Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1375 The Four Heavenly Kings

"Do you think Her Majesty the Queen will be your savior?"

King Qing's golden body was shining with dazzling light, and he smiled coldly.

"Sorry, Her Majesty the Queen is in seclusion now, and the Nianlong Palace has been closed. She is preparing to break through a very important barrier. According to the cultivation system of your human race, it should be called the Tiangang Realm... So, it is impossible for you to see Her Majesty in a short time. If you have any questions, you can only choose to talk to us!"

Lu Yu was slightly stunned.

When he was on Chiyan Island, as the true dragon blood in Liu Hongxu's body awakened and swallowed the power of the Dragon God, Lu Yu knew that she was on a completely different path of cultivation.

Her strength realm can no longer be calculated by common sense. If she breaks through to the Tiangang Realm, her true strength will far exceed the realm itself.

I didn't expect that only a few years have passed, and Liu Hongxu has reached the point of almost breaking through the Tiangang Realm. It seems that in the past few years, with the rise of the Wanlong Kingdom, she should have obtained a lot of cultivation resources, so her strength will be improved so rapidly.

"So, this is why you dare to pretend to obey but secretly disobey?"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, "It turns out that there is no tiger in the mountain, and the monkey wants to be the king, but do you think that with your strength alone, you can be worthy of the home of Wanlong Country?"

King Jin Longqing said: "I know that you are not an ordinary person. Otherwise, you would not have achieved such achievements now. Even in Haixi, we are all familiar with your various deeds in the eight major sects..."

"Although many people in my clan are dismissive of the rumors about you, thinking that it is just an exaggeration and you are just a name, I firmly disagree with these views..."

"So, I will never make such a mistake of underestimating the enemy on you!"

After speaking, the golden dragon suddenly stretched its neck, raised its huge head, and roared to the sky.

"My fellows, now is the time to let this guest from afar see our true power! Whether the relics of the Dragon God can return to the embrace of our dragon clan depends on this one move today!"

Suddenly, the mountains shook, and bursts of high-pitched and loud howls rang out from all directions. Countless dragons tumbled in the air and gathered towards Lu Yu. For a moment, the scene was extremely shocking.

"Please welcome King Chuan!"

King Jinlong Qing called out again, and his voice even overwhelmed the roar of the dragons.

Suddenly, all the dragons in the sky lined up neatly, their heads uniformly facing a certain place between the mountains, and they hummed in unison in the unique way of the dragon clan.

Lu Yu didn't know what they were chanting, but it sounded like some kind of mysterious spell.

Then, a mountain with blazing flames rose from the mountains. A crimson dragon was wrapped around the mountain and merged with the flames. Its size was no less than that of King Qing, the Golden Dragon.

The crimson dragon slowly moved in the flames. It slowly opened its eyes, as if it had just woken up from a deep sleep.

Obviously, this crimson dragon was King Chuan, one of the four great dragons.

Before Lu Yu could see the crimson dragon clearly, King Qing, the Golden Dragon, called out again:

"Please welcome King Rui!"

Suddenly, the dragons shook their heads again, facing another direction, and chanted a new dragon spell.

This time, the direction pointed by the heads of the dragons was a deep blue lake.

As the spell was chanted, the water level of the lake gradually rose, and a giant dragon with a dark green metallic luster emerged from it. Its size was no less than that of the Golden Dragon King Qing and the Red Dragon King Chuan.

Obviously, this one should be the so-called Rui King. With his appearance, the originally lush mountains and forests around him suddenly became withered.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Unexpectedly, the so-called Rui King turned out to be a green dragon. Green dragons have always been good at using toxins to attack, and this green dragon Rui King actually cultivated the scales on his body into a metallic texture. The dark green metallic luster made Lu Yu feel a huge threat.

He instinctively felt that the opponent's power had the effect of swallowing poison and regenerating flesh. If the power of the red lotus in his body confronted it head-on, it would most likely be restrained.

Since Lu Yu practiced the Nine-Turn Nirvana Art, this was the first time he had such a feeling.

This does not mean that the characteristics of this green dragon are superior to those of the Nine-Turn Nirvana Sutra, but at the current stage, the fire of his red lotus power has not yet reached the level that can surpass the other party.

"Please welcome King Pan!"

King Jinlong Qing called again.

This time, not only the giant dragons around, but also King Honglong Chuan and King Greenlong Rui also joined the ranks of chanting the spell.

Obviously, King Pan does not have a deep background, and even among the four heavenly kings, he has a transcendent status.

Lu Yu and the other two immediately withdrew their gazes from the green dragon Ruilong, and they couldn't help but be curious about what kind of image this King Pan would have.

This time there was no flame or green water. A huge rainbow suddenly appeared between the mountains. The luster of the rainbow was extremely gorgeous, as if it had substance.

The figure of a giant dragon slowly emerged from the rainbow.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be surprised.

Unexpectedly, the so-called King Pan turned out to be a five-color dragon!

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