Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1381 Star Array

"You...actually lifted all the spells?"

The Five Colored Dragon Pan King said in surprise.

Lu Yu said lightly: "I have no deep grudge against the dragon clan. It is not my intention to fight with you. I have already said it just now. I just want you to recognize the reality. I think my goal has been achieved." "

"Aren't you afraid that we will unite against you again?"

The five-color dragon's huge eyeballs revealed a gloomy gaze, and he said in a low voice, "After the fight just now, I'm afraid your previous methods are not that effective..."

"Oh, how do you know I only have one method?"

Lu Yu smiled proudly.

He gently shook the Lingxi Pot in his hand: "There is still half a pot of true essence liquid here that has not been used up. Since I can restrain you once, I naturally have a way to restrain you a second time... Don't believe it. If so, you can try it?”

The five-color dragon looked at Lu Yu silently for a while, and finally looked away and lowered his head.

"There is no need to add any more. As Your Excellency said, the fight between us has no meaning... You three, please follow me!"

After saying that, it obediently lowered its huge body so that the three of them could climb onto its body.

Lu Yu didn't hesitate at all, and jumped onto the back of the five-color dragon.

Ye Weilan and Long Qingxuan also followed closely behind.

This scene was not much different from before when Lu Yu treated the blue dragon as his mount. However, the dragons did not make any dissatisfied sound.

Obviously, Lu Yu had completely defeated them with his own strength.

For the truly powerful, there seems to be no such thing as "the majesty of the dragon clan is inviolable", otherwise they would not surrender to Liu Hongxu's power.

The five-color dragon rose into the sky carrying three people.

In just the blink of an eye, the mountains below became smaller, and even the huge bodies of King Jin Longqing, King Red Dragon Chuan, and King Green Dragon Rui became only the size of a fingernail.

This obviously cannot be true. Even if the space here is large enough, the speed of the five-color dragon is not so fast. This can only show that the space here is very special, not a world in the ordinary sense.

After reaching a certain height, the five-color dragon suddenly circled in place and stopped rising.

Although Lu Yu felt very strange about its behavior, he suppressed his curiosity and didn't ask any more questions.

After a while, the surrounding light suddenly dimmed, and the mountains below disappeared without a trace, as if they had suddenly entered another world.

Countless stars twinkled above their heads. These stars were distributed in special directions and formed a huge ring, as if an eye was watching them.

For a moment, they seemed to have an illusion, as if they had transcended the nine heavens and arrived at the vast starry sky outside.

But as someone who has truly seen the starry sky, Lu Yu understands that these are all just illusions... This seems to be the effect of some kind of formation evolution, but even so, this scene still brought a huge impact to the three of them.

Lu Yu was better off. After all, he had seen similar scenes before, but Ye Weilan was so excited that the power of his blood exploded, and a layer of blue flames ignited on his body. Long Qingxuan also had scales appearing on his body, risking his life. There was a faint layer of colorful glow.

The five-color dragon turned back, glanced slightly sideways, and finally fixed his gaze on Long Qingxuan, admiring: "What a pure dragon bloodline! Who are you?"

"Yanjing City...Long Qingxuan..." Long Qingxuan gritted his teeth and replied.

"So you are the Long family from Yanjing City... What a pity..." The five-color dragon shook his head gently.

"What a pity...what?"

"It's a pity that we only have the power of the Dragon God left, and can only cultivate one Her Majesty the Queen... Otherwise, with the purity of your blood, if you can also be nourished by the power of the Dragon God, in time your Even if the strength is not as good as that of Her Majesty the Queen, it won’t be much different. In that case, why should we, the dragon clan, worry about great things?”

Long Qingxuan snorted coldly: "Do you think I am not as good as the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons? You are mistaken. Even without the power of the Dragon God, I think my future achievements will not be worse than the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons... …Because I have an advantage that the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons doesn’t have!”

As she said that, she glanced at Lu Yu in front of her.

The five-color dragon was slightly startled, and then took a deep look at Lu Yu. Seeing his calm and steady demeanor, he finally said nothing.

The three people and one dragon continued to move forward, and soon entered the star-studded area.

The huge body of the five-color dragon began to shuttle between the stars. At this time, observing these stars at a close distance, one could really see something unusual in them.

It turns out that these stars are not entities, but are composed of formations.

These formations are connected to each other, outlining the shapes of stars, which looks like an extremely huge schematic diagram of constellations.

Lu Yu didn't know the specific positions of these constellations, nor how these star arrays were formed, but at least one thing he was sure of was that this must be the core of the entire Panlong Realm Mountain.

If the entire Panlong Realm Mountain is made up of the holy relics left behind by the Dragon God, then it must be inseparable from the scene in front of us.

Therefore, Lu Yu examined the scene in front of him more carefully, as if he wanted to see more clues from it.

But Ye Weilan and Long Qingxuan on the side felt dazzled and dazzled, almost unable to look directly at these gorgeous lights.

While the five-color dragon was swimming among the stars, he did not forget to pay attention to the situation of the three people, and had a panoramic view of their performance.

Therefore, it couldn't help but be deeply shocked by Lu Yu's performance...

It has gone through tens of thousands of years of training before it can move freely through this star array. However, it is only the first time for Lu Yu to enter this star array, but he can still maintain his thoughts in such a gorgeous starlight. Qingming is not lost in it...

Thinking back to what Long Qingxuan said just now... now it really doubts that this Lu Yu is really the reincarnation of a god?


Lu Yu's sudden voice suddenly interrupted Wu Color Dragon's thoughts.

His eyes were like lightning, his brows were slightly furrowed, he looked at one of the star arrays, and said in a slightly doubtful tone: "What is that?"

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