"Mian! Stop it quickly! The dragon clan has disgraced you!"

More than a dozen giant dragons poked their heads out of the void, and their roars resounded throughout Tuo Mountain.

They had no idea that Blue Dragon Crown was being controlled by Lu Yu's powerful spell at this time and was completely involuntarily, so they all criticized him.

Blue Dragon Crown was ashamed and angry.

At this time, it was carrying Lu Yu and the others towards the exclusive passage to the Panlong Realm Mountain. It indeed looked like a mount under the three of them.

But in fact, this was not its original intention. Its body was completely out of control. Under the suppression of Lu Yu's powerful spell, it couldn't even open its mouth to defend itself and could only silently endure these unfair consequences. Injustice, the pain in my heart has almost reached its limit.

However, as the distance gradually got closer, the giant dragons on Panlong Realm Mountain finally realized that something was wrong.

"Mian, have you received any coercion from them?"

"Are these three guys those despicable dragon hunters?"

"You are so brave! How dare you come here to hunt the great dragon clan!"

"Mian! What methods did they use on you? Do you need our help?"

"Resist quickly and throw them out!"

Blue Dragon Crown was filled with emotion. These fellows finally saw his difficulties... However, it was still unable to respond to the concerns of its dragons. It could only desperately control its eyes and squeeze out two drops of hot water from them. Tears came out and turned into blue crystals at the corners of its eyes.

Seeing these two blue tears appear, all these giant dragons immediately understood. It turned out that the blue dragons were being coerced far beyond their imagination. They could not even make a sound to convey information, and could only remain silent. shed tears...

For a moment, all these giant dragons boiled, their bodies soared and coiled crazily in the clouds and mist, and their roars shook the earth.

However, before they could take any concrete action, Lu Yu took the lead and attacked, saying in a true message:

"I advise you not to act rashly!"

The clear voice resounded throughout the earth, not only covering the roars of many giant dragons, but also traces of laws appeared in the void.

This hand immediately suppressed a group of giant dragons.

Just by relying on the power of sound, the hidden laws between heaven and earth can be shaken to reveal traces. This is enough to prove that the power possessed by this person has reached an unimaginable level.

Even the giant dragon clan rarely reaches this level.

"If you don't want Master Weimian to die here directly, you'd better get out of the way of the passage first. If you have any problems, we can wait until we get to Panlong Realm Mountain."

Lu Yu said lightly.

While he was talking, his fingertips were constantly entwined with brilliance. Looking at the trend of those brilliance, it seemed that they were controlling the blue dragon's trajectory...

At this time, all the giant dragons have finally determined that Blue Dragon Crown was indeed coerced by the other party... No! Not just coercion, but control without the ability to fight back!

The dragons really couldn't imagine what kind of Taoist method this was that could control the powerful dragon body to such an extent.

In fact, the Blue Dragon Crown is far more powerful than most of the giant dragons among them, otherwise it would not have become the Minister of Military Affairs of the Ten Thousand Dragon Kingdom. Originally, only members of the giant dragon clan could sit in this position. Just a few of them.

Such an unbelievable thing made all the dragons fall silent, and for a moment they didn't know how to deal with it.

Lu Yu drove the blue dragon crown directly to the entrance of the passage.

A large number of giant dragons have gathered here, but even when facing the densely packed dragons, Lu Yu did not show the slightest fear and said with a slight smile:

"Is the majestic Panlong Realm Mountain, the home base of the giant dragon clan, still afraid of the three of us entering?"

"Or do you not care about the safety of Lord Mian at all? According to it, he is the son of your Royal Highness Panwang. Is it bragging to me?"

Now the giant dragons guarding the entrance of the passage finally stopped being silent. One of the old dragons said quickly: "Mian is indeed the son of His Highness Panwang, and His Highness Panwang has high hopes for him, but..."

The old dragon did not continue talking. Obviously, all this has exceeded their scope of authority and is not something they can decide at all.

The two sides are in a stalemate.

Suddenly, an extremely majestic voice with a huge reverberation came down from Panlong Realm Mountain above: "Let them in!"

Thunderbolts then exploded at the bottom of Panlong Realm Mountain. Although the effect was not as shocking as Lu Yu's mantra transmission, what it displayed was a completely different kind of power.

Since it can make thunder appear at the bottom of Panlong Realm Mountain, it can also control the thunder to directly hit Lu Yu and others. The warning is self-evident.

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

The power of this burst of thunder was indeed extremely powerful, almost as strong as the lightning tribulation at the end of the earth. Even he could not ignore such a powerful offensive.

I don’t know which one of the four heavenly kings this dragon speaking is?

However, he soon got the answer from the more than ten giant dragons in front of him...

I saw more than ten giant dragons nodded at the same time and replied in unison: "I obey the decree of His Highness King Qing!"

After saying that, these giant dragons dispersed, making way for a direct passage to the interior of Panlong Sword Mountain.

"You three, please!"

The old dragon swept its tail and made a respectful gesture, but its eyes were fixed on Lu Yu.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, just glanced at him with the corner of his eyes, and then waved his hand gently, and the blue dragon's huge body suddenly slid into the long corridor with brilliant rays of light.

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